生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 29-40.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0520
马赛买1(), 李同源1, 马燕军1, 韩富军2, 彭海2, 孔维宝1(
孔维宝,男,博士,教授,研究方向:微生物资源与技术;E-mail: kongwb@nwnu.edu.cn作者简介:
马赛买,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:微生物技术;E-mail: silmah79@163.com
MA Sai-mai1(), LI Tong-yuan1, MA Yan-jun1, HAN Fu-jun2, PENG Hai2, KONG Wei-bao1(
马赛买, 李同源, 马燕军, 韩富军, 彭海, 孔维宝. 几丁质酶在农作物病虫害生物防治中的研究进展[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(10): 29-40.
MA Sai-mai, LI Tong-yuan, MA Yan-jun, HAN Fu-jun, PENG Hai, KONG Wei-bao. Research Progress in Chitinase Involving in the Biocontrol of Crop Diseases and Pests[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(10): 29-40.
图1 黏质沙雷氏菌18家族几丁质酶的结构概述图中显示了ChiA、ChiB的晶体结构和ChiC的催化结构域,以及ChiC中FnIII和CBM5/ 12结构域同系物的NMR结构;螺旋为深蓝色,β股为青色;催化酸(Glu)的侧链显示为黄色
Fig. 1 Structural overview of the family 18 chitinases of S. marcescens The picture shows the crystal structures of ChiA, ChiB and the catalytic domain of ChiC, and the NMR structures of homologues of the FnⅢ and the CBM5/12 domain in ChiC. Helices are colored dark blue, β-strands are colored cyan. The side chain of the catalytic acid(a Glu)is shown in yellow
图2 NbchiA的三维模型 A:NbchiA模型的整体折叠(橙色)和NbchiA与S. coelicor几丁质酶单体(紫色)的叠加;B:NbchiA模型的分子表面,所有与催化和结合相关的残基都位于一个口袋中
Fig. 2 Three-dimensional model of NbchiA A: Cartoon representation of the overall fold of NbchiA model(orange)and superimposition of NbchiA and S. coelicolor chitinase(purple)monomers. B: Molecular surface of the NbchiA model, all of the residues related to catalysis and binding are located in a pocket
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