生物技术通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 281-288.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-0461
朴君1(), 张璐婕1,2, 朴敬爱1,2, 周益军2, 李硕2(
朴君,男,博士,副教授,研究方向:动物学;E-mail: 基金资助:
PIAO Jun1(), ZHANG Lu-Jie1,2, PIAO Jing-Ai1,2, ZHOU Yi-Jun2, LI Shuo2(
灰飞虱是一种重要农业害虫,作为病毒介体,可以传播多种植物病毒引起水稻、小麦和玉米等粮食作物病毒病害。目前对于灰飞虱体内昆虫病毒种类尚缺乏系统认识,难以开展利用昆虫病毒防治灰飞虱相关研究工作。为挖掘灰飞虱体内昆虫病毒资源,本文通过小RNA深度测序技术对灰飞虱所携带的病毒种类进行分析鉴定。结果显示,测序数据比对得到13种病毒,涉及8个病毒科和2种未分类病毒。除占据优势的水稻条纹病毒外,其余均为专性寄生的昆虫病毒,包括5种正链RNA病毒、2种单链DNA病毒和5种双链DNA病毒。在这些病毒中,发现了一种与果蝇A病毒较相似的新病毒,克隆出其依赖RNA的RNA聚合酶(RdRP)基因1-1 932位核酸序列,经Blast比对和系统进化分析,在氨基酸序列中发现RdRP掌型亚结构域保守区呈现复制酶置换四体病毒科(Permutotetraviridae)病毒所具有的“C-A-B”排列样式,确定该病毒是一种新的类复制酶置换四体病毒,暂命名为Laodelphax striatellus permutotetra-like virus(LsPLV)。这是首次在半翅目昆虫中发现类复制酶置换四体病毒。本研究表明灰飞虱体内昆虫病毒种类较为丰富,为今后利用昆虫病毒生物防治灰飞虱奠定了基础。
朴君, 张璐婕, 朴敬爱, 周益军, 李硕. 利用小RNA深度测序技术检测灰飞虱病毒种类[J]. 生物技术通报, 2022, 38(2): 281-288.
PIAO Jun, ZHANG Lu-Jie, PIAO Jing-Ai, ZHOU Yi-Jun, LI Shuo. Discovery of Viruses from Small Brown Planthopper by Small RNA Deep Sequencing[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(2): 281-288.
同源病毒名称 Name of virus | 病毒核酸类型 Nucleic acid | Contigs数 Nos. of contigs | Blast算法 Blast algorithm | E值 E-value | 参考序列 Reference | 属 Genus | 科 Family | |
Rice stripe virus | RNA1 | 分节段负链RNA segmented -sRNA | 92 | Blastn | 1.3E-16-2.0E-54 | NC_003755.1 | Tenuivirus | 白纤病毒科 Phenuiviridae |
RNA2 | 32 | Blastn | 1.2E-17-1.1E-56 | NC_003754.1 | ||||
RNA3 | 69 | Blastn | 9.7E-18-1.2E-34 | NC_003776.1 | ||||
RNA4 | 38 | Blastn | 3.4E-17-9.0E-58 | NC_003753.1 | ||||
Laodelphax striatellus honeydew virus 1 | 正链RNA +ssRNA | 20 | Blastn | 1.2E-12-8.6E-43 | KF934491.1 | unclassified | 传染性软腐病病毒科 Iflaviridae | |
Laodelphax striatellus iflavirus 1 | 7 | Blastn | 9.1E-13-6.0E-70 | MG815140.1 | ||||
Himetobi P virus | 14 | Blastn | 1.1E-06-7.3E-74 | NC_003782.1 | Triatovirus | 双顺反子病毒科 Dicistroviridae | ||
Nilaparvata lugens commensal X virus | 1 | BlastX | 1.7E-10 | AB183424.1 | 未分类的正链RNA病毒 Unclassified positive-strand ssRNA viruses | |||
Drosophila A virus | 4 | BlastX | 2.8E-06-1.5E-13 | YP_003038595.1 | ||||
Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus | 单链DNA ssDNA | 3 | BlastX | 4.5E-05-2.4E-12 | NP_051016.1 | Pefudensovirus | 浓核症病毒亚科 Densovirinae | |
Dendrolimus punctatus densovirus | 1 | BlastX | 7.0E-08 | YP_164339.1 | Iteradensovirus | |||
Amsacta moorei entomopo-xvirus | 双链DNA dsDNA | 4 | BlastX | 1.9E-05-1.2E-12 | NP_064883.1 | Betaentomopoxvirus | 昆虫痘病毒亚科 Entomopoxvirinae | |
Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 | 3 | Blastn | 2.3E-09-2.3E-21 | NC_003038.1 | Iridovirus | 虹彩病毒科 Iridoviridae | ||
Cotesia congregata bracovirus | 3 | BlastX | 8.9E-09-2.8E-15 | NC_006645.1 | Bracovirus | 多分体DNA病毒科 Polydnaviridae | ||
Choristoneura occidentalis granulovirus | 4 | Blastn | 2.4E-10-4.3E-16 | NC_008168.1 | Betabaculovirus | 杆状病毒科 Baculoviridae | ||
Neodiprion abietis nucleopolyhedrovirus | 1 | BlastX | 6.0E-05 | YP_667900.1 | Gammabaculovirus |
表1 灰飞虱中经测序比对鉴定的病毒
Table 1 Identified viruses in Laodelphax striatellus via alignment
同源病毒名称 Name of virus | 病毒核酸类型 Nucleic acid | Contigs数 Nos. of contigs | Blast算法 Blast algorithm | E值 E-value | 参考序列 Reference | 属 Genus | 科 Family | |
Rice stripe virus | RNA1 | 分节段负链RNA segmented -sRNA | 92 | Blastn | 1.3E-16-2.0E-54 | NC_003755.1 | Tenuivirus | 白纤病毒科 Phenuiviridae |
RNA2 | 32 | Blastn | 1.2E-17-1.1E-56 | NC_003754.1 | ||||
RNA3 | 69 | Blastn | 9.7E-18-1.2E-34 | NC_003776.1 | ||||
RNA4 | 38 | Blastn | 3.4E-17-9.0E-58 | NC_003753.1 | ||||
Laodelphax striatellus honeydew virus 1 | 正链RNA +ssRNA | 20 | Blastn | 1.2E-12-8.6E-43 | KF934491.1 | unclassified | 传染性软腐病病毒科 Iflaviridae | |
Laodelphax striatellus iflavirus 1 | 7 | Blastn | 9.1E-13-6.0E-70 | MG815140.1 | ||||
Himetobi P virus | 14 | Blastn | 1.1E-06-7.3E-74 | NC_003782.1 | Triatovirus | 双顺反子病毒科 Dicistroviridae | ||
Nilaparvata lugens commensal X virus | 1 | BlastX | 1.7E-10 | AB183424.1 | 未分类的正链RNA病毒 Unclassified positive-strand ssRNA viruses | |||
Drosophila A virus | 4 | BlastX | 2.8E-06-1.5E-13 | YP_003038595.1 | ||||
Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus | 单链DNA ssDNA | 3 | BlastX | 4.5E-05-2.4E-12 | NP_051016.1 | Pefudensovirus | 浓核症病毒亚科 Densovirinae | |
Dendrolimus punctatus densovirus | 1 | BlastX | 7.0E-08 | YP_164339.1 | Iteradensovirus | |||
Amsacta moorei entomopo-xvirus | 双链DNA dsDNA | 4 | BlastX | 1.9E-05-1.2E-12 | NP_064883.1 | Betaentomopoxvirus | 昆虫痘病毒亚科 Entomopoxvirinae | |
Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 | 3 | Blastn | 2.3E-09-2.3E-21 | NC_003038.1 | Iridovirus | 虹彩病毒科 Iridoviridae | ||
Cotesia congregata bracovirus | 3 | BlastX | 8.9E-09-2.8E-15 | NC_006645.1 | Bracovirus | 多分体DNA病毒科 Polydnaviridae | ||
Choristoneura occidentalis granulovirus | 4 | Blastn | 2.4E-10-4.3E-16 | NC_008168.1 | Betabaculovirus | 杆状病毒科 Baculoviridae | ||
Neodiprion abietis nucleopolyhedrovirus | 1 | BlastX | 6.0E-05 | YP_667900.1 | Gammabaculovirus |
图1 LsPLV RdRP基因片段的扩增 M:DNA标准分子量5000;1:RdRP基因片段1扩增产物;2:RdRP基因片段2扩增产物
Fig.1 PCR amplification of RdRP gene segment M:DNA Marker 5000. 1:PCR products of RdRP gene segment 1. 2:PCR products of RdRP gene segment 2
图2 类复制酶置换四体病毒RdRP氨基酸序列比对显示“C-A-B”motif的排列 A、B和C motif用单划线标出,GDD box用双划线标出。比对所涉及病毒序列信息:LsPLV为本研究所获序列,A_nodav:A Nodaviridae virus(GenBank登录号:QIJ25871.1),CDLV:Culex Daeseongdong-like virus(AXQ04818.1),DAV:Drosophila A virus(AKH67411.1),HPLV11:Hubei permutotetra-like virus 11(YP_009337276.1),SmPLV:Smithfield permutotetra-like virus(QIJ25871.1),VvPLV2:Vespa velutina associated permutotetra-like virus 2(QGL51736.1)
Fig.2 Amino acid alignment of permutotetra-like virus RdRP showing C-A-B motif arrangement A,B and C motif are marked with a single line,and GDD box is double underlined. Viral sequence information used in alignment is as follows:LsPLV is obtained in this study,A_nodav:A Nodaviridae virus(GenBank No. QIJ25871.1),CDLV:Culex Daeseongdong-like virus(AXQ04818.1),DAV:Drosophila A virus(AKH67411.1),HPLV11:Hubei permutotetra-like virus 11(YP_009337276.1),SmPLV:Smithfield permutotetra-like virus(QIJ25871.1),VvPLV2:Vespa velutina associated permutotetra-like virus 2(QGL51736.1)
图3 根据不同类复制酶置换四体病毒RdRP序列构建的系统进化树 A:核苷酸序列系统进化树;B:氨基酸序列系统进化树。系统树所用病毒序列信息中LsPLV为本研究所获序列
Fig.3 Phylogenetic tree based on RdRP sequence consistency of different permutotetra-like viruses A:Phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequence,B:Phylogenetic tree based on amino acid sequence. Viral sequence information used in phylogenetic tree is as follows:LsPLV is obtained in this study,CDLV(GenBank No. MH188027.1),DdV2(NC_028489.1),SmPLV(MN784079.1), A Nodaviridae virus(MT138111.1), APLV1(MT896207.1),DAV(KP969947.1), VvPLV2(MN565052.1), HPLV6(NC_033114.1), HPLV11(NC_033097.1), VpPLV(MN832441.1), SWSV19(NC_033196.1), EeV(NC_003412.1), TaV(NC_043232.1), ShPLV1(KX883439.1), WHCV9(NC_033470.1)
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