生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 43-51.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0504
王天依(), 王荣焕, 王夏青, 张如养, 徐瑞斌, 焦炎炎, 孙轩, 王继东, 宋伟(), 赵久然()
赵久然,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:玉米遗传育种;E-mail: maizezhao@126.com;作者简介:
王天依,女,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:玉米分子育种;E-mail: wangtianyi0709@163.com
WANG Tian-yi(), WANG Rong-huan, WANG Xia-qing, ZHANG Ru-yang, XU Rui-bin, JIAO Yan-yan, SUN Xuan, WANG Ji-dong, SONG Wei(), ZHAO Jiu-ran()
王天依, 王荣焕, 王夏青, 张如养, 徐瑞斌, 焦炎炎, 孙轩, 王继东, 宋伟, 赵久然. 玉米矮秆基因与矮秆育种研究[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(8): 43-51.
WANG Tian-yi, WANG Rong-huan, WANG Xia-qing, ZHANG Ru-yang, XU Rui-bin, JIAO Yan-yan, SUN Xuan, WANG Ji-dong, SONG Wei, ZHAO Jiu-ran. Research in Maize Dwarf Genes and Dwarf Breeding[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(8): 43-51.
基因Gene | 全称Full name | 分子机制Molecular mechanism |
An1[ | Anther ear1 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
An2[ | Anther ear2 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
Br2[ | Brachytic2 | 生长素极性运输 Polar auxin transport |
Brd1[ | Brassinosteroid-deficient dwarf1 | 油菜素内酯合成 Brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
BRI1a[ | Brassinosteroid insensitive1a | 油菜素内酯信号转导 Brassinosteroid signaling |
Bv1[ | Brevis plant1 | 生长素信号转导 Auxin transport |
Cr4[ | Crinkly4 | 激素信号转导 Hormone signaling |
Ct2[ | Compact plant2 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
D1[ D2[ D3[ D5[ D8[ D8-1023[ D9[ | Dwarf plant1 Dwarf plant 2 Dwarf plant 3 Dwarf plant 5 Dwarf plant 8 Dwarf8-1023 Dwarf plant9 | 赤霉素合成最后一步 The final step of bioactive GA synthesis 赤霉素早期合成 Early step in GA biosynthesis 赤霉素早期合成 Early step in GA biosynthesis 赤霉素早期合成 Early step in GA biosynthesis 赤霉素信号转导 Gibberellin signaling 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis 赤霉素信号转导 Gibberellin signaling |
D11[ | Dwarf11 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
D2003[ | Dwarf2003 | 调控分生组织发育Regulate meristem development |
Dil1[ | Dwarf & irregular leaf1 | 转录因子调控,影响激素通路基因表达Regulation of transori ptin factyr, affect the expression of genes related to hormonal pathways |
GID1[ | Gibberellin-insensitive dwarf1 | 赤霉素信号转导Gibberellin signaling |
Kn1[ | Knotted1 | 调控赤霉素分解代谢 Regulate of gibberellin catabolism |
Lil1[ | Lilliputian1 | 油菜素内酯合成 Brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
Na1[ | Nana plant1 | 油菜素内酯早期生物合成 Early step in brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
Na2[ | Nana plant2 | 油菜素内酯早期生物合成 Early step in brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
Rd2 Sdw3[ | Reduced plant2 Semidwarf3 | 赤霉素信号响应 Responds to gibberellin 乙烯生物合成 Ethylene biosynthesis |
Tan1[ | Tangled1 | 调控细胞骨架排布Regulates cytoskeleton arrangement |
Td1[ Te1[ | Thick tassel dwarf1 Terminal ear1 | CLV-WUS途径 CLV-WUS pathway 生长素运输途径 Auxin transport pathway |
Vt2[ | Vanishing tassel2 | 生长素合成途径 Auxin biosynthesis pathway |
ZmCCD8[ | Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase8 | 独脚金内酯合成途径 Strigolactone biosynthesis pathway |
ZmGLR[ | Glutamic acid and lysine-rich | 油菜素内酯和生长素共同调控 Both brassinosteroid and auxin regulate |
ZmGRF10[ | Growth-regulating factors10 | 转录因子,影响多种生物学途径 Transcription factor, affect multiple biological pathways |
ZmPIN1a[ | PIN-formed1a | 生长素极性运输 Polar auxin transport |
ZmPHYC[ ZmRPH1[ | Phytochrome C Reducing plant height1 | 响应光周期 Response photoperiod 微管细胞骨架排布 Microtubule cytoskeleton arrangement |
表1 已克隆的玉米矮秆基因
Table1 Cloned genes related to dwarf maize
基因Gene | 全称Full name | 分子机制Molecular mechanism |
An1[ | Anther ear1 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
An2[ | Anther ear2 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
Br2[ | Brachytic2 | 生长素极性运输 Polar auxin transport |
Brd1[ | Brassinosteroid-deficient dwarf1 | 油菜素内酯合成 Brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
BRI1a[ | Brassinosteroid insensitive1a | 油菜素内酯信号转导 Brassinosteroid signaling |
Bv1[ | Brevis plant1 | 生长素信号转导 Auxin transport |
Cr4[ | Crinkly4 | 激素信号转导 Hormone signaling |
Ct2[ | Compact plant2 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
D1[ D2[ D3[ D5[ D8[ D8-1023[ D9[ | Dwarf plant1 Dwarf plant 2 Dwarf plant 3 Dwarf plant 5 Dwarf plant 8 Dwarf8-1023 Dwarf plant9 | 赤霉素合成最后一步 The final step of bioactive GA synthesis 赤霉素早期合成 Early step in GA biosynthesis 赤霉素早期合成 Early step in GA biosynthesis 赤霉素早期合成 Early step in GA biosynthesis 赤霉素信号转导 Gibberellin signaling 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis 赤霉素信号转导 Gibberellin signaling |
D11[ | Dwarf11 | 赤霉素生物合成 Gibberellin biosynthesis |
D2003[ | Dwarf2003 | 调控分生组织发育Regulate meristem development |
Dil1[ | Dwarf & irregular leaf1 | 转录因子调控,影响激素通路基因表达Regulation of transori ptin factyr, affect the expression of genes related to hormonal pathways |
GID1[ | Gibberellin-insensitive dwarf1 | 赤霉素信号转导Gibberellin signaling |
Kn1[ | Knotted1 | 调控赤霉素分解代谢 Regulate of gibberellin catabolism |
Lil1[ | Lilliputian1 | 油菜素内酯合成 Brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
Na1[ | Nana plant1 | 油菜素内酯早期生物合成 Early step in brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
Na2[ | Nana plant2 | 油菜素内酯早期生物合成 Early step in brassinosteroid biosynthesis |
Rd2 Sdw3[ | Reduced plant2 Semidwarf3 | 赤霉素信号响应 Responds to gibberellin 乙烯生物合成 Ethylene biosynthesis |
Tan1[ | Tangled1 | 调控细胞骨架排布Regulates cytoskeleton arrangement |
Td1[ Te1[ | Thick tassel dwarf1 Terminal ear1 | CLV-WUS途径 CLV-WUS pathway 生长素运输途径 Auxin transport pathway |
Vt2[ | Vanishing tassel2 | 生长素合成途径 Auxin biosynthesis pathway |
ZmCCD8[ | Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase8 | 独脚金内酯合成途径 Strigolactone biosynthesis pathway |
ZmGLR[ | Glutamic acid and lysine-rich | 油菜素内酯和生长素共同调控 Both brassinosteroid and auxin regulate |
ZmGRF10[ | Growth-regulating factors10 | 转录因子,影响多种生物学途径 Transcription factor, affect multiple biological pathways |
ZmPIN1a[ | PIN-formed1a | 生长素极性运输 Polar auxin transport |
ZmPHYC[ ZmRPH1[ | Phytochrome C Reducing plant height1 | 响应光周期 Response photoperiod 微管细胞骨架排布 Microtubule cytoskeleton arrangement |
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