Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 1-8.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-0072
FANG Dan-dan1(), ZHANG Ting2, WEN Xiao-peng1(
WEN Xiao-peng;
FANG Dan-dan, ZHANG Ting, WEN Xiao-peng. Overexpression of Pinus massoniana PmPT3 Gene in Arabidopsis thaliana Increasing Low Phosphorus Tolerance[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(10): 1-8.
引物Primer | 序列Sequence(5'-3') | 退火温度Annealing temperature/℃ |
Table 1 Primers and sequences used in the study
引物Primer | 序列Sequence(5'-3') | 退火温度Annealing temperature/℃ |
Fig.1 Construction of plant expression vector of P. masso-niana PmPT3 Gene M: DL2000 DNA marker; A: PmPT3 fragment with adding restriction sites; B: BLUNT-PmPT3 enzyme digestion product; C: pBWA(V)HS denzyme digestion product; D: recombinant plasmid pBWA(V) HS-PmPT3 enzyme digestion product; E: 1-11 colony PCR product
Fig.2 Process of genetic transformation of P. massoniana PmPT3 into Arabidopsis LP: Low phosphorus (0.125 mmol/L) ; TG; transgenic plants; A, B: T1 generation transgenic Arabidopsis selection; C, D: T2 generation transgenic Arabidopsis selection; E, F: screening of T3 generation pure commonzanara; G, H: phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana after 20 days of phosphorus treatment
Fig.3 Analysis of positive gene expression in T1 generation transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (A) and PCR detection of homozygous strains (B) Different lowercase letters in the figure indicate significant differences at the P<0.05 level
Fig.4 Effect of low phosphorus stress on the POD(A), SOD(B), CAT(C) activity and MDA(D) content of transgenic Arabidopsis LP: Low phosphorus (0.125 mmol/L); TG: transgenic plants; different lowercase letters in the figure indicate significant differences at the P<0.05 level. The same below
Fig.6 Effect of low phosphorus stress on the above-ground dry weight (A), root dry weight (B), total dry weight (C) and root to shoot ratio (D) of transgenic Arabidopsis
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