生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 183-191.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0043
王贵芳1(), 姚元涛2, 许海峰1, 相昆1, 梁家慧3, 张淑辉3, 王文茹3, 张明娟1,4, 张美勇1(
), 陈新1(
陈新,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:果树种质资源与育种;E-mail: sdaucx@163.com;作者简介:
王贵芳,女,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:核桃栽培及育种;E-mail: gfwang05@163.com姚元涛为本文共同第一作者
WANG Gui-fang1(), YAO Yuan-tao2, XU Hai-feng1, XIANG Kun1, LIANG Jia-hui3, ZHANG Shu-hui3, WANG Wen-ru3, ZHANG Ming-juan1,4, ZHANG Mei-yong1(
), CHEN Xin1(
为探讨核桃SnRK1蛋白激酶对种子油脂合成与积累的调控机理,本研究以‘香玲’核桃种仁cDNA为模板,克隆分离得到SnRK1蛋白激酶α亚基的一个编码基因JrSnRK1α1.1,其CDS序列全长为1 539 bp,编码512个氨基酸。构建植物超表达重组载体PBI121- JrSnRK1α1.1,转化并获得了超表达核桃JrSnRK1α1.1基因的拟南芥株系J-1、J-2和J-3。与野生型拟南芥相比,转基因植株表型无明显差异。采用数码显微镜对转基因拟南芥株系种子进行观察,结果显示,相对于野生型,转基因拟南芥株系的种子瘪小、表皮皱缩;株系J-1、J-2和J-3瘪小种子占比分别为43.69%、60.80%和45.87%,显著高于野生型WT(8.43%);种子的千粒重比野生型降低了27.95%-29.32%,差异显著;种子平均粒长和粒宽也显著变小;因此JrSnRK1α1.1可能参与了种子的发育进程。进一步对种子的粗脂肪含量进行测定,结果表明,与野生型相比,转基因拟南芥株系J-1、J-2和J-3的种子粗脂肪含量显著下降,分别比野生型下降9.66%、23.86%和17.61%。荧光双分子试验结果表明,核桃JrSnRK1α1.1与油脂合成关键转录因子JrWRI1互作。综上所述,超表达核桃JrSnRK1α1.1对拟南芥植株生长发育影响不明显,显著影响了拟南芥种子的发育,负调控种子油脂的合成与积累过程。
王贵芳, 姚元涛, 许海峰, 相昆, 梁家慧, 张淑辉, 王文茹, 张明娟, 张美勇, 陈新. 核桃JrSnRK1α1.1调控种子油脂合成与积累[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(9): 183-191.
WANG Gui-fang, YAO Yuan-tao, XU Hai-feng, XIANG Kun, LIANG Jia-hui, ZHANG Shu-hui, WANG Wen-ru, ZHANG Ming-juan, ZHANG Mei-yong, CHEN Xin. The Gene JrSnRK1α1.1 of Walnut Regulates Seed Oil Synthesis and Accumulation[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(9): 183-191.
引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列 Primer sequence(5'-3') | 用途 Uses |
Jr SnRK1α1.1-F Jr SnRK1α1.1-R SNF1-2-BiFC-S SNF1-2-BiFC-A Jr SnRK1α1.1-A Jr SnRK1α1.1-B 18S-F 18S-R | GGGGTACCATGGATGGCTCAACTG CGGAATTCTTAAAGGACTCGGAGC GCGTCGACATGGATGGCTCAACTG GGGGTACCAAGGACTCGGAGCTGG CTTTGGGGATGAACCGACCA GCCAGGAAAGCAGCACAAAG ACAGGACCTCTCACGATCCA | JrSnRK1α1.1基因全长扩增 Full length amplification of the gene JrSnRK1α1.1 荧光双分子互作试验 Fluorescent bimolecular interaction test JrSnRK1α1.1基因表达荧光定量分析 Fluorescence quantitative analysis of JrSnRK1α1.1 expression |
表1 目的基因JrSnRK1α1.1的引物序列
Table 1 Primer sequence of target gene JrSnRK1α1.1
引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列 Primer sequence(5'-3') | 用途 Uses |
Jr SnRK1α1.1-F Jr SnRK1α1.1-R SNF1-2-BiFC-S SNF1-2-BiFC-A Jr SnRK1α1.1-A Jr SnRK1α1.1-B 18S-F 18S-R | GGGGTACCATGGATGGCTCAACTG CGGAATTCTTAAAGGACTCGGAGC GCGTCGACATGGATGGCTCAACTG GGGGTACCAAGGACTCGGAGCTGG CTTTGGGGATGAACCGACCA GCCAGGAAAGCAGCACAAAG ACAGGACCTCTCACGATCCA | JrSnRK1α1.1基因全长扩增 Full length amplification of the gene JrSnRK1α1.1 荧光双分子互作试验 Fluorescent bimolecular interaction test JrSnRK1α1.1基因表达荧光定量分析 Fluorescence quantitative analysis of JrSnRK1α1.1 expression |
图2 ‘香玲’核桃种仁不同生长阶段JrSnRK1α1.1基因表达水平 不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同
Fig. 2 Expressions of the JrSnRK1α1.1 gene in different growth stages of ‘Xiangling’ walnut kernel Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference(P<0.05). The same below
图4 转基因拟南芥株系中JrSnRK1α1.1基因PCR扩增凝胶图谱(A)及基因相对表达水平(B) M:DL2000 Marker;WT:野生型;水:空白对照;J-1-J-3:超表达转基因株系。下同
Fig. 4 Gel map of the JrSnRK1α1.1 gene amplified by PCR(A)and gene relative expressions of JrSnRK1α1.1(B)in transgenic A.thaliana lines M: DL2000 Marker; WT: wild type; Water: blank control; J-1-J-3: JrSnRK1α1.1 overexpressed transgenic A. thaliana lines. The same below
图6 野生型拟南芥(WT)和转基因拟南芥基因株系(J-1、J-2和J-3)瘪小种子百分比、种子大小和种子粗脂肪酸含量 A:瘪小种子百分比;B:种子千粒重;C:种子粒长;D:种子粒宽;E:种子长宽比;F:种子脂肪酸含量
Fig. 6 Percents of shrunken seeds, size of a seed and the contents of crude fatty acid in the seeds of WT and transgenic A. thaliana transgenic lines(J-1, J-2 and J-3) A: Percent of shrunken seeds. B: 1000- seed weight. C: Seed length. D: Seed width. E: Ratio of seed length to width. F: Content of crude fat in dry seeds
图7 核桃JrSnRK1α1.1与油脂合成关键转录因子JrWRI1双分子荧光互补
Fig. 7 Bimolecular fluorescence complementation of walnut JrSnRK1α1.1 with JrWRI1, a key transcription factor for lipid synthesis(Scale bar=10 μm)
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