Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 156-167.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0284
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LOU Hui(), ZHU Jin-cheng, YANG Yang, ZHANG Wei(
LOU Hui, ZHU Jin-cheng, YANG Yang, ZHANG Wei. Effects of Root Exudates in Resistant and Susceptible Varieties of Cotton on the Growths and Gene Expressions of Fusarium oxysporum[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(9): 156-167.
基因名称 Gene name | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') |
Table 1 Primer sequences
基因名称 Gene name | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') |
Fig. 1 Effects of root exudates on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum A: Effects of root exudates on spore germination. B: Effects of root exudates on F. oxysporum biomass. C and D: Effect of root exudates on bacterial colony diameter. Different letters indicate significant difference P <0.05, the same below
样品名称Sample ID | 质控数据Clean reads | 原始数据Raw reads | GC/% | Q20/% | Q30/% | 参考基因组比对Mapped reads |
F0a | 23 634 226 | 7 078 961 596 | 52.96 | 98.65 | 95.81 | 44 807 027(94.79%) |
F0b | 24 801 113 | 7 426 874 552 | 52.97 | 98.43 | 95.31 | 46 773 111(94.30%) |
G12a | 19 061 986 | 5 703 668 454 | 52.30 | 97.12 | 92.43 | 33 826 843(88.73%) |
G12b | 22 878 897 | 6 847 717 368 | 52.37 | 98.49 | 95.48 | 41 697 513(91.13%) |
G24a | 23 252 280 | 6 960 709 832 | 52.42 | 98.34 | 95.12 | 42 523 192(91.44%) |
G24b | 19 547 876 | 5 853 299 798 | 52.40 | 97.09 | 92.38 | 35 197 149(90.03%) |
G48a | 28 294 193 | 8 474 124 618 | 52.58 | 98.22 | 94.77 | 51 256 558(90.58%) |
G48b | 23 044 105 | 6 899 543 008 | 52.51 | 97.29 | 92.79 | 41 817 664(90.73%) |
G6a | 25 066 610 | 7 505 211 560 | 52.68 | 98.33 | 95.05 | 45 107 683(89.98%) |
G6b | 22 483 818 | 6 732 866 920 | 52.70 | 98.51 | 95.51 | 40 929 019(91.02%) |
K12a | 20 781 035 | 6 222 244 284 | 52.26 | 96.85 | 91.94 | 37 148 780(89.38%) |
K12b | 20 396 915 | 6 107 771 748 | 52.20 | 97.50 | 93.22 | 36 813 504(90.24%) |
K24a | 22 395 810 | 6 701 578 958 | 52.30 | 97.46 | 93.20 | 39 332 014(87.81%) |
K24b | 19 324 066 | 5 781 190 570 | 52.20 | 97.49 | 93.24 | 33 512 754(86.71%) |
K48a | 20 253 195 | 6 063 580 670 | 52.59 | 97.32 | 92.80 | 37 310 755(92.11%) |
K48b | 23 431 421 | 7 015 769 462 | 52.54 | 98.63 | 95.77 | 42 942 424(91.63%) |
K6a | 19 328 402 | 5 788 003 554 | 52.75 | 97.24 | 92.64 | 34 813 490(90.06%) |
K6b | 20 460 546 | 6 123 145 102 | 52.66 | 97.52 | 93.25 | 36 420 714(89.00%) |
W12a | 20 317 585 | 6 085 191 946 | 52.29 | 98.25 | 94.84 | 37 516 540(92.33%) |
W12b | 23 399 026 | 7 007 306 032 | 52.23 | 98.25 | 94.86 | 42 862 234(91.59%) |
W24a | 22 727 561 | 6 805 789 076 | 52.39 | 98.09 | 94.46 | 42 220 799(92.88%) |
W24b | 21 749 990 | 6 509 670 558 | 52.28 | 98.27 | 94.83 | 40 299 468(92.64%) |
W48a | 26 212 102 | 7 848 652 478 | 52.73 | 98.42 | 95.30 | 49 390 772(94.21%) |
W48b | 25 173 938 | 7 534 704 604 | 52.75 | 97.93 | 94.12 | 47 156 136(93.66%) |
W6a | 22 480 503 | 6 733 786 866 | 52.67 | 98.44 | 95.33 | 41 135 869(91.49%) |
W6b | 26 838 538 | 8 034 600 906 | 52.81 | 98.48 | 95.43 | 49 740 879(92.67%) |
Table 2 Evaluation statistics of sequencing data
样品名称Sample ID | 质控数据Clean reads | 原始数据Raw reads | GC/% | Q20/% | Q30/% | 参考基因组比对Mapped reads |
F0a | 23 634 226 | 7 078 961 596 | 52.96 | 98.65 | 95.81 | 44 807 027(94.79%) |
F0b | 24 801 113 | 7 426 874 552 | 52.97 | 98.43 | 95.31 | 46 773 111(94.30%) |
G12a | 19 061 986 | 5 703 668 454 | 52.30 | 97.12 | 92.43 | 33 826 843(88.73%) |
G12b | 22 878 897 | 6 847 717 368 | 52.37 | 98.49 | 95.48 | 41 697 513(91.13%) |
G24a | 23 252 280 | 6 960 709 832 | 52.42 | 98.34 | 95.12 | 42 523 192(91.44%) |
G24b | 19 547 876 | 5 853 299 798 | 52.40 | 97.09 | 92.38 | 35 197 149(90.03%) |
G48a | 28 294 193 | 8 474 124 618 | 52.58 | 98.22 | 94.77 | 51 256 558(90.58%) |
G48b | 23 044 105 | 6 899 543 008 | 52.51 | 97.29 | 92.79 | 41 817 664(90.73%) |
G6a | 25 066 610 | 7 505 211 560 | 52.68 | 98.33 | 95.05 | 45 107 683(89.98%) |
G6b | 22 483 818 | 6 732 866 920 | 52.70 | 98.51 | 95.51 | 40 929 019(91.02%) |
K12a | 20 781 035 | 6 222 244 284 | 52.26 | 96.85 | 91.94 | 37 148 780(89.38%) |
K12b | 20 396 915 | 6 107 771 748 | 52.20 | 97.50 | 93.22 | 36 813 504(90.24%) |
K24a | 22 395 810 | 6 701 578 958 | 52.30 | 97.46 | 93.20 | 39 332 014(87.81%) |
K24b | 19 324 066 | 5 781 190 570 | 52.20 | 97.49 | 93.24 | 33 512 754(86.71%) |
K48a | 20 253 195 | 6 063 580 670 | 52.59 | 97.32 | 92.80 | 37 310 755(92.11%) |
K48b | 23 431 421 | 7 015 769 462 | 52.54 | 98.63 | 95.77 | 42 942 424(91.63%) |
K6a | 19 328 402 | 5 788 003 554 | 52.75 | 97.24 | 92.64 | 34 813 490(90.06%) |
K6b | 20 460 546 | 6 123 145 102 | 52.66 | 97.52 | 93.25 | 36 420 714(89.00%) |
W12a | 20 317 585 | 6 085 191 946 | 52.29 | 98.25 | 94.84 | 37 516 540(92.33%) |
W12b | 23 399 026 | 7 007 306 032 | 52.23 | 98.25 | 94.86 | 42 862 234(91.59%) |
W24a | 22 727 561 | 6 805 789 076 | 52.39 | 98.09 | 94.46 | 42 220 799(92.88%) |
W24b | 21 749 990 | 6 509 670 558 | 52.28 | 98.27 | 94.83 | 40 299 468(92.64%) |
W48a | 26 212 102 | 7 848 652 478 | 52.73 | 98.42 | 95.30 | 49 390 772(94.21%) |
W48b | 25 173 938 | 7 534 704 604 | 52.75 | 97.93 | 94.12 | 47 156 136(93.66%) |
W6a | 22 480 503 | 6 733 786 866 | 52.67 | 98.44 | 95.33 | 41 135 869(91.49%) |
W6b | 26 838 538 | 8 034 600 906 | 52.81 | 98.48 | 95.43 | 49 740 879(92.67%) |
Fig. 4 Differentially expressed genes of F. oxysporum A: Venn diagram of G vs W 6, 12, 24 and 48 h DEGs. B: Venn diagram of G vs W 6, 12, 24 and 48 h DEGs. C: Venn diagram of (G vs W)vs(K vs W). D: K vs W and G vs W 6, 12, 24 and 48 h up and down DEGs
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