生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 281-293.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0641
王斌1(), 袁晓1,2, 蒋园园1, 王玉昆1, 肖艳辉1, 何金明1(
何金明,男,博士,教授,研究方向:芳香植物资源研究及利用;E-mail: hjm@sgu.edu.cn作者简介:
王斌,男,博士,副教授,研究方向:芳香植物资源研究及利用;E-mail: b_wang@sgu.edu.cn
WANG Bin1(), YUAN Xiao1,2, JIANG Yuan-yuan1, WANG Yu-kun1, XIAO Yan-hui1, HE Jin-ming1(
【目的】薄荷精油是日化、医药和食品工业中的重要原料,bHLH转录因子在调控植物挥发性次生代谢产物合成中具有重要作用。探究bHLH蛋白在薄荷挥发性物质合成调控中的作用,为通过代谢或基因工程改良薄荷种质提供重要基因资源,拓展有关植物挥发性次生代谢产物合成途径与调控机制的认识。【方法】利用转录组测序和RT-qPCR技术分析bHLH96在薄荷根、茎、叶中的表达,并通过RT-PCR法克隆其全长序列,再利用DNA重组技术构建植物表达载体pBI121-bHLH96,利用农杆菌介导法在薄荷叶片中过表达,检测过表达bHLH96对薄荷叶片萜烯化合物含量和合成相关基因表达的影响。【结果】薄荷bHLH96的编码区全长861 bp,编码286个氨基酸残基。薄荷bHLH96是一个细胞核定位蛋白,植物bHLH96蛋白间的序列相似性为45.45%-73.68%,薄荷bHLH96与薰衣草LaMYC4和丹参SmbHLH94等唇形科植物bHLH蛋白的亲缘关系较近。在薄荷叶片中瞬时过表达bHLH96,显著影响15种萜烯化合物的相对含量。过表达bHLH96显著上调萜烯合成相关基因OC2、SM1、KS1、ND和EAO1的表达,显著下调NLS1、LS1和iPR的表达。【结论】薄荷bHLH96可能通过调控萜烯合成相关基因的表达,影响相关萜合成酶的活性,从而调控薄荷萜烯物质的合成。
王斌, 袁晓, 蒋园园, 王玉昆, 肖艳辉, 何金明. bHLH96的克隆及其在薄荷萜烯生物合成调控中的功能[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(1): 281-293.
WANG Bin, YUAN Xiao, JIANG Yuan-yuan, WANG Yu-kun, XIAO Yan-hui, HE Jin-ming. Cloning of bHLH96 Gene and Its Roles in Regulating the Biosynthesis of Peppermint Terpenes[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(1): 281-293.
引物名称 Primer name | 正向序列 Forward sequence(5'-3') | 反向序列 Reverse sequence(5'-3') | 用途 Usage |
bHLH96-GFP | acgggggactctagaggatccATGTCACTAGAGGCTGCGATGG | ggactgaccacccggggatccGCTACAAATTGATTCTTCTTGAATCAT | 亚细胞定位 Subcellular localization |
表1 引物信息
Table 1 Primer information
引物名称 Primer name | 正向序列 Forward sequence(5'-3') | 反向序列 Reverse sequence(5'-3') | 用途 Usage |
bHLH96-GFP | acgggggactctagaggatccATGTCACTAGAGGCTGCGATGG | ggactgaccacccggggatccGCTACAAATTGATTCTTCTTGAATCAT | 亚细胞定位 Subcellular localization |
图1 薄荷bHLH家族基因的表达模式及bHLH96的表达 A:薄荷不同组织中差异表达的bHLH家族基因的表达热图;B:转录组测序得到的bHLH96表达量;C:RT-qPCR法测定的bHLH96表达量;L:叶片,S:茎,R:根;1-3表示3个生物学重复;黑色方框中显示3个在叶片中高表达的bHLH基因;不同小写字母表示不同组织间差异显著(P≤0.05)。下同
Fig. 1 Expression patterns of bHLH family genes and bHLH96 expression A: Expression heatmap of bHLH family genes differentially expressed in different tissues of peppermint. B: Expression values of bHLH96 from RNA-Seq. C: Expression level of bHLH96 measured by RT-qPCR method. L: Leaf. S: Shoot. R: Root. 1-3 represent three biological replicates; three bHLH genes that are highly expressed in leaves are shown in the black box. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different tissues(P≤0.05). The same below
图2 薄荷bHLH96的PCR扩增产物电泳图 A:以薄荷叶片cDNA为模板扩增的DNA片段;B:以重组质粒为模板扩增的DNA片段;M:不同分子量的DNA标准物;1-4:bHLH96全长序列的扩增产物(1:以cDNA为模板扩增的DNA片段;2-4:以重组质粒为模板扩增的DNA片段)
Fig. 2 Electrophoresis maps of PCR amplification products of peppermint bHLH96 gene A: DNA fragments amplified using peppermint leaf cDNA as a template. B: DNA fragments amplified using recombinant plasmids as templates. M: DNA marker. 1-4: DNA amplified products of the full-length sequence of bHLH96 gene(1: DNA fragment amplified using cDNA as a template, 2-4: DNA fragments amplified using recombinant plasmids as templates)
图3 薄荷bHLH96的核苷酸序列(浅绿色背景)和推导的氨基酸序列(浅蓝色背景) *代表终止密码子
Fig. 3 Nucleotide sequence(light green background)and the deduced amino acid sequence(light blue background)of peppermint bHLH96 gene * indicates stop codon
图5 薄荷bHLH96与模式植物bHLH96氨基酸序列比对(A)和保守结构域保守性分析(B) 下划线显示bHLH蛋白的保守结构域序列;ObbHLH96:野生水稻,XP_006649528.1;AtbHLH96:拟南芥,NP_001320586.1;NtbHLH96:烟草,XP_016477918.1;SlbHLH96:番茄,XP_004250124.1。下同
Fig. 5 Amino acid sequence alignment(A)and conservation analysis of conserved domain(B)of peppermint bHLH96 and bHLH96 from model plants The underlined line indicates conserved domain sequences of bHLH proteins. ObbHLH96: Oryza brachyantha, XP_006649528.1. AtbHLH96: Arabidopsis thaliana, NP_001320586.1; NtbHLH96: Nicotiana tabacum, XP_016477918.1; SlbHLH96: Solanum lycopersicum, XP_004250124.1. The same below
品种 Species | 薄荷 Peppermint | 短花药野生稻 Oryza brachyantha | 拟南芥 Arabidopsis | 烟草 Tobacco | 番茄 Tomato |
薄荷 Peppermint | 100 | ||||
短花药野生稻 Oryza brachyantha | 46.71 | 100 | |||
拟南芥 Arabidopsis | 46.44 | 45.45 | 100 | ||
烟草 Tobacco | 55.74 | 60.52 | 47.04 | 100 | |
番茄 Tomato | 52.73 | 48.62 | 48.03 | 73.68 | 100 |
表2 不同植物bHLH96氨基酸序列一致性比较
Table 2 Comparison in the amino acid sequences of bHLH96 proteins in different plant species %
品种 Species | 薄荷 Peppermint | 短花药野生稻 Oryza brachyantha | 拟南芥 Arabidopsis | 烟草 Tobacco | 番茄 Tomato |
薄荷 Peppermint | 100 | ||||
短花药野生稻 Oryza brachyantha | 46.71 | 100 | |||
拟南芥 Arabidopsis | 46.44 | 45.45 | 100 | ||
烟草 Tobacco | 55.74 | 60.52 | 47.04 | 100 | |
番茄 Tomato | 52.73 | 48.62 | 48.03 | 73.68 | 100 |
图6 植物bHLH蛋白系统发育分析 ▲显示薄荷bHLH96;薰衣草LaMYC4的氨基酸序列见文献[20]
Fig. 6 Phylogenetic analysis of plant bHLH proteins ▲ indicates peppermint bHLH96. The amino acid sequence of lavender LaMYC4 can be found in the reference[20]
序号 No. | 化合物 Compound | 保留时间 Retention/min | 相对含量Relative content/% | |
CK | OE | |||
1 | 己醛 Hexanal | 3.80 | 0.36±0.03b | 0.65±0.05a |
2 | (E)-2-己烯醛(E)-2-Hexenal | 4.76 | 1.10±0.07b | 2.66±0.06a |
3 | α-蒎烯 α-Pinene | 6.61 | 2.48±0.02b | 4.23±0.07a |
4 | 香桧烯 Sabinene | 7.63 | 0.89±0.02b | 1.32±0.32a |
5 | L-β-蒎烯 L-β-Pinene | 7.72 | 1.91±0.08b | 3.40±0.04a |
6 | β-月桂烯 β-Myrcene | 8.07 | 0.99±0.05b | 1.78±0.04a |
7 | 3-辛醇 3-Octanol | 8.17 | 1.10±0.06 | 1.00±0.20 |
8 | 正辛醛 Octanal | 8.40 | 0.07±0.00b | 0.11±0.00a |
9 | D-柠檬烯 D-Limonene | 9.12 | 0.46±0.08b | 0.85±0.01a |
10 | 桉叶油醇 Eucalyptol | 9.21 | 0.31±0.02b | 0.53±0.00a |
11 | 顺式-β-罗勒烯 cis-β-Ocimene | 9.36 | 0.14±0.00b | 0.35±0.02a |
12 | 异胡薄荷醇 Isopulegol | 12.45 | 0.47±0.00a | 0.34±0.02b |
13 | 左旋薄荷酮 L-Menthone | 12.71 | 7.51±0.44 | 7.96±1.38 |
14 | 顺式薄荷酮 cis-Menthone | 13.00 | 3.45±0.27 | 3.54±0.24 |
15 | 薄荷醇 Menthol | 13.40 | 63.1±4.38 | 64.16±4.25 |
16 | 异薄荷醇 Isomenthol | 13.58 | 0.12±0.01 | 0.12±0.01 |
17 | α-松油醇 α-Terpineol | 13.77 | 0.16±0.01 | 0.18±0.01 |
18 | 顺式-3-己烯异戊酸cis-3-Hexenyl isovalerate | 14.97 | 0.16±0.01a | 0.11±0.01b |
19 | (+)-胡薄荷酮(±)-Pulegone | 15.13 | 10.23±6.00a | 3.45±0.17b |
20 | 胡椒酮 Piperitone | 15.52 | 0.51±0.08a | 0.37±0.00b |
21 | 石竹烯Caryophyllene | 19.92 | 0.44±0.04 | 0.52±0.05 |
22 | 大根香叶烯 Germacrene D | 21.46 | 1.27±0.01b | 1.79±0.23a |
23 | 双环大牛儿烯 Bicyclogermacrene | 21.83 | 0.15±0.02 | 0.19±0.04 |
表3 CK和OE薄荷叶片中的挥发性化合物种类和相对含量
Table 3 Types and relative contents of volatile compounds in the leaves of CK and OE peppermint seedlings
序号 No. | 化合物 Compound | 保留时间 Retention/min | 相对含量Relative content/% | |
CK | OE | |||
1 | 己醛 Hexanal | 3.80 | 0.36±0.03b | 0.65±0.05a |
2 | (E)-2-己烯醛(E)-2-Hexenal | 4.76 | 1.10±0.07b | 2.66±0.06a |
3 | α-蒎烯 α-Pinene | 6.61 | 2.48±0.02b | 4.23±0.07a |
4 | 香桧烯 Sabinene | 7.63 | 0.89±0.02b | 1.32±0.32a |
5 | L-β-蒎烯 L-β-Pinene | 7.72 | 1.91±0.08b | 3.40±0.04a |
6 | β-月桂烯 β-Myrcene | 8.07 | 0.99±0.05b | 1.78±0.04a |
7 | 3-辛醇 3-Octanol | 8.17 | 1.10±0.06 | 1.00±0.20 |
8 | 正辛醛 Octanal | 8.40 | 0.07±0.00b | 0.11±0.00a |
9 | D-柠檬烯 D-Limonene | 9.12 | 0.46±0.08b | 0.85±0.01a |
10 | 桉叶油醇 Eucalyptol | 9.21 | 0.31±0.02b | 0.53±0.00a |
11 | 顺式-β-罗勒烯 cis-β-Ocimene | 9.36 | 0.14±0.00b | 0.35±0.02a |
12 | 异胡薄荷醇 Isopulegol | 12.45 | 0.47±0.00a | 0.34±0.02b |
13 | 左旋薄荷酮 L-Menthone | 12.71 | 7.51±0.44 | 7.96±1.38 |
14 | 顺式薄荷酮 cis-Menthone | 13.00 | 3.45±0.27 | 3.54±0.24 |
15 | 薄荷醇 Menthol | 13.40 | 63.1±4.38 | 64.16±4.25 |
16 | 异薄荷醇 Isomenthol | 13.58 | 0.12±0.01 | 0.12±0.01 |
17 | α-松油醇 α-Terpineol | 13.77 | 0.16±0.01 | 0.18±0.01 |
18 | 顺式-3-己烯异戊酸cis-3-Hexenyl isovalerate | 14.97 | 0.16±0.01a | 0.11±0.01b |
19 | (+)-胡薄荷酮(±)-Pulegone | 15.13 | 10.23±6.00a | 3.45±0.17b |
20 | 胡椒酮 Piperitone | 15.52 | 0.51±0.08a | 0.37±0.00b |
21 | 石竹烯Caryophyllene | 19.92 | 0.44±0.04 | 0.52±0.05 |
22 | 大根香叶烯 Germacrene D | 21.46 | 1.27±0.01b | 1.79±0.23a |
23 | 双环大牛儿烯 Bicyclogermacrene | 21.83 | 0.15±0.02 | 0.19±0.04 |
图7 薄荷叶片中瞬时过表达bHLH96对相关TPS基因表达的影响 CK:过表达pBI121空载;OE:过表达bHLH96
Fig. 7 Effects of transient overexpression of bHLH96 in the peppermint leaves on the expressions of TPS genes CK: Overexpression of pBI121 plasmid. OE: Overexpression of bHLH96
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