Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 62-69.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0533
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SHI Jia-xin1,2(), LIU Kai1,2, ZHU Jin-jie1, QI Xian-tao1, XIE Chuan-xiao1, LIU Chang-lin1(
LIU Chang-lin;
SHI Jia-xin, LIU Kai, ZHU Jin-jie, QI Xian-tao, XIE Chuan-xiao, LIU Chang-lin. Gene Editing Reshaping Maize Plant Type for Increasing Hybrid Yield[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(8): 62-69.
Fig. 1 Plant and genotype of CX1 and CX1-lg1 A: Plant types between CX1 and CX1-lg1. B: Genotypes between CX1 and CX1-lg1. C: Pulvinus of 3rd upper leaf. D: Pulvinus of 3rd lower leaf. E: Statistics of upper leaf angle. F: Statistics of lower leaf angle. Error bar represents standard deviation, n=30; asterisks represent significant differences in t-test(*P<0.05; **P<0.01)
Fig. 2 Seed production yield of improved maternal parent A: Zhongdan 88 seed production trial. B: Zhongdan 88M seed production trial. C: Number of harvested ears in plots. D: Converted yield of plots. Error bar represents standard deviation, n=2
Fig. 3 Improved maternal parent grants a compact plant type for hybrid Zhongdan88M A: Plant types between Zhongdan88 and Zhongdan88M. B: The upper leaf angle between Zhongdan88 and Zhongdan88M under different densities in 3 environments. C: The lower leaf angle between Zhongdan88 and Zhongdan88M under different densities in 3 environments. Error bar represents standard deviation; n=80; and asterisks represent significant differences in t-test(*P<0.05; **P<0.01)
Fig. 4 Improved hybrid Zhongdan88M grants an increased yield in dense-planting cultivation A: Yield between Zhongdan88 and Zhongdan88M under 7 000 plants per 667 m2 dense. B: Statistic of yield in plots over density test. Error bar represents standard deviation, n=2
源Source | 自由度Df | 穗上叶夹角LLA | 穗下叶夹角ULA | 穗位叶夹角ELA | 穗位高EH | 株高PH |
密度Density | 2 | 0.73 | 10.01** | 3.29* | 9.32** | 19.97** |
材料Material | 1 | 1581.94** | 1918.59** | 294.76** | 689.52** | 522.23** |
环境Environment | 2 | 736.70** | 1655.75** | 248.16** | 270.36** | 2909.15** |
密度×材料D×M | 2 | 2.81 | 4.93** | 2.96 | 2.68 | 1.17 |
环境×材料E×M | 2 | 30.45** | 20.42** | 4.35* | 12.06** | 3.06* |
Table 1 F statistic analysis of variance for plant type related traits
源Source | 自由度Df | 穗上叶夹角LLA | 穗下叶夹角ULA | 穗位叶夹角ELA | 穗位高EH | 株高PH |
密度Density | 2 | 0.73 | 10.01** | 3.29* | 9.32** | 19.97** |
材料Material | 1 | 1581.94** | 1918.59** | 294.76** | 689.52** | 522.23** |
环境Environment | 2 | 736.70** | 1655.75** | 248.16** | 270.36** | 2909.15** |
密度×材料D×M | 2 | 2.81 | 4.93** | 2.96 | 2.68 | 1.17 |
环境×材料E×M | 2 | 30.45** | 20.42** | 4.35* | 12.06** | 3.06* |
源Source | 自由度Df | 秃尖长BTL | 收获量HM | 出籽率KY | 有效穗数PEC | 产量Y |
密度Density | 2 | 35.89** | 4.65* | 0.05 | 34.46** | 2.87 |
材料Material | 1 | 68.46** | 3.43 | 20.55** | 2.14 | 0.71 |
环境Environment | 2 | 3726.46** | 65.84** | 148.25** | 157.18** | 25.65** |
密度×材料D×M | 2 | 3.39* | 2.09 | 0.21 | 0.04 | 1.71 |
环境×材料E×M | 2 | 25.75** | 1.68 | 0.11 | 7.06** | 0.35 |
Table 2 F statistic analysis of variance for yield related traits
源Source | 自由度Df | 秃尖长BTL | 收获量HM | 出籽率KY | 有效穗数PEC | 产量Y |
密度Density | 2 | 35.89** | 4.65* | 0.05 | 34.46** | 2.87 |
材料Material | 1 | 68.46** | 3.43 | 20.55** | 2.14 | 0.71 |
环境Environment | 2 | 3726.46** | 65.84** | 148.25** | 157.18** | 25.65** |
密度×材料D×M | 2 | 3.39* | 2.09 | 0.21 | 0.04 | 1.71 |
环境×材料E×M | 2 | 25.75** | 1.68 | 0.11 | 7.06** | 0.35 |
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