Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (11): 175-184.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-0353
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WANG Gang1(), LUO Jian-xun2, PU Shang-rao3, LI Ya-ping1, WANG Gang1(
), SUN Zhi-peng2(
WANG Gang,SUN Zhi-peng;;
WANG Gang, LUO Jian-xun, PU Shang-rao, LI Ya-ping, WANG Gang, SUN Zhi-peng. Effects of Shading on the Active Component 10-DAB and Mineral Nutrient Accumulation of Taxus madia × T. Yunnanensis ‘Yunman’[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(11): 175-184.
Fig. 1 10-DAB content and branch and leaf biomasses of YM(Taxus madia × T. Yunnanensis ‘Yunman’)seedlings in different shading treatments Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among shading treatments(P<0.05). The same below
Fig. 5 Correlation analysis of N,P and K contents and th-eir stoichiometric ratios in the roots(a),stems(b)and leaves(c)of young YM seedlings * indicate P<0.05, ** indicate P<0.01
遮荫处理Shading treatment | 叶绿素a Chl a/(mg·g-1) | 叶绿素b Chl b/(mg·g-1) | 总叶绿素Total Chl/(mg·g-1) | 类胡萝卜素Carotenoids/(mg·g-1) |
CK | 0.818±0.047b | 0.627±0.034b | 1.433±0.065b | 0.563±0.029b |
30% | 0.957±0.059b | 0.823±0.120a | 1.787±0.237a | 0.712±0.084a |
50% | 1.372±0.120a | 0.835±0.129a | 2.206±0.349a | 0.841±0.149a |
75% | 1.532±0.112a | 0.853±0.061a | 2.315±0.231a | 0.865±0.053a |
95% | 0.728±0.041b | 0.535±0.037b | 1.262±0.071b | 0.496±0.053b |
Table 1 Effects of shading treatments on the chlorophyll and carotenoid content in the leaves of YM seedlings
遮荫处理Shading treatment | 叶绿素a Chl a/(mg·g-1) | 叶绿素b Chl b/(mg·g-1) | 总叶绿素Total Chl/(mg·g-1) | 类胡萝卜素Carotenoids/(mg·g-1) |
CK | 0.818±0.047b | 0.627±0.034b | 1.433±0.065b | 0.563±0.029b |
30% | 0.957±0.059b | 0.823±0.120a | 1.787±0.237a | 0.712±0.084a |
50% | 1.372±0.120a | 0.835±0.129a | 2.206±0.349a | 0.841±0.149a |
75% | 1.532±0.112a | 0.853±0.061a | 2.315±0.231a | 0.865±0.053a |
95% | 0.728±0.041b | 0.535±0.037b | 1.262±0.071b | 0.496±0.053b |
遮荫处理 Shading treatment | 净光合速率 Pn/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 气孔导度 Gs/ (mol·m-2·s-1) | 蒸腾速率Tr/ (mmol·m-2·s-1) | 胞间CO2浓度Ci/ (μmol·mol-1) |
CK | 2.041±0.277b | 0.071±0.077b | 117.641±8.039b | 6.496±0.202b |
30% | 2.971±0.093b | 0.100±0.011ab | 125.86±10.850b | 2.558±0.073c |
50% | 4.509±0.245a | 0.090±0.009ab | 340.43±18.821a | 0.853±0.078d |
75% | 5.298±0.806a | 0.158±0.006a | 439.322±8.357a | 0.575±0.053d |
95% | 1.351±0.111b | 0.057±0.017b | 58.547±2.089c | 8.686±0.113a |
Table 2 Effects of shading treatments on the relevant photosynthetic parameters of YM seedlings
遮荫处理 Shading treatment | 净光合速率 Pn/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 气孔导度 Gs/ (mol·m-2·s-1) | 蒸腾速率Tr/ (mmol·m-2·s-1) | 胞间CO2浓度Ci/ (μmol·mol-1) |
CK | 2.041±0.277b | 0.071±0.077b | 117.641±8.039b | 6.496±0.202b |
30% | 2.971±0.093b | 0.100±0.011ab | 125.86±10.850b | 2.558±0.073c |
50% | 4.509±0.245a | 0.090±0.009ab | 340.43±18.821a | 0.853±0.078d |
75% | 5.298±0.806a | 0.158±0.006a | 439.322±8.357a | 0.575±0.053d |
95% | 1.351±0.111b | 0.057±0.017b | 58.547±2.089c | 8.686±0.113a |
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