Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 180-190.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-1419
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CAO Ru-fei1(), LI Ze-xuan2, XU Huan2, ZHANG Sha2, ZHANG Min-min2, DAI Feng2, DUAN Xiao-lei2,3(
DUAN Xiao-lei;
CAO Ru-fei, LI Ze-xuan, XU Huan, ZHANG Sha, ZHANG Min-min, DAI Feng, DUAN Xiao-lei. Expression,Purification,and Crystallization of Pif1 Helicase from Bacteroides fragilis[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(9): 180-190.
Fig. 1 Construction of expression vector pET15b-SUMO-B.f Pif1 A:The schematic map of pET15b-SUMO-B.f Pif1. B:Identification of the recombinant vector by PCR and restriction enzyme digestion. Lane 1,the product of colony PCR;lane 2,the digestion of control plasmid;lane 3,the double digestion of pET15b-SUMO-B.f Pif1 by Nde I and EcoR I;M:DNA DS5 000. Target bands indicated by red arrows
Fig. 2 Expression of B.f Pif1 protein induced with different IPTG concentrations and different induction temperatures A:SDS-PAGE of B.f Pif1 expression induced with different IPTG concentrations. 1-4 lanes were protein supernatants after induction with 0.1,0.3,0.5,and 0.8 mmol/L IPTG(lane 4 corresponds to the induced protein obscured by loading buffer change). B:SDS-PAGE of B.f pif1 expression induced with different induction temperatures, 1-3 lanes correspond to protein supernatants were inducted at 37℃ for 4 h,28℃ for 8 h,and 18℃ for 16 h,respectively(red arrows indicate target proteins of interest)
Fig. 3 Induced expression,Ni-NTA purification and SUMO digestion of B.f Pif1 protein A:SDS-PAGE analysis of the pellets,supernatants,and out flows of B.f Pif1 induced expression after bacterial ultrasonic crushing;B:SDS-PAGE of the first Ni-NTA purification with different concentrations of imidazole eluate buffer(1-2 lanes were wash tubes and 3-6 lanes were elute tubes,in which 4 and 5 lanes correspond to 300 mmol / L imidazole elution tubes;C:SDS-PAGE before and after SUMO digestion of the protein tags in B.f Pif1;D:SDS-PAGE of the second Ni-NTA purification with the supernatant and precipitate(red arrows indicated the target protein and green arrows indicated the hybrid protein)
Fig. 4 Purifications of B.f Pif1 protein by DEAE ion-exchange chromatography and S200 gel filtration chromatography A:The absorption peak pattern and SDS-PAGE of the recombinant B.f Pif1 protein by DEAE ion-exchange chromatography. Peak A and B were eluted peaks at 2 different conductivities. B:The absorption peak pattern and SDS-PAGE of the recombinant B.f Pif1 protein by S200 gel filtration chromatography. C:SDS-PAGE of the final protein purified product with the concentration of 17 mg/mL by spotting 1μL of sample
Fig. 5 Purified B.f Pif1 protein showing good biological activity A:Comparison of activity of B.f Pif1 protein unwinding G-quadruplex and ss-dsdNA substrate;B:B.f Pif1 helicase with good 5'-3' unwinding polarity
Fig. 6 Protein crystals of B.f Pif1 preliminarily screened with different crystallization kits A:Crystals were obtained in the 35th condition of the Salt RxTMⅠ kit;B:crystals were obtained in the 74th condition of the Cystal screen II kit;C:ultraviolet microscope photograph of the selected crystals in the 74th condition of the Cystal screen II kit with UY200 microscope,of which the green lines were plotting scales
Fig. 7 Optimization of the culture conditions for B.f Pif1 protein crystals A:The gradual changes of B.f Pif1 twin-crystals were observed by microscope with hanging drop method;a-c subgraphs:gradient dilutions of B.f Pif1 protein 17 mg/mL(the original concentration),d-f subgraphs:the change of precipitants with different PEG and spermidine;B:the gradual formation of B.f Pif 1 single crystal were observed by microscope with the sitting drop method
Fig. 8 Growths of B.f Pif1 protein crystals A series of microscopic photographs of B.f Pif1 protein crystal growing status were observed in the same droplet with sitting drop method;the upper left corner was the initial observation time(unit:day),and the photos from top left to bottom right showed the state of the crystals on 0,3,5,8,13 and 19 d respectively
Fig. 9 X-ray diffraction patterns of B.f pif1 protein single crystal under different conditions and its corresponding SDS-PAGE A:X-ray diffraction and SDS-PAGE of the single protein crystal grown under the conditions of 100 mmol/L NH4Acetate,16% PEG4000 and pH 6.5;B:X-raydiffraction and SDS-PAGE of single crystals grown under the conditions of 0.1 mol/L mol/L Bis-Tris acetic acid(pH 8.3),0.05 mol/L sodium bicarbonate,5% glycerol and 0.015 mol / L spermidine
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