Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 244-251.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-0363
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GAO Hui-hui(), JIA Chen-bo, HAN Qin, SU Jian-yu, XU Chun-yan(
XU Chun-yan;
GAO Hui-hui, JIA Chen-bo, HAN Qin, SU Jian-yu, XU Chun-yan. Microbiological Mechanism of Root Rot of Lycium barbarum Ningqi-7[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(12): 244-251.
样品Sample | Sobs | Simpson | Shannon | ACE | Coverage |
患病株Diseased | 195.00±35.12b | 0.32±0.18a | 1.88±0.60a | 340.94±39.89b | 99.9% |
健康株Healthy | 461.67±14.10a | 0.11±0.01a | 3.17±0.12a | 572.73±10.77a | 99.8% |
Table 1 Alpha diversity of rhizoplane fungi of the healthy and diseased plants
样品Sample | Sobs | Simpson | Shannon | ACE | Coverage |
患病株Diseased | 195.00±35.12b | 0.32±0.18a | 1.88±0.60a | 340.94±39.89b | 99.9% |
健康株Healthy | 461.67±14.10a | 0.11±0.01a | 3.17±0.12a | 572.73±10.77a | 99.8% |
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