生物技术通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 56-69.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-0702
张秫华1(), 方千1, 贾红梅1, 韩桂琪1,2, 严铸云1, 何冬梅1(
ZHANG Shu-hua1(), FANG Qian1, JIA Hong-mei1, HAN Gui-qi1,2, YAN Zhu-yun1, HE Dong-mei1(
张秫华, 方千, 贾红梅, 韩桂琪, 严铸云, 何冬梅. 川芎非根际、根际及根茎内生真菌群落差异分析[J]. 生物技术通报, 2021, 37(4): 56-69.
ZHANG Shu-hua, FANG Qian, JIA Hong-mei, HAN Gui-qi, YAN Zhu-yun, HE Dong-mei. Difference Analysis of Fungal Community Among Bulk Soil,Rhizosphere and Rhizomes of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(4): 56-69.
产区 Origin area | 样点名称 Sample name | 地址Address | 土壤类型Soil type | 栽培方式Planting model | 样品编号Sample No. | 纬度Latitude(N°) | 经度Longitude (E°) | 海拔Altitude /m | ||
非根际土Bulk soil/S | 根际土Rhizosphere soil/R | 根茎Rhizome/P | ||||||||
石羊(SY) | SY1 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY1 | RSY1 | PSY1 | 30.84 | 103.67 | 619 |
石羊(SY) | SY2 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY2 | RSY2 | PSY2 | 30.83 | 103.68 | 603 |
石羊(SY) | SY3 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY3 | RSY3 | PSY3 | 30.84 | 103.67 | 577 |
石羊(SY) | SY4 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY4 | RSY4 | PSY4 | 30.82 | 103.67 | 591 |
石羊(SY) | SY5 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY5 | RSY5 | PSY5 | 30.84 | 103.65 | 574 |
石羊(SY) | SY6 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 承包种植 | SSY6 | RSY6 | PSY6 | 30.83 | 103.66 | 597 |
眉山(MS) | XW | 眉山市修文镇 | 沙壤土 | 承包种植 | SXW | RXW | PXW | 30.01 | 103.70 | 398 |
眉山(MS) | YS | 眉山市永寿镇 | 红壤土 | 农户散种 | SYS | RYS | PYS | 29.99 | 103.85 | 364 |
眉山(MS) | XJ | 眉山市谢家镇 | 红黏土 | 农户散种 | SXJ | RXJ | PXJ | 30.22 | 103.79 | 394 |
彭州(PZ) | PZ | 彭州市敖平镇 | 灰壤土 | 承包种植 | SPZ | RPZ | PAP | 30.10 | 103.99 | 560 |
崇州(CZ) | CZ | 崇州市梓潼镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SCZ | RCZ | PCZ | 30.75 | 103.67 | 563 |
邛崃(QL) | QL | 邛崃市回龙镇 | 棕黏土 | 承包种植 | SQL | RQL | PQL | 30.30 | 103.68 | 435 |
表1 川芎样品采集样地信息
Table 1 Sampling plot information of L. chuanxiong Hort.
产区 Origin area | 样点名称 Sample name | 地址Address | 土壤类型Soil type | 栽培方式Planting model | 样品编号Sample No. | 纬度Latitude(N°) | 经度Longitude (E°) | 海拔Altitude /m | ||
非根际土Bulk soil/S | 根际土Rhizosphere soil/R | 根茎Rhizome/P | ||||||||
石羊(SY) | SY1 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY1 | RSY1 | PSY1 | 30.84 | 103.67 | 619 |
石羊(SY) | SY2 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY2 | RSY2 | PSY2 | 30.83 | 103.68 | 603 |
石羊(SY) | SY3 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY3 | RSY3 | PSY3 | 30.84 | 103.67 | 577 |
石羊(SY) | SY4 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY4 | RSY4 | PSY4 | 30.82 | 103.67 | 591 |
石羊(SY) | SY5 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SSY5 | RSY5 | PSY5 | 30.84 | 103.65 | 574 |
石羊(SY) | SY6 | 都江堰市石羊镇 | 灰壤土 | 承包种植 | SSY6 | RSY6 | PSY6 | 30.83 | 103.66 | 597 |
眉山(MS) | XW | 眉山市修文镇 | 沙壤土 | 承包种植 | SXW | RXW | PXW | 30.01 | 103.70 | 398 |
眉山(MS) | YS | 眉山市永寿镇 | 红壤土 | 农户散种 | SYS | RYS | PYS | 29.99 | 103.85 | 364 |
眉山(MS) | XJ | 眉山市谢家镇 | 红黏土 | 农户散种 | SXJ | RXJ | PXJ | 30.22 | 103.79 | 394 |
彭州(PZ) | PZ | 彭州市敖平镇 | 灰壤土 | 承包种植 | SPZ | RPZ | PAP | 30.10 | 103.99 | 560 |
崇州(CZ) | CZ | 崇州市梓潼镇 | 灰壤土 | 农户散种 | SCZ | RCZ | PCZ | 30.75 | 103.67 | 563 |
邛崃(QL) | QL | 邛崃市回龙镇 | 棕黏土 | 承包种植 | SQL | RQL | PQL | 30.30 | 103.68 | 435 |
图1 川芎非根际土、根际土真菌及内生真菌物种曲线 A:Pan曲线;B:Core曲线;S:非根际土;R:根际土;P:川芎根茎
Fig. 1 Species curves of bulk、rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi in L. chuanxiong Hort. A: Pan curve. B: Core curve. S: Bulk soil. R: Rhizosphere soil. P: Rhizome of, L. chuanxiong Hort.
样本类型Sample type | 香农指数 Shannon index | 辛普森指数Simpson index | Ace指数 Ace index | Chao指数 Chao index | Coverage指数Coverage index | Shannon even指数Shannon even index |
非根际土Bulk soil(S) | 4.6244a | 0.0376c | 1090.68b | 1089.08b | 0.9942b | 0.6816a |
根际土Rhizosphere soil(R) | 3.9585b | 0.0661b | 1292.43a | 1190.61a | 0.9918c | 0.5879b |
川芎根茎Rhizome(P) | 1.8919c | 0.3401a | 400.24c | 355.53c | 0.9976a | 0.3431c |
表2 川芎非根际土真菌、根际土真菌及内生真菌的α多样性指数
Table 2 α diversity indices of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi in L. chuanxiong Hort.
样本类型Sample type | 香农指数 Shannon index | 辛普森指数Simpson index | Ace指数 Ace index | Chao指数 Chao index | Coverage指数Coverage index | Shannon even指数Shannon even index |
非根际土Bulk soil(S) | 4.6244a | 0.0376c | 1090.68b | 1089.08b | 0.9942b | 0.6816a |
根际土Rhizosphere soil(R) | 3.9585b | 0.0661b | 1292.43a | 1190.61a | 0.9918c | 0.5879b |
川芎根茎Rhizome(P) | 1.8919c | 0.3401a | 400.24c | 355.53c | 0.9976a | 0.3431c |
门Phylum | 非根际土Bulk soil(S) | 根际土Rhizosphere soil(R) | 川芎根茎Rhizome (P) |
子囊菌门Ascomycota*** | 59.60% | 71.43% | 90.05% |
担子菌门Basidiomycota*** | 14.52% | 16.20% | 7.843% |
被孢菌门Mortierellomycota*** | 14.8% | 8.397% | 0.9983% |
罗兹菌门Rozellomycota*** | 1.787% | 0.7173% | 0.0467% |
表3 川芎非根际、根际及内生真菌优势门相对丰度
Table 3 Relative abundance of dominate fungal commun-ities in bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi of L. chuanxiong Hort. at Phylum level
门Phylum | 非根际土Bulk soil(S) | 根际土Rhizosphere soil(R) | 川芎根茎Rhizome (P) |
子囊菌门Ascomycota*** | 59.60% | 71.43% | 90.05% |
担子菌门Basidiomycota*** | 14.52% | 16.20% | 7.843% |
被孢菌门Mortierellomycota*** | 14.8% | 8.397% | 0.9983% |
罗兹菌门Rozellomycota*** | 1.787% | 0.7173% | 0.0467% |
属名Genus | 川芎根茎Rhizome (P) | 根际土Rhizosphere soil(R) | 非根际土Bulk soil(S) | |
小不整球壳菌属 | Plectosphaerella*** | 50.80% | 16.54% | 1.71% |
尾孢属 | Cercospora*** | 10.66% | 5.07% | - |
粪壳菌目未定属 | Unclassified Sordariomycetes | 8.74% | 4.30% | 5.20% |
球腔菌属 | Phaeosphaeria*** | 6.08% | 20.33% | 32.63% |
Dactylonectria*** | 5.37% | 2.65% | - | |
丝核菌属 | Rhizoctonia*** | 4.01% | - | - |
Calophoma*** | 2.76% | 2.19% | - | |
镰孢菌属 | Fusarium* | 2.19% | 2.52% | 3.72% |
小丛壳目未定属 | Unclassified Glomerellales*** | 1.84% | 1.84% | - |
异茎点霉属 | Paraphoma*** | 1.45% | - | - |
丛赤壳科未定属 | Unclassified Nectriaceae | 1.10% | - | - |
孢霉属 | Mortierella*** | - | 7.82% | 14.09% |
Unclassified Fungi*** | - | 2.02% | 7.68% | |
Saitozyma*** | - | 1.27% | 4.94% | |
格孢菌目未定属 | Unclassified Pleosporales*** | - | 1.10% | 2.01% |
芽枝霉属 | Cladosporium*** | - | 7.32% | 1.32% |
赤霉菌属 | Gibberella | - | 1.33% | - |
Cadophora*** | - | 1.69% | - | |
葡萄孢属 | Botrytis*** | - | 1.89% | - |
链格孢霉属 | Alternaria*** | - | 3.57% | - |
柱枝双胞霉属 | Sarocladium*** | - | 1.11% | - |
酵母菌 | Vishniacozyma*** | - | 2.53% | - |
隱真菌門未定属 | Unclassified Rozellomycota*** | - | 1.08% | - |
锁霉属 | Itersonilia*** | - | 2.43% | - |
毛壳菌属 | Chaetomium*** | - | 1.14% | - |
附球菌属 | Epicoccum*** | - | 1.07% | - |
球囊菌门未定属 | Unclassified Mortierellomycota*** | - | 1.03% | - |
白僵菌属 | Beauveria*** | - | - | 3.64% |
柄孢壳属 | Zopfiella*** | - | - | 2.32% |
尾柄孢壳属 | Cercophora*** | - | - | 2.20% |
粪壳菌目未定属 | Unclassified Sordariales*** | - | - | 1.87% |
翅孢壳属 | Emericellopsis*** | - | - | 1.76% |
木霉属 | Trichoderma*** | - | - | 1.75% |
Neocosmospora*** | - | - | 1.47% | |
毛球壳科未定属 | Unclassified Lasiosphaeriaceae*** | - | - | 1.43% |
Unclassified Ascomycota*** | - | - | 1.22% | |
Apiotrichum*** | - | - | 1.04% | |
小带菌属 | Taeniolella*** | - | - | 1.04% |
表4 川芎非根际土、根际土及内生真菌中优势属的相对丰度
Table 4 Relative abundance of dominate fungal communities in bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi of L. chuanxiong Hort. at genus level
属名Genus | 川芎根茎Rhizome (P) | 根际土Rhizosphere soil(R) | 非根际土Bulk soil(S) | |
小不整球壳菌属 | Plectosphaerella*** | 50.80% | 16.54% | 1.71% |
尾孢属 | Cercospora*** | 10.66% | 5.07% | - |
粪壳菌目未定属 | Unclassified Sordariomycetes | 8.74% | 4.30% | 5.20% |
球腔菌属 | Phaeosphaeria*** | 6.08% | 20.33% | 32.63% |
Dactylonectria*** | 5.37% | 2.65% | - | |
丝核菌属 | Rhizoctonia*** | 4.01% | - | - |
Calophoma*** | 2.76% | 2.19% | - | |
镰孢菌属 | Fusarium* | 2.19% | 2.52% | 3.72% |
小丛壳目未定属 | Unclassified Glomerellales*** | 1.84% | 1.84% | - |
异茎点霉属 | Paraphoma*** | 1.45% | - | - |
丛赤壳科未定属 | Unclassified Nectriaceae | 1.10% | - | - |
孢霉属 | Mortierella*** | - | 7.82% | 14.09% |
Unclassified Fungi*** | - | 2.02% | 7.68% | |
Saitozyma*** | - | 1.27% | 4.94% | |
格孢菌目未定属 | Unclassified Pleosporales*** | - | 1.10% | 2.01% |
芽枝霉属 | Cladosporium*** | - | 7.32% | 1.32% |
赤霉菌属 | Gibberella | - | 1.33% | - |
Cadophora*** | - | 1.69% | - | |
葡萄孢属 | Botrytis*** | - | 1.89% | - |
链格孢霉属 | Alternaria*** | - | 3.57% | - |
柱枝双胞霉属 | Sarocladium*** | - | 1.11% | - |
酵母菌 | Vishniacozyma*** | - | 2.53% | - |
隱真菌門未定属 | Unclassified Rozellomycota*** | - | 1.08% | - |
锁霉属 | Itersonilia*** | - | 2.43% | - |
毛壳菌属 | Chaetomium*** | - | 1.14% | - |
附球菌属 | Epicoccum*** | - | 1.07% | - |
球囊菌门未定属 | Unclassified Mortierellomycota*** | - | 1.03% | - |
白僵菌属 | Beauveria*** | - | - | 3.64% |
柄孢壳属 | Zopfiella*** | - | - | 2.32% |
尾柄孢壳属 | Cercophora*** | - | - | 2.20% |
粪壳菌目未定属 | Unclassified Sordariales*** | - | - | 1.87% |
翅孢壳属 | Emericellopsis*** | - | - | 1.76% |
木霉属 | Trichoderma*** | - | - | 1.75% |
Neocosmospora*** | - | - | 1.47% | |
毛球壳科未定属 | Unclassified Lasiosphaeriaceae*** | - | - | 1.43% |
Unclassified Ascomycota*** | - | - | 1.22% | |
Apiotrichum*** | - | - | 1.04% | |
小带菌属 | Taeniolella*** | - | - | 1.04% |
图2 OTU单元下川芎非根际土、根际土及内生真菌的物种Venn图 S:非根际土;R:根际土;P:川芎根茎
Fig. 2 Venn diagram of species in bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi of L. chuanxiong Hort. at OTU level S: Bulk soil. R: Rhizosphere soil. P: Rhizome of L. chuanxiong Hort
门Phylum | 科Family | 属Genus | OTU | 川芎根茎(P) Rhizome/% | 根际土(R) Rhizosphere soil | 非根际土(S) Bulk soil |
Mortierellomycota | Mortierellaceae | Mortierella | OTU1750 | - | 3.46% | 8.82% |
OTU2102 | - | 1.11% | - | |||
OTU4724 | - | 1.01% | - | |||
Basidiomycota | Trimorphomycetaceae | Saitozyma | OTU4345 | - | 1.23% | 4.78% |
Ceratobasidiaceae | Rhizoctonia | OTU715 | 2.76 | - | - | |
Mrakiaceae | Itersonilia | OTU2716 | - | 2.43% | - | |
Symmetrosporaceae | Symmetrospora | OTU1456 | - | 1.04% | - | |
Bolbitiaceae | Panaeolus | OTU624 | - | 1.02% | - | |
Ascomycota | Chaetomiaceae | Zopfiella | OTU6720 | - | - | 2.00% |
Cladosporium | OTU2449 | - | 7.05% | 1.26% | ||
Cordycipitaceae | Beauveria | OTU7040 | - | - | 3.64% | |
Didymellaceae | Calophoma | OTU353 | 2.76 | 2.19% | - | |
Hypocreales_fam_Incertae_sedis | Emericellopsis | OTU6007 | - | - | 1.24% | |
Ustilaginoidea | OTU5447 | - | - | 1.04% | ||
Kirschsteiniotheliaceae | Taeniolella | OTU5740 | - | - | 1.22% | |
Lasiosphaeriaceae | Cercophora | OTU6331 | - | - | 1.20% | |
Mycosphaerellaceae | Cercospora | OTU111 | 10.66 | 5.07% | - | |
Nectriaceae | Fusarium | OTU2533 | - | 1.04% | 2.94% | |
Neocosmospora | OTU2848 | - | - | 1.40% | ||
Dactylonectria | OTU235 | 5.02 | 2.53% | - | ||
Fusarium | OTU733 | 1.13 | 1.15% | - | ||
Phaeosphaeriaceae | Phaeosphaeria | OTU7026 | - | 1.07% | - | |
Plectosphaerellaceae | Plectosphaerella | OTU1565 | 50.21 | 16.35% | 1.65% | |
Alternaria | OTU2299 | - | 3.57% | - | ||
Sclerotiniaceae | Botrytis | OTU2392 | - | 1.89% | - | |
Unclassified Sordariomycetes | Unclassified Sordariomycetes | OTU2573 | - | - | 1.19% | |
OTU164 | 8.10 | 2.24% | - | |||
Unclassified Glomerellales | Unclassified Glomerellales | OTU412 | 1.83 | 1.76% | - | |
Unclassified Pleosporales | Unclassified Pleosporales | OTU4233 | - | - | 1.79% | |
Others | 15.60 | 39.29% | 60.67% | |||
总计Total | 98.07 | 96.51% | 94.85% |
表5 川芎非根际土、根际土及内生真菌的优势物种(相对丰度>1%)相对丰度
Table 5 Relative abundance of dominant fungal composition (Relative abundance > 1%) in bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi of L. chuanxiong Hort. at OTU level
门Phylum | 科Family | 属Genus | OTU | 川芎根茎(P) Rhizome/% | 根际土(R) Rhizosphere soil | 非根际土(S) Bulk soil |
Mortierellomycota | Mortierellaceae | Mortierella | OTU1750 | - | 3.46% | 8.82% |
OTU2102 | - | 1.11% | - | |||
OTU4724 | - | 1.01% | - | |||
Basidiomycota | Trimorphomycetaceae | Saitozyma | OTU4345 | - | 1.23% | 4.78% |
Ceratobasidiaceae | Rhizoctonia | OTU715 | 2.76 | - | - | |
Mrakiaceae | Itersonilia | OTU2716 | - | 2.43% | - | |
Symmetrosporaceae | Symmetrospora | OTU1456 | - | 1.04% | - | |
Bolbitiaceae | Panaeolus | OTU624 | - | 1.02% | - | |
Ascomycota | Chaetomiaceae | Zopfiella | OTU6720 | - | - | 2.00% |
Cladosporium | OTU2449 | - | 7.05% | 1.26% | ||
Cordycipitaceae | Beauveria | OTU7040 | - | - | 3.64% | |
Didymellaceae | Calophoma | OTU353 | 2.76 | 2.19% | - | |
Hypocreales_fam_Incertae_sedis | Emericellopsis | OTU6007 | - | - | 1.24% | |
Ustilaginoidea | OTU5447 | - | - | 1.04% | ||
Kirschsteiniotheliaceae | Taeniolella | OTU5740 | - | - | 1.22% | |
Lasiosphaeriaceae | Cercophora | OTU6331 | - | - | 1.20% | |
Mycosphaerellaceae | Cercospora | OTU111 | 10.66 | 5.07% | - | |
Nectriaceae | Fusarium | OTU2533 | - | 1.04% | 2.94% | |
Neocosmospora | OTU2848 | - | - | 1.40% | ||
Dactylonectria | OTU235 | 5.02 | 2.53% | - | ||
Fusarium | OTU733 | 1.13 | 1.15% | - | ||
Phaeosphaeriaceae | Phaeosphaeria | OTU7026 | - | 1.07% | - | |
Plectosphaerellaceae | Plectosphaerella | OTU1565 | 50.21 | 16.35% | 1.65% | |
Alternaria | OTU2299 | - | 3.57% | - | ||
Sclerotiniaceae | Botrytis | OTU2392 | - | 1.89% | - | |
Unclassified Sordariomycetes | Unclassified Sordariomycetes | OTU2573 | - | - | 1.19% | |
OTU164 | 8.10 | 2.24% | - | |||
Unclassified Glomerellales | Unclassified Glomerellales | OTU412 | 1.83 | 1.76% | - | |
Unclassified Pleosporales | Unclassified Pleosporales | OTU4233 | - | - | 1.79% | |
Others | 15.60 | 39.29% | 60.67% | |||
总计Total | 98.07 | 96.51% | 94.85% |
图3 川芎非根际土、根际土及内生真菌的物种PCoA分析(A)、ANOSIM分析(B)及距离heatmap图(C) S:非根际土;R:根际土;P:川芎根茎;样品编号对应的产地信息见表1,“_1、_2、_3”代表3个重复样品
Fig. 3 PCoA analysis (A)、ANOSIM analysis (B) and distance heatmap analysis (C) of fungal composition in bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and endophytic fungi of L. chuanxiong Hort. S: Bulk soil. R: Rhizosphere soil. P: Rhizome of L. chuanxiong Hort. The location information of corresponding sample name is shown in Table 1. ‘1, _2, and _3’ refer to three duplicate samples
图4 川芎非根际土、根际土及内生真菌群落heatmap图 S组:非根际土;R组:根际土;P组:川芎根茎;样品编号对应的产地信息见表1
Fig. 4 Heatmap of fungal communities in bulk, rhizosphere soil and endophyte in L. chuanxiong Hort. S: Bulk soil. R: Rhizosphere soil. P: Rhizome of L. chuanxiong Hort. The information of corresponding sample name is in Table 1
水解氮 HN/(mg·kg-1) | 有效钾 AK/(mg·kg-1) | 有效磷 AP/(mg·kg-1) | 有机质 OM/(mg·kg-1) | 总氮 TN/(mg·kg-1) | pH | |
SPZ | 187.8 | 209.0b | 4.800b | 33.50a | 1.650a | 5.96 |
SCZ | 205.7 | 199.0bc | 4.700b | 24.20c | 1360bc | 5.92 |
SQL | 210.5 | 233.0a | 14.80ab | 28.00b | 1.470ab | 5.72 |
SMS | 196.9 | 196.0bc | 33.96a | 23.30c | 1.270bc | 6.47 |
SSY | 213.4 | 190.2c | 15.93a | 28.43b | 1.520a | 6.43 |
r2 | 0.1825 | 0.2285 | 0.6247 | 0.1461 | 0.0863 | 0.1873 |
P | 0.034 | 0.015 | 0.001 | 0.088 | 0.228 | 0.029 |
表6 川芎非根际土壤环境因子及RDA分析结果表
Table 6 Environmental factors of bulk soil of L. chuanxiong Hort. and db-RDA analysis
水解氮 HN/(mg·kg-1) | 有效钾 AK/(mg·kg-1) | 有效磷 AP/(mg·kg-1) | 有机质 OM/(mg·kg-1) | 总氮 TN/(mg·kg-1) | pH | |
SPZ | 187.8 | 209.0b | 4.800b | 33.50a | 1.650a | 5.96 |
SCZ | 205.7 | 199.0bc | 4.700b | 24.20c | 1360bc | 5.92 |
SQL | 210.5 | 233.0a | 14.80ab | 28.00b | 1.470ab | 5.72 |
SMS | 196.9 | 196.0bc | 33.96a | 23.30c | 1.270bc | 6.47 |
SSY | 213.4 | 190.2c | 15.93a | 28.43b | 1.520a | 6.43 |
r2 | 0.1825 | 0.2285 | 0.6247 | 0.1461 | 0.0863 | 0.1873 |
P | 0.034 | 0.015 | 0.001 | 0.088 | 0.228 | 0.029 |
图5 川芎非根际、根际真菌与环境因子RDA分析 A:川芎非根际土RDA分析;B:川芎根际土RDA分析;产地信息见表1
Fig. 5 RDA analysis of bulk soil and rhizosphere soil fungi with environmental factors in L. chuanxiong Hort A: RDA analysis of bulk soil. B: RDA analysis of rhizosphere soil. Origin area information is in Table 1
水解氮 HN/(mg·kg-1) | 有效钾 AK/(mg·kg-1) | 有效磷 AP/(mg·kg-1) | 有机质 OM/(mg·kg-1) | 总氮 TN/(mg·kg-1) | pH | |
RPZ | 169.2a | 188.0 | 8.000b | 39.86 | 2.600 | 5.53b |
RCZ | 94.4b | 188.0 | 0.900b | 33.42 | 2.000 | 6.17ab |
RQL | 104.5b | 203.0 | 9.700ab | 29.88 | 1.760 | 5.73b |
RMS | 190.2a | 191.3 | 23.47a | 38.63 | 1.960 | 6.19ab |
RSY | 168.7a | 184.7 | 19.58a | 38.76 | 2.040 | 6.56a |
r2 | 0.044 | 0.2234 | 0.2158 | 0.1496 | 0.1373 | 0.1157 |
P | 0.474 | 0.014 | 0.016 | 0.081 | 0.101 | 0.145 |
表7 川芎根际土壤环境因子及RDA分析结果表
Table 7 Environmental factors of rhizosphere soil of L. chuanxiong Hort. and db-RDA analysis
水解氮 HN/(mg·kg-1) | 有效钾 AK/(mg·kg-1) | 有效磷 AP/(mg·kg-1) | 有机质 OM/(mg·kg-1) | 总氮 TN/(mg·kg-1) | pH | |
RPZ | 169.2a | 188.0 | 8.000b | 39.86 | 2.600 | 5.53b |
RCZ | 94.4b | 188.0 | 0.900b | 33.42 | 2.000 | 6.17ab |
RQL | 104.5b | 203.0 | 9.700ab | 29.88 | 1.760 | 5.73b |
RMS | 190.2a | 191.3 | 23.47a | 38.63 | 1.960 | 6.19ab |
RSY | 168.7a | 184.7 | 19.58a | 38.76 | 2.040 | 6.56a |
r2 | 0.044 | 0.2234 | 0.2158 | 0.1496 | 0.1373 | 0.1157 |
P | 0.474 | 0.014 | 0.016 | 0.081 | 0.101 | 0.145 |
图6 川芎非根际土、根际土及内生真菌的物种真菌功能预测分析 A:不同营养型相对丰度;B:生态功能群相对丰度bar图;S:非根际土;R:根际土;P:川芎根茎
Fig. 6 FUNGuild analysis of the fungi in bulk soil and rhizosphere soils and endophytic fungi of L. chuanxiong Hort A: Relative abundance of trophic modes. B:Relative abundance of guilds. S: Bulk soil. R: Rhizosphere soil. P: Rhizome of L. chuanxiong Hort.
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