Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 1-8.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-0499
ZHOU Juan(), YAN Jin-dong, LI Xin-mei, LIU Xue-qing, ZHAO Qiang, ZHAO Xiao-ying(
ZHAO Xiao-ying;
ZHOU Juan, YAN Jin-dong, LI Xin-mei, LIU Xue-qing, ZHAO Qiang, ZHAO Xiao-ying. Study on the Interaction of F-box Protein FKF1 and Transcription Factor FUL in Regulating Flowering in Arabidopsis[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(3): 1-8.
基因座Locus | 蛋白名称Name of protein | 分值Score | 功能Function |
AT1G22770 | Gigantea protein(GI) | 0.954 | Long day pathway |
AT1G04400 | Cryptochrome 2(CRY2) | 0.952 | Light perception |
AT5G60910 | AGAMOUS-like 8(FUL) | 0.946 | Floral promoter |
AT3G42830 | RING/U-box superfamily protein(RBX1b) | 0.938 | |
AT2G45660 | AGAMOUS-like 20(SOC1) | 0.9 | Floral promoter |
AT5G20570 | RING-box 1(RBX1a) | 0.876 | |
AT5G15840 | B-box type zinc finger protein with CCT domain(CO/BBX1) | 0.87 | Long day pathway |
AT1G10940 | Protein kinase superfamily protein(SNRK1A) | 0.766 | |
AT2G32950 | Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein(COP1) | 0.726 | |
AT1G09570 | Phytochrome A(PhyA) | 0.614 | Light perception |
AT2G18790 | Phytochrome B(PhyB) | 0.57 | Light perception |
AT5G11260 | Basic-leucine zipper(bZIP)transcription factor family protein(HY5) | 0.512 | |
AT4G16250 | Phytochrome D(PhyD) | 0.87 | Light perception |
AT2G25930 | Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein(ELF3) | 0.878 | Circadian clock |
AT2G46830 | Circadian clock associated 1(CCA1) | 0.608 | Circadian clock |
AT1G09530 | Phytochrome interacting factor 3(PIF3) | 0.6 | Light signaling |
AT5G61380 | CCT motif-containing response regulator protein(TOC1) | 0.888 | Circadian clock |
Table 1 Candidate interaction proteins of FKF1
基因座Locus | 蛋白名称Name of protein | 分值Score | 功能Function |
AT1G22770 | Gigantea protein(GI) | 0.954 | Long day pathway |
AT1G04400 | Cryptochrome 2(CRY2) | 0.952 | Light perception |
AT5G60910 | AGAMOUS-like 8(FUL) | 0.946 | Floral promoter |
AT3G42830 | RING/U-box superfamily protein(RBX1b) | 0.938 | |
AT2G45660 | AGAMOUS-like 20(SOC1) | 0.9 | Floral promoter |
AT5G20570 | RING-box 1(RBX1a) | 0.876 | |
AT5G15840 | B-box type zinc finger protein with CCT domain(CO/BBX1) | 0.87 | Long day pathway |
AT1G10940 | Protein kinase superfamily protein(SNRK1A) | 0.766 | |
AT2G32950 | Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein(COP1) | 0.726 | |
AT1G09570 | Phytochrome A(PhyA) | 0.614 | Light perception |
AT2G18790 | Phytochrome B(PhyB) | 0.57 | Light perception |
AT5G11260 | Basic-leucine zipper(bZIP)transcription factor family protein(HY5) | 0.512 | |
AT4G16250 | Phytochrome D(PhyD) | 0.87 | Light perception |
AT2G25930 | Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein(ELF3) | 0.878 | Circadian clock |
AT2G46830 | Circadian clock associated 1(CCA1) | 0.608 | Circadian clock |
AT1G09530 | Phytochrome interacting factor 3(PIF3) | 0.6 | Light signaling |
AT5G61380 | CCT motif-containing response regulator protein(TOC1) | 0.888 | Circadian clock |
Fig. 2 BiFC and Co-IP assays showing FKF1 interaction with FUL A:BiFC assay showing the interaction of FKF1 with FUL in nucleus in Arabidopsis protoplast. Bar = 50μm. B:Co-IP assay showing the interaction of FKF1 with FUL
Fig. 3 Effect of FKF1 on FUL protein stability A:Semi-in vivo stability analysis of FUL protein. Escherichia coli-purified GST-FUL protein was mixed with total protein from the 12 d seedlings of wild-type Col,fkf1-1 or fkf1-t in equal proportion,and incubated for the given time. Sampled,and anti-GST antibody was detected by Western blotting. Ponceau staining was used as an internal standard. Three independent experiments were conducted,showing similar results. B:Protein level of GST-FUL in(A). GST-FUL protein level was normalized to Ponceau. The value of the starting point was set to 1. Bars refer to the standard deviations of three biological replicates. C:In vivo stability analysis of FUL protein. The FUL-Flag was co-expressed with increasing amounts of FKF1-Myc in tobacco leaves,and the total protein was extracted. The anti-Flag and anti-Myc proteins were detected by Western blotting,respectively. Numbers indicate the ratios of the concentrations of Agrobacteria used in co-infiltration. Ponceau staining was used as an internal standard. Three independent experiments were conducted,showing similar results
Fig. 4 FUL mRNA expression regulated by FKF1 A:mRNA expression of FUL in the wild-type Col and fkf1-1 mutant. B:mRNA expression of FKF1 in the wild-type Col and ful-8 mutant. Plants grew on 1/2 MS solid medium under long-day conditions(LDs),and aboveground seedlings were collected for quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR)analysis. ACTIN2 served as the internal control. Error bars refer to the standard deviations of three biological replicates. Significant differences are indicated:**P<0.01,***P<0.001(Tukey's least significant difference test)
Fig. 5 Flowering phenotype of Col,35S-FKF1-Myc,ful-8 and 35S-FKF1-Myc / ful-8 plants A:Images of 40 d plants grown in soil under LDs. B:The days of plant sowed to bolting and blossoming of the respective genotypes. C:Number of rosette leaves at bolting of the respective genotypes. D:mRNA expression levels of FT in the respective genotypes. Plants grew in 1/2MS solid medium under LDs,samples were collected at every 4 h on day 17 for qRT-PCR analysis. ACTIN2 served as the internal control. Error bars refers to the standard deviations of three biological replicates. The white/black bars refer to light/dark phases. The time of collecting first sample is set as 0 h. Error bar refers to standard deviations(n≥10). Significant differences are indicated:*P<0.05 and **P<0.01(Tukey's least significant difference test)
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