生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 270-280.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0789
唐伟林1(), 康琴1, 汪霞2, 谌明洋1, 孙欣江1, 王棵1, 侯凯1, 吴卫1, 徐东北1(
徐东北,男,博士,副教授,研究方向:植物资源利用、植物逆境生物学与代谢调控;E-mail: xudongbei2006@126.com作者简介:
唐伟林,男,硕士研究生,研究方向:特用植物品质改良及逆境机制解析;E-mail: weilintang2021@163.com
TANG Wei-lin1(), KANG Qin1, WANG Xia2, SHEN Ming-yang1, SUN Xin-jiang1, WANG Ke1, HOU Kai1, WU Wei1, XU Dong-bei1(
【目的】茉莉酸(jasmonic acid, JA)受体COI1在调节植物生长发育、逆境响应方面具有重要作用。克隆薄荷McCOI1a基因,并分析其蛋白特征与表达模式,为薄荷分子育种提供基因资源。【方法】基于转录组数据从薄荷叶片中克隆McCOI1a,并通过生物信息学分析、烟草叶片瞬时表达、实时荧光定量PCR技术对McCOI1a的蛋白特性、亚细胞定位、基因表达模式进行分析。【结果】McCOI1a基因全长1 842 bp,编码613个氨基酸;McCOI1a蛋白具有保守的F-box和LRR结构域,与丹参SmCOI1蛋白同源性最高;亚细胞定位结果显示McCOI1a蛋白定位于细胞核;McCOI1a在不同组织中均有表达,在根中表达量最高,在叶序中表达呈逐渐上升的趋势;在叶片中,McCOI1a在MeJA、干旱、NaCl、AlCl3、CdCl2、CuCl2处理下的表达呈不同程度的上调,并且AlCl3处理下其上调最明显,表达量最高可达1 206倍;在根中,McCOI1a的表达在CuCl2处理下呈先下调而后上调的模式,在其余处理下,McCOI1a的表达都呈现出不同程度的下调。【结论】McCOI1a响应MeJA和非生物逆境胁迫,可能在调控薄荷生长发育、逆境响应方面发挥重要作用。
唐伟林, 康琴, 汪霞, 谌明洋, 孙欣江, 王棵, 侯凯, 吴卫, 徐东北. 薄荷茉莉酸受体McCOI1a基因的克隆与表达模式分析[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(1): 270-280.
TANG Wei-lin, KANG Qin, WANG Xia, SHEN Ming-yang, SUN Xin-jiang, WANG Ke, HOU Kai, WU Wei, XU Dong-bei. Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of Jasmonic Acid Receptor Gene McCOI1a in Mentha canadensis L.[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(1): 270-280.
图1 薄荷McCOI1a编码基因及其蛋白结构分析 A:McCOI1a基因及蛋白保守结构域示意图,a:McCOI1a基因全长;b:蛋白全长及保守结构域F-box,TIR1和AMN1位置;c:氨基酸长度比例尺,bp:碱基对。B:McCOI1a蛋白二级结构,蓝色:α-螺旋;绿色:β-转角;红色:延伸链;紫色:随机卷曲。C:McCOI1a蛋白三级结构,淡蓝色:α-螺旋;紫色:β-折叠;绿色:配体周围的残基;红色:配体;黄色虚线:氢键
Fig. 1 McCOI1a gene and its protein structure analysis in M. canadensis A: The diagram of McCOI1a gene and the conserved domain of McCOI1a protein. a: The full-length of McCOI1a; b: the full-length sequence of protein and the positions of conserved domain F-box, TIR1, and AMN1; c: the scale bar of the length of amino acid; bp: base pair. B: Secondary structure of McCOI1a protein. Blue: α-helix; Green: beta-turn; Red: extended-strand; Purple: random coil. C: Tertiary structure of McCOI1a protein. Baby blue: α-helix. Purple: beta-turn; Green: the residue around the ligand; Red: ligand; The dotted yellow line: hydrogen bond
图2 McCOI1a与其同源蛋白的氨基酸序列对比 黑色方框:F-box结构域;红线下划线:亮氨酸富集重复序列(LRR)
Fig. 2 Amino acid sequence comparison of McCOI1a and its homologous proteins Black box: F-box domain; red underline: leucine-rich repeat sequence(LRR)
图6 McCOI1a在薄荷不同组织及叶序中的表达分析 A:McCOI1a在薄荷根、茎、幼叶、老叶、花、蕾、茎尖中的表达。B:McCOI1a在薄荷不同部位叶片中的表达,叶1-叶8:形态学从上到下的第1至第8片叶子。数据为3个生物学重复的平均值±SE
Fig. 6 Expression analysis of McCOI1a gene in different tissues and phyllotaxis of M. canadensis A: Expressions of McCOI1a in the roots, stems, young leaf, old leaf, flower, bud, apical shoot of M. canadensis. B: Relative expressions of McCOI1a in the leaves at different positions. Leaf 1-leaf 8: The first to eighth leaf morphologically from top to bottom. The data are of ±SE of three biological replicates
图7 茉莉酸和非生物胁迫处理下薄荷McCOI1a基因在叶片中的表达分析 数据为3个生物学重复的平均值±SE(n = 3)。方差分析采用邓肯检验,小写字母代表0.05水平上显著差异。下同
Fig. 7 Expression analysis of McCOI1a in the leaves of M. canadensis under MeJA and abiotic stress treatments The data ±SE(n=3)of three biological replicates. Duncan test was used in ANOVA, the lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. The same below
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