生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 88-95.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-0538
杨茂1,2(), 林宇丰1,2, 戴阳朔1,2, 潘素君1,2, 彭伟业1,2, 严明雄1,2, 李魏1,2, 王冰1,2(
), 戴良英1,2(
杨茂,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:植物与微生物互作;E-mail: 基金资助:
YANG Mao1,2(), LIN Yu-feng1,2, DAI Yang-shuo1,2, PAN Su-jun1,2, PENG Wei-ye1,2, YAN Ming-xiong1,2, LI Wei1,2, WANG Bing1,2(
), DAI Liang-ying1,2(
杨茂, 林宇丰, 戴阳朔, 潘素君, 彭伟业, 严明雄, 李魏, 王冰, 戴良英. OsDIS1通过抗氧化途径负调控水稻耐旱性[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(2): 88-95.
YANG Mao, LIN Yu-feng, DAI Yang-shuo, PAN Su-jun, PENG Wei-ye, YAN Ming-xiong, LI Wei, WANG Bing, DAI Liang-ying. OsDIS1 Negatively Regulates Rice Drought Tolerance Through Antioxidant Pathways[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(2): 88-95.
引物Primer | 序列Sequence(5'-3') |
表1 实时荧光定量PCR引物
Table 1 Primers for RT-qPCR
引物Primer | 序列Sequence(5'-3') |
图1 脱落酸处理下OsDIS1-RNAi转基因植株的表型 A: OsDIS1-RNAi转基因植株在含有不同浓度ABA的1/2 MS培养基上萌发表型;B: 不同浓度ABA处理下野生型和OsDIS1-RNAi植株的种子发芽率;C、D: OsDIS1-RNAi转基因植株的根长和株高统计;以RNAi-21为代表结果作图,下同;数据为3个生物学重复 ± 标准差
Fig. 1 Phenotypes of OsDIS1-RNAi transgenic plants treated with abscisic acid (ABA) A: OsDIS1-RNAi transgenic plants were germinated on 1/2 MS medium containing different concentrations of ABA. B: Seed germination rates of wild-type and OsDIS1-RNAi plants under different concentrations of ABA. C, D: OsDIS1-RNAi transgenic root length and plant height statistics of plants; RNAi-21 as the representative result of the graph, the same below. The error bar represents ± SD of triplicate experiments
图4 OsDIS1-RNAi转基因植株中抗氧化酶活性和MDA含量检测 A-C: 干旱胁迫下OsDIS1-RNAi幼苗叶片CAT、SOD、POD活性和含量;D:MDA含量;数据为3个生物学重复 ± 标准差
Fig. 4 Detection of antioxidant enzyme activity and MDA content in OsDIS1-RNAi transgenic plants A-C: CAT, SOD, POD activity and content in the leaves of OsDIS1-RNAi seedlings under drought stress. D: MDA content. The error bar represents ± SD of triplicate experiments
图5 RT-qPCR检测OsDIS1-RNAi植物中相关活性氧(ROS)清除基因的表达量
Fig. 5 Expressions of related reactive oxygen species (ROS)scavenging genes in OsDIS1-RNAi plants by RT-qPCR
品种名称 Variety | 株高 Plant height /cm | 穗长 Panicle length /cm | 单株有效穗数 Effective panicle per plant | 每穗实粒数 Filled grains per panicle | 每穗总粒数 Total grains per panicle | 结实率 Seed setting /% | 千粒重 1 000 grain weight/g | 单株产量 Yield per plant /g |
RNAi-8 | 94.4±5.2 | 19.4±1.6 | 26.8± 2.7 | 94.9±10.6 | 106.9±17.7 | 88.8±6.7 | 24.7±0.7 | 75.1±7.7 |
RNAi-21 | 96.7±6.2 | 20.4±1.4 | 28.6± 2.5 | 96.9±11.7 | 111.2±14.8 | 87.1±4.0 | 25.8±0.6 | 77.3±8.7 |
RNAi-22 | 95.7 ±4.1 | 19.6±0.9 | 30.4± 2.9 | 89.7±9.0 | 106.3±19.4 | 84.3±5.6 | 25.4±0.4 | 72.9±7.2 |
NPB | 96.2±5.2 | 19.1±1.4 | 26.2±2.6 | 95.6±13.3 | 108.6±19.3 | 88.0±7.5 | 24.9±0.5 | 73.1±6.8 |
表2 转基因水稻OsDIS1-RNAi的农艺性状
Table 2 Agronomic characteristics of transgenic rice OsDIS1-RNAi
品种名称 Variety | 株高 Plant height /cm | 穗长 Panicle length /cm | 单株有效穗数 Effective panicle per plant | 每穗实粒数 Filled grains per panicle | 每穗总粒数 Total grains per panicle | 结实率 Seed setting /% | 千粒重 1 000 grain weight/g | 单株产量 Yield per plant /g |
RNAi-8 | 94.4±5.2 | 19.4±1.6 | 26.8± 2.7 | 94.9±10.6 | 106.9±17.7 | 88.8±6.7 | 24.7±0.7 | 75.1±7.7 |
RNAi-21 | 96.7±6.2 | 20.4±1.4 | 28.6± 2.5 | 96.9±11.7 | 111.2±14.8 | 87.1±4.0 | 25.8±0.6 | 77.3±8.7 |
RNAi-22 | 95.7 ±4.1 | 19.6±0.9 | 30.4± 2.9 | 89.7±9.0 | 106.3±19.4 | 84.3±5.6 | 25.4±0.4 | 72.9±7.2 |
NPB | 96.2±5.2 | 19.1±1.4 | 26.2±2.6 | 95.6±13.3 | 108.6±19.3 | 88.0±7.5 | 24.9±0.5 | 73.1±6.8 |
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