生物技术通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 171-179.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-0033
刘雪丹,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:微生物生物合成,E-mail: 基金资助:
LIU Xue-dan1(), YANG Meng2, ZHANG Jing1(), ZHAO Dong-xu2()
研究共利用葡萄糖、木糖对重组大肠杆菌合成 D-1,2,4-丁三醇(BT)的影响,并优化混合底物时重组菌株合成丁三醇的培养条件。通过敲除影响磷酸转移酶系统(PTS)运行的基因,构建共利用葡萄糖-木糖的合成 BT 重组菌株,考察了 mtfA 敲除及 mlc 过表达菌株 MJ133k-ΔmtfA-PTMXM 的摇瓶培养条件。结果显示:分别敲除基因 ptsG、mtfA 和 pgi,可使菌株能同时利用木糖及葡萄糖并促进 BT 合成。菌株 MJ133k-ΔmtfA-PTMXM 合成 BT 的培养基及培养条件为:采用 1.5×LB 培养基,加入 10 g/L CaCO3 以控制 pH,发酵温度 33℃,装液量为 60 mL/250 mL;6 h 时分别加入葡萄糖 5 g/L及木糖 20 g/L,24 h 再次加入 5 g/L 葡萄糖,BT 合成量达 3.36 g/L,是未修饰菌株培养条件优化前BT 合成量的 4.15 倍。表明葡萄糖、木糖共利用有效促进了重组大肠杆菌合成 BT。
刘雪丹, 杨萌, 张静, 赵东旭. 葡萄糖-木糖共利用对重组大肠杆菌合成D-1,2,4-丁三醇的影响[J]. 生物技术通报, 2021, 37(9): 171-179.
LIU Xue-dan, YANG Meng, ZHANG Jing, ZHAO Dong-xu. Effects of Glucose-xylose Co-utilization on the Synthesis of D-1,2,4-Butanetriol by Recombinant Escherichia coli[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(9): 171-179.
图1 D-木糖合成D-1,2,4-丁三醇的主要代谢途径 xdh:编码木糖脱氢酶;xylD:编码木糖酸脱水酶;mdlc:编码2-酮酸脱羧酶;yqhD:编码醇脱氢酶
Fig. 1 Main metabolic pathways of D-xylose to synthesize D-1,2,4-butanetriol xdh:Encoding xylose dehydrogenase;xylD:encoding xylonic acid dehydratase;mdlc:encoding 2-ketoacid decarboxylase;yqhD:encoding alcohol dehydrogenase
菌株及质粒Strains and plasmids | 相关特性Related characteristics | 来源Source |
MG1655 | wild type | Lab stock |
MJ133k | MG1655△yjhH△yagE△xylA∷Kanr | [ |
MJ133k-Δmlc | MJ133k△mlc∷Kanr | This work |
MJ133k-Δpgi | MJ133k△pgi∷Kanr | This work |
MJ134k | MJ133k△ptsG∷Kanr | This work |
MJ133k-ΔmtfA | MJ133k△mtfA∷Kanr | This work |
MJ133k-1 | MJ133k carrying pTMX | [ |
MJ134k-1 | MJ133k△ptsG∷Kanr/ pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-Δpgi-1 | MJ133k△pgi∷Kanr/pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-Δmlc-1 | MJ133k△mlc∷Kanr/pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-ΔmtfA-1 | MJ133k△mtfA∷Kanr/pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-G-1 | MJ133k carrying PTMXG | This work |
MJ133k-P-1 | MJ133k carrying PTMXP | This work |
MJ133k-A-1 | MJ133k carrying PTMXA | This work |
MJ133k-ΔmtfA-PTMXM | MJ133k△mtfA∷Kanr/PTMXM | This work |
pTMX | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh,Apr | [ |
pTMXG | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-ptsG Apr | This work |
PTMXP | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-pgi Apr | This work |
PTMXM | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-mlc Apr | This work |
PTMXA | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-mtfA Apr | This work |
表1 本研究所用的菌株及质粒
Table 1 Strains and plasmids in this study
菌株及质粒Strains and plasmids | 相关特性Related characteristics | 来源Source |
MG1655 | wild type | Lab stock |
MJ133k | MG1655△yjhH△yagE△xylA∷Kanr | [ |
MJ133k-Δmlc | MJ133k△mlc∷Kanr | This work |
MJ133k-Δpgi | MJ133k△pgi∷Kanr | This work |
MJ134k | MJ133k△ptsG∷Kanr | This work |
MJ133k-ΔmtfA | MJ133k△mtfA∷Kanr | This work |
MJ133k-1 | MJ133k carrying pTMX | [ |
MJ134k-1 | MJ133k△ptsG∷Kanr/ pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-Δpgi-1 | MJ133k△pgi∷Kanr/pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-Δmlc-1 | MJ133k△mlc∷Kanr/pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-ΔmtfA-1 | MJ133k△mtfA∷Kanr/pTMX | This work |
MJ133k-G-1 | MJ133k carrying PTMXG | This work |
MJ133k-P-1 | MJ133k carrying PTMXP | This work |
MJ133k-A-1 | MJ133k carrying PTMXA | This work |
MJ133k-ΔmtfA-PTMXM | MJ133k△mtfA∷Kanr/PTMXM | This work |
pTMX | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh,Apr | [ |
pTMXG | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-ptsG Apr | This work |
PTMXP | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-pgi Apr | This work |
PTMXM | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-mlc Apr | This work |
PTMXA | pTrc99a∷mdlC-xdh-mtfA Apr | This work |
名称Name | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') | 用途Usage |
ptsG-knock-s | gcgtgagaacgtaaaaaaagcacccatactcaggagcactctcaattgtgtaggctggagctgcttc | Forward primer for ptsG deletion |
ptsG-knock-an | aaaaggcagccatctggctgccttagtctccccaacgtcttacggattaatgggaattagccatggtcc | Reverse primer for ptsG deletion |
pgi-knock-s | atgaaaaacatcaatccaacgcagaccgctgcctggcaggcactacagaaacacttcgatg | Forward primer for pgi deletion |
pgi-knock-an | cgtcggtgctatcgagctggttaccagactaattggcgatatttcgcaccgcgccaatt | Reverse primer for pgi deletion |
mlc-knock-s | gtggttgctgaaaaccagcctgggcacattgatcaaataaagcagaccaacgcgggcgcg | Forward primer for mlc deletion |
mlc-knock-an | gaccattttctgcgctacatattgccaagaaacaactaagcagacaacgtcccaatt | Reverse primer for mlc deletion |
mtfA-knock-s | atgattaagtggccctggaaagtacaagaatcagcacatcaaactgcccttccctggca | Forward primer for mtfA deletion |
mtfA-knock-an | cgtctctgacgtagtgcgattactatgtctgagcaaaagccgctgcttacaagtaatt | Reverse primer for mtfA deletion |
ptsG-F | cgcttcccgccttcaatcc | Verification primer for ptsG deletion |
ptsG-R | gacgccgtatggcaccttccg | Verification primer for ptsG deletion |
pgi-F | accgccaaatttggagacaacaatttcaga | Verification primer for pgi deletion |
pgi-R | aggtgcagcccacgcagaagtcgccgcaag | Verification primer for pgi deletion |
mlc-F | ttatggcgatgatcccgcacgatcat | Verification primer for mlc deletion |
mlc-R | gcagttgttcctgcactacccattcagaga | Verification primer for mlc deletion |
mtfA-F | ggctttaatctgacggccgcgttccttttt | Verification primer for mtfA deletion |
mtfA-R | ttcgtagccatgcttaccttccctgaacga | Verification primer for mtfA deletion |
p-ptsG-F | acacaggaaacagaccatggtcatgtacaccgttggtgactacctg | Amplification of the ptsG gene |
p-ptsG-R | ttaaacaaaattattaagatttgttctgttcagcga | Amplification of the ptsG gene |
p-pgi-F | ctttaagtaaggaggatatattatgtcctcagccatctatccc | Amplification of the pgi gene |
p-pgi-R | atccgaaagaggagaaatatgaacaactttaatctgcacacc | Amplification of the pgi gene |
p-mlc-F | atatacgaagccgcccgctaatcacacaggaaagatgtctaaccgcacgccc | Amplification of the mlc gene |
p-mlc-R | tcatccgccaaaacagccaagcttttcgcatcagtggttgtgg | Amplification of the mlc gene |
p-mtfA-F | cctcgaggtcgacggtatcgataagcttgatgtctaaccgcacgcccc | Amplification of the mtfA gene |
p-mtfA-R | ggcggccgctctagaactagtggatcc tcagtggttgtggcgggg | Amplification of the mtfA gene |
pkd13-k1-s | aggctattcggctatgactg | Verification primer for gene deletion |
pkd13-k1-an | ttgtcaagaccgacctgtcc | Verification primer for gene deletion |
表2 本研究所用的引物
Table 2 Primers in this study
名称Name | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') | 用途Usage |
ptsG-knock-s | gcgtgagaacgtaaaaaaagcacccatactcaggagcactctcaattgtgtaggctggagctgcttc | Forward primer for ptsG deletion |
ptsG-knock-an | aaaaggcagccatctggctgccttagtctccccaacgtcttacggattaatgggaattagccatggtcc | Reverse primer for ptsG deletion |
pgi-knock-s | atgaaaaacatcaatccaacgcagaccgctgcctggcaggcactacagaaacacttcgatg | Forward primer for pgi deletion |
pgi-knock-an | cgtcggtgctatcgagctggttaccagactaattggcgatatttcgcaccgcgccaatt | Reverse primer for pgi deletion |
mlc-knock-s | gtggttgctgaaaaccagcctgggcacattgatcaaataaagcagaccaacgcgggcgcg | Forward primer for mlc deletion |
mlc-knock-an | gaccattttctgcgctacatattgccaagaaacaactaagcagacaacgtcccaatt | Reverse primer for mlc deletion |
mtfA-knock-s | atgattaagtggccctggaaagtacaagaatcagcacatcaaactgcccttccctggca | Forward primer for mtfA deletion |
mtfA-knock-an | cgtctctgacgtagtgcgattactatgtctgagcaaaagccgctgcttacaagtaatt | Reverse primer for mtfA deletion |
ptsG-F | cgcttcccgccttcaatcc | Verification primer for ptsG deletion |
ptsG-R | gacgccgtatggcaccttccg | Verification primer for ptsG deletion |
pgi-F | accgccaaatttggagacaacaatttcaga | Verification primer for pgi deletion |
pgi-R | aggtgcagcccacgcagaagtcgccgcaag | Verification primer for pgi deletion |
mlc-F | ttatggcgatgatcccgcacgatcat | Verification primer for mlc deletion |
mlc-R | gcagttgttcctgcactacccattcagaga | Verification primer for mlc deletion |
mtfA-F | ggctttaatctgacggccgcgttccttttt | Verification primer for mtfA deletion |
mtfA-R | ttcgtagccatgcttaccttccctgaacga | Verification primer for mtfA deletion |
p-ptsG-F | acacaggaaacagaccatggtcatgtacaccgttggtgactacctg | Amplification of the ptsG gene |
p-ptsG-R | ttaaacaaaattattaagatttgttctgttcagcga | Amplification of the ptsG gene |
p-pgi-F | ctttaagtaaggaggatatattatgtcctcagccatctatccc | Amplification of the pgi gene |
p-pgi-R | atccgaaagaggagaaatatgaacaactttaatctgcacacc | Amplification of the pgi gene |
p-mlc-F | atatacgaagccgcccgctaatcacacaggaaagatgtctaaccgcacgccc | Amplification of the mlc gene |
p-mlc-R | tcatccgccaaaacagccaagcttttcgcatcagtggttgtgg | Amplification of the mlc gene |
p-mtfA-F | cctcgaggtcgacggtatcgataagcttgatgtctaaccgcacgcccc | Amplification of the mtfA gene |
p-mtfA-R | ggcggccgctctagaactagtggatcc tcagtggttgtggcgggg | Amplification of the mtfA gene |
pkd13-k1-s | aggctattcggctatgactg | Verification primer for gene deletion |
pkd13-k1-an | ttgtcaagaccgacctgtcc | Verification primer for gene deletion |
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