生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 294-307.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0586
冯路遥1,2(), 赵江源3, 施竹凤2, 莫艳芳2,4, 杨童雨2,4, 申云鑫2,4, 何飞飞1, 李铭刚3, 杨佩文2(
杨佩文,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:植物病害生物防治;E-mail: peiwenyang@yaas.org.cn作者简介:
冯路遥,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:微生物资源的开发与利用;E-mail: huan2004212@163.com
FENG Lu-yao1,2(), ZHAO Jiang-yuan3, SHI Zhu-feng2, MO Yan-fang2,4, YANG Tong-yu2,4, SHEN Yun-xin2,4, HE Fei-fei1, LI Ming-gang3, YANG Pei-wen2(
【目的】从无量山国家级自然保护区森林根际土壤发掘具有多种生物活性的功能菌株,探究其开发应用潜力。【方法】采集无量山地区25个区域植物的根际土壤,采用选择培养基,分离鉴定磷酸盐溶解、固氮、溶锌和拮抗等活性菌株,进一步测定菌株分泌铁载体、ACC脱氨酶和吲哚乙酸等生物活性,并验证促番茄种子发芽和生长效果。【结果】分离鉴定得到解磷菌70株,固氮菌27株,解钾菌8株,拮抗镰刀菌的菌株51株。其中,YIM B08401和YIM B08402形态学结合生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列测序,鉴定为白色伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderia alba)和青岛假单胞菌(Pseudomonas qingdaonensis),两个菌株均具有磷酸盐溶解、固氮、溶锌和分泌铁载体的活性,最大可溶性磷含量为(455.63±59.65)mg/L和(878.95±64.78)mg/L;两株菌的促种子发芽试验结果接近,施加稀释10倍、102倍和103倍的发酵上清液后,发芽率都维持在82%-93%,明显高于对照组的56%和49%,施加菌株发酵液的处理组相较于空白对照组的长度都有显著增加。盆栽实验证明,两株菌株促生效果最明显的处理组在地上部长度、鲜重、干重、茎粗、根长、根鲜重、根干重方面的数据都显著优于对照组,YIM B08401的上述指标相对于对照组分别显著增加了89%、495%、268%、62%、53%、385%和469%,YIM B08402的上述指标相对于对照组分别显著增加了118%、528%、477%、55%、37%、413%和747%。此外,菌株YIM B08401还具有拮抗病原菌和分泌ACC脱氨酶活性,YIM B08402则还具有分泌吲哚乙酸的活性。【结论】无量山森林根际土壤蕴含具有多种生物活性的功能菌株,白色伯克霍尔德氏菌(B. alba, YIM B08401)和青岛假单胞菌(P. qingdaonensis, YIM B08402)具备开发为新型微生物肥料的应用潜力。
冯路遥, 赵江源, 施竹凤, 莫艳芳, 杨童雨, 申云鑫, 何飞飞, 李铭刚, 杨佩文. 森林根际土壤细菌的分离、鉴定及生物活性筛选[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(1): 294-307.
FENG Lu-yao, ZHAO Jiang-yuan, SHI Zhu-feng, MO Yan-fang, YANG Tong-yu, SHEN Yun-xin, HE Fei-fei, LI Ming-gang, YANG Pei-wen. Isolation and Identification of Bacteria in Forest Rhizosphere Soil and Their Biological Activity Screening[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(1): 294-307.
图1 无量山根际土壤可培养微生物门水平(A)和属水平(B)分布特征
Fig. 1 Distribution characteristics of cultivable microbial phylum level(A)and genus level(B)of Wuliangshan mountain rhizosphere soil
图2 无量山根际土壤中32属代表菌株基于16S rDNA基因构建的邻接法系统发育树
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree of 32 genera representative strains in the Wuliangshan rhizosphere soil, constructed by neighbor-joining tree based on 16S rDNA gene
菌株 Strain | 种属名 Top-hit taxon | 溶磷 Phosphorus solution | 固氮 Nitrogen fixation | 解钾 Potassium solution | 拮抗镰刀菌 Antagonistic fusarium |
YIM B08401 | B. alba | + | + | - | + |
YIM B08402 | P. qingdaonensis | + | + | - | - |
82-a15 | P. costantinii | + | + | - | - |
61-b2 | P. juntendi | + | + | - | - |
66-3 | P. jessenii | + | + | - | - |
60-a4 | B. altitudinis | + | - | - | - |
62-a15 | P. peoriae | + | - | - | - |
66-a4 | P. costantinii | + | + | - | - |
82-a5 | P. granadensis | + | + | - | - |
66-a3 | P. costantini | + | + | - | - |
60-a14 | B. cereus | + | - | - | - |
60-a6 | B. cereus | + | + | - | - |
84-a4 | P. monteilii | + | + | - | - |
60-a1 | P. aryabhattai | + | + | + | - |
66-a9 | B. amyloliquefaciens | + | - | - | + |
74-4 | P. borealis | + | - | - | + |
82-a14 | B. siamensis | + | - | - | + |
82-a16 | B. siamensis | + | - | - | + |
83-a6 | P. umsongensis | - | + | - | - |
84-a16 | B. subtilis | - | - | - | + |
表1 部分活性菌株促生特性
Table 1 Growth-promoting and disease-resistant properties of some active strains
菌株 Strain | 种属名 Top-hit taxon | 溶磷 Phosphorus solution | 固氮 Nitrogen fixation | 解钾 Potassium solution | 拮抗镰刀菌 Antagonistic fusarium |
YIM B08401 | B. alba | + | + | - | + |
YIM B08402 | P. qingdaonensis | + | + | - | - |
82-a15 | P. costantinii | + | + | - | - |
61-b2 | P. juntendi | + | + | - | - |
66-3 | P. jessenii | + | + | - | - |
60-a4 | B. altitudinis | + | - | - | - |
62-a15 | P. peoriae | + | - | - | - |
66-a4 | P. costantinii | + | + | - | - |
82-a5 | P. granadensis | + | + | - | - |
66-a3 | P. costantini | + | + | - | - |
60-a14 | B. cereus | + | - | - | - |
60-a6 | B. cereus | + | + | - | - |
84-a4 | P. monteilii | + | + | - | - |
60-a1 | P. aryabhattai | + | + | + | - |
66-a9 | B. amyloliquefaciens | + | - | - | + |
74-4 | P. borealis | + | - | - | + |
82-a14 | B. siamensis | + | - | - | + |
82-a16 | B. siamensis | + | - | - | + |
83-a6 | P. umsongensis | - | + | - | - |
84-a16 | B. subtilis | - | - | - | + |
图3 菌株YIM B08401(A)和菌株YIM B08402(B)基于16S rDNA基因构建的邻接法系统发育树
Fig. 3 Neighbor-joining trees of the strain YIM B08401(A)and YIM B08402(B)based on 16S rDNA gene
图4 菌株YIM B08401的溶磷(A)、解磷(B)、固氮(C)、溶锌(D)和YIM B08402的溶磷(E)、解磷(F)、固氮(G)、溶锌(H)效果图
Fig. 4 Effect diagram of dissolved phosphorus(A), phosphorus solution(B), nitrogen fixation(C), zinc dissolution(D)of YIM B08401 and phosphorus dissolution(E), phosphorus solution(F), nitrogen fixation(G), and zinc dissolution(H)of YIM B08402
D/d | 溶磷指数Phosphorus dissolution | 解磷指数Phosphorus solution | 固氮指数Nitrogen fixation | 溶锌指数Zinc dissolution |
YIM B08401 | 1.207±0.01b | 2.731±0.442a | 4.519±0.403a | 2.41±0.216a |
YIM B08402 | 2.316±0.159a | 2.730±0.423a | 2.595±0.884b | 2.71±0.375a |
表2 菌株的营养转化指数
Table 2 Nutrient transformation indexes of the strain
D/d | 溶磷指数Phosphorus dissolution | 解磷指数Phosphorus solution | 固氮指数Nitrogen fixation | 溶锌指数Zinc dissolution |
YIM B08401 | 1.207±0.01b | 2.731±0.442a | 4.519±0.403a | 2.41±0.216a |
YIM B08402 | 2.316±0.159a | 2.730±0.423a | 2.595±0.884b | 2.71±0.375a |
图5 菌株YIM B08401(A)和YIM B08402(B)发酵液可溶性磷含量及pH变化
Fig. 5 Soluble phosphorus content and pH in the fermentation broth of the strain YIM B08401(A)and YIM B08402(B)
图7 菌株YIM B08402的分泌生长素活性测定 左侧为空白对照,右侧为菌株YIM B08402的显色结果
Fig. 7 Determination of IAA activity of strain YIM B08402 On the left it is a blank control, and on the right it is the color rendering result of strain YIM B08402
图9 菌株YIM B08401对烟草疫霉(A)、茎点霉(B)、木贼镰刀菌(C)的拮抗效果
Fig. 9 Antagonistic effects of strain YIM B08401 against Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae(A), Phoma matteuciicola(B)and Fusarium equiseti(C)
图11 菌株YIM B08401(A、B)和YIM B08402(C、D)的各处理番茄种子发芽长度和发芽率
Fig. 11 Germination lengths and germination rates of tomato seeds of strain YIM B08401(A, B)and YIM B08402(C, D)
图13 菌株YIM B08401和YIM B08402各处理对番茄植株地上部鲜重(A)、地上部干重(B)、地上部长度(C)、根鲜重(D)、根干重(E)、根长(F)、茎粗(G)的影响
Fig. 13 Effects on the fresh weight of above ground part(A), dry weight of above ground part(B), length of above ground part(C), fresh weight of root(D), dry weight of root(E), root length(F), stem diameter(G)of tomato plants under each treatment of strain YIM B08401 and YIM B08402
处理 Treatment | CK1 | CK2 | YIM B08401 | YIM B08402 | ||||||
T1 | T2 | T3 | T1 | T2 | T3 | |||||
pH | 7.22±0.03 c | 7.1±0.01 e | 7.16±0.02 d | 7.42±0.02 b | 7.49±0.02 a | 7.38±0.04 b | 7.16±0.05 d | 7.43±0.03 b | ||
有机质Organic matter/(g·kg) | 169.22±0.09 b | 183.51±1.14 a | 93.54±0.92 f | 99.01±0.15 e | 100.9±0.33 d | 90.92±0.15 g | 121.02±0.07 c | 120.94±0.14 c | ||
全氮 Total nitrogen/g·kg) | 4.19±0.01 b | 4.28±0.01 a | 3.37±0.01 f | 3.34±0.01 g | 3.42±0.02 e | 3.37±0.01 f | 3.77±0 d | 3.89±0.01 c | ||
全磷Total phosphorus/(g·kg) | 2.19±0.02 e | 2.29±0.03 cd | 2.34±0.04 c | 2.41±0.02 b | 2.26±0.02 d | 2.54±0.05 a | 2.45±0.04 b | 2.27±0 d | ||
全钾Total potassium/(g·kg) | 6.22±0.08 f | 6.99±0.11 d | 7.01±0.08 d | 7.83±0.13 a | 7.28±0.08 c | 7.32±0.11 c | 7.58±0.23 b | 6.74±0.03 e | ||
水解性氮Hydrolyzed nitrogen/(mg·kg) | 276.53±2.21 b | 296.33±1.11 a | 245.24±3.32 d | 241.4±0 e | 258.65±0 c | 241.4±3.32 e | 175.62±1.11 f | 238.85±1.11 e | ||
有效磷Available phosphorus/(mg·kg) | 102.17±2.78 a | 97.1±0.61 b | 67.75±1.72 e | 81.86±1 c | 67.75±0.24 e | 71.89±1.87 d | 72.51±1.65 d | 71.37±1.15 d | ||
速效钾Fast-acting potassium/(mg·kg) | 293.41±0.86 g | 400.87±3.19 f | 517.33±9.44 e | 603.08±7.04 b | 619.83±6.68 a | 543.47±12.12 d | 588.95±9.14 c | 612.87±1.83 ab |
表3 番茄根际土壤理化指标
Table 3 Physicochemical indexes in the rhizosphere soil of tomato plants
处理 Treatment | CK1 | CK2 | YIM B08401 | YIM B08402 | ||||||
T1 | T2 | T3 | T1 | T2 | T3 | |||||
pH | 7.22±0.03 c | 7.1±0.01 e | 7.16±0.02 d | 7.42±0.02 b | 7.49±0.02 a | 7.38±0.04 b | 7.16±0.05 d | 7.43±0.03 b | ||
有机质Organic matter/(g·kg) | 169.22±0.09 b | 183.51±1.14 a | 93.54±0.92 f | 99.01±0.15 e | 100.9±0.33 d | 90.92±0.15 g | 121.02±0.07 c | 120.94±0.14 c | ||
全氮 Total nitrogen/g·kg) | 4.19±0.01 b | 4.28±0.01 a | 3.37±0.01 f | 3.34±0.01 g | 3.42±0.02 e | 3.37±0.01 f | 3.77±0 d | 3.89±0.01 c | ||
全磷Total phosphorus/(g·kg) | 2.19±0.02 e | 2.29±0.03 cd | 2.34±0.04 c | 2.41±0.02 b | 2.26±0.02 d | 2.54±0.05 a | 2.45±0.04 b | 2.27±0 d | ||
全钾Total potassium/(g·kg) | 6.22±0.08 f | 6.99±0.11 d | 7.01±0.08 d | 7.83±0.13 a | 7.28±0.08 c | 7.32±0.11 c | 7.58±0.23 b | 6.74±0.03 e | ||
水解性氮Hydrolyzed nitrogen/(mg·kg) | 276.53±2.21 b | 296.33±1.11 a | 245.24±3.32 d | 241.4±0 e | 258.65±0 c | 241.4±3.32 e | 175.62±1.11 f | 238.85±1.11 e | ||
有效磷Available phosphorus/(mg·kg) | 102.17±2.78 a | 97.1±0.61 b | 67.75±1.72 e | 81.86±1 c | 67.75±0.24 e | 71.89±1.87 d | 72.51±1.65 d | 71.37±1.15 d | ||
速效钾Fast-acting potassium/(mg·kg) | 293.41±0.86 g | 400.87±3.19 f | 517.33±9.44 e | 603.08±7.04 b | 619.83±6.68 a | 543.47±12.12 d | 588.95±9.14 c | 612.87±1.83 ab |
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