Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (11): 277-284.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2024-0388
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YANG Bing-jie(), YUAN Xiao-xia, GAO Meng-zhe, SHEN Ao-long, LI Hua, JI Zhao-jun(
JI Zhao-jun;
YANG Bing-jie, YUAN Xiao-xia, GAO Meng-zhe, SHEN Ao-long, LI Hua, JI Zhao-jun. Exopolysaccharide Yield and Environmental Adaptation of Rhizobia Regulated by Gene envZ, iscS and asnC[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(11): 277-284.
菌株 Strain | 特征 Description | 来源 Source |
R. yanglingense CCBAU 01603 | 野生型菌株 Wild-type strain NAr | 实验室保藏 Preserved in Lab |
Alk_40 | CCBAU 01603的进化菌株 Evolved clone of CCBAU 01603 | 实验室保藏 Preserved in Lab |
ΔenvZ | envZ基因敲除突变株 Gene envZ deletion mutant NAr | 已构建 Established in Lab |
ΔiscS | iscS基因敲除突变株 Gene iscS deletion mutant NAr | 已构建 Established in Lab |
ΔasnC | asnC基因敲除突变株 Gene asnC deletion mutant NAr | 已构建 Established in Lab |
Table 1 Strains in this study
菌株 Strain | 特征 Description | 来源 Source |
R. yanglingense CCBAU 01603 | 野生型菌株 Wild-type strain NAr | 实验室保藏 Preserved in Lab |
Alk_40 | CCBAU 01603的进化菌株 Evolved clone of CCBAU 01603 | 实验室保藏 Preserved in Lab |
ΔenvZ | envZ基因敲除突变株 Gene envZ deletion mutant NAr | 已构建 Established in Lab |
ΔiscS | iscS基因敲除突变株 Gene iscS deletion mutant NAr | 已构建 Established in Lab |
ΔasnC | asnC基因敲除突变株 Gene asnC deletion mutant NAr | 已构建 Established in Lab |
Fig. 1 Comparative analysis of key gene sequences and translated amino acid sequences of R. yanglingense CCBAU01603 and evolved Alk_40 A is from the comparison of the envZ gene sequence and amino acid composition; B is from the comparison of the iscS gene sequence and amino acid composition; C is from the comparison of the asnC gene sequence and amino acid composition
Fig. 4 Growth of rhizobia in the media with different concentrations of NaCl A: Liquid medium containing 0.1% NaCl. B: Liquid medium containing 0.2% NaCl. C: Liquid medium containing 0.3% NaCl. D: Liquid medium containing 0.4% NaCl
环境条件Environmental conditions | 皮尔逊相关系数Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 显著性(双尾) Sig(2-tailed)(P) | |
盐浓度NaCl concentrations | 0.1% | 0.734ns | 0.158 |
0.2% | 0.613ns | 0.271 | |
0.3% | 0.508ns | 0.382 | |
0.4% | -0.211ns | 0.733 | |
pH 值 pH Value | 4.02 | 0.981** | 0.003 |
5.01 | -0.087ns | 0.89 | |
8.99 | 0.389ns | 0.517 | |
9.98 | 0.138ns | 0.825 | |
热处理温度Heat treatment temperature | 28℃ | 0.976** | 0.004 |
37℃ | 0.840ns | 0.075 | |
65℃ | 0.979** | 0.004 |
Table 2 Correlation between exopolysaccharide yield and OD600 values
环境条件Environmental conditions | 皮尔逊相关系数Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 显著性(双尾) Sig(2-tailed)(P) | |
盐浓度NaCl concentrations | 0.1% | 0.734ns | 0.158 |
0.2% | 0.613ns | 0.271 | |
0.3% | 0.508ns | 0.382 | |
0.4% | -0.211ns | 0.733 | |
pH 值 pH Value | 4.02 | 0.981** | 0.003 |
5.01 | -0.087ns | 0.89 | |
8.99 | 0.389ns | 0.517 | |
9.98 | 0.138ns | 0.825 | |
热处理温度Heat treatment temperature | 28℃ | 0.976** | 0.004 |
37℃ | 0.840ns | 0.075 | |
65℃ | 0.979** | 0.004 |
Fig. 5 Growth of rhizobia in the medium with different pH A: Liquid medium with pH=4.02; B: liquid medium with pH=5.01; C: liquid medium with pH=6.99; D: liquid medium with pH=8.99; E: liquid medium with pH=9.98
Fig. 6 Growth of rhizobia after treatment at different temperature A: Negative control group treated at 28℃ for 10 min; B: treated at 37℃ for 10 min; C: treated at 65℃ for 10 min
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