生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 49-58.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-1163
周晓杰1,2(), 杨思琪1,2, 张译文3, 徐佳琪4, 杨晟1(
杨晟,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:微生物分子遗传与合成生物学;E-mail: syang@sibs.ac.cn作者简介:
周晓杰,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:基因组编辑;E-mail: zhouxiaojie@cemps.ac.cn
ZHOU Xiao-jie1,2(), YANG Si-qi1,2, ZHANG Yi-wen3, XU Jia-qi4, YANG Sheng1(
CRISPR-Cas能够在RNA引导下靶向DNA或RNA的特定序列,改变RNA序列即可改变靶向位点,利用这一可重编程特性已开发出了各种强大的遗传学工具。最近发现CRISPR元件在进化过程中被Tn7转座子劫持,由此衍生出的CRISPR相关转座酶(CRISPR-associated transposases, CASTs)系统具有RNA引导DNA整合的能力,被部署为靶点可重编程的基因组整合工具,在大片段和多重基因整合上具有广阔的应用前景。本文追溯了CASTs的发现历程,总结了不同类型CASTs的基因座结构特点、介导基因整合的机制模型以及其在多种革兰氏阴性细菌中的部署和应用。
周晓杰, 杨思琪, 张译文, 徐佳琪, 杨晟. CRISPR相关转座酶及其细菌基因组编辑应用[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(4): 49-58.
ZHOU Xiao-jie, YANG Si-qi, ZHANG Yi-wen, XU Jia-qi, YANG Sheng. CRISPR-associated Transposases and Their Applications in Bacterial Genome Editing[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(4): 49-58.
亚型 Subtype | 缩写或转座子编号 Abbreviation or transposon No. | 来源 Source | 底盘 Chassis | 最高效率 Highest efficiency | 参考文献 Reference |
I-F | VchCAST | Vibrio cholerae Tn6677 | Escherichia coli | ~100% | [ |
Tatumella citrea | ~100% | [ | |||
Klebsiella oxytoca | N.D.* | [ | |||
Pseudomonas putida | N.D.* | [ | |||
Klebsiella michiganensis | ~0.010 | [ | |||
Pseudomonas simiae | ~0.003 | [ | |||
Ralstonia sp. UNC404CL21Col | ~0.001 | [ | |||
PtrCAST | Pseudoalteromonas translucida KMM520 | Escherichia coli | ~100% | [ | |
AsaCAST | Aeromonas salmonicidaS44 | Escherichia coli | 33.4% **&*** | [ | |
Tn7000 | Vibrio cholerae 4874 | Escherichia coli | ~1% | [ | |
Tn7001 | Photobactenium iliopiscarium NCIMB 13355 | Escherichia coli | ~1% | [ | |
Tn7002 | Vibrio sp.F12 | Escherichia coli | ~0.2% | [ | |
Tn7003 | Vibrnio parahaemolyticusFORC 071 | Escherichia coli | ~2% | [ | |
Tn7004 | Vibrio sp.16 | Escherichia coli | ~0.05% | [ | |
Tn7005 | Vibrio cholerae M1517 | Escherichia coli | ~45% | [ | |
Tn7006 | Vibrio splendidus UCD-SED10 | Escherichia coli | ~0.4% | [ | |
Tn7007 | Alivibrio wodanis06/09/160 | Escherichia coli | ~40% | [ | |
Tn7008 | Alivibrio sp.1S175 | Escherichia coli | ~0.13% | [ | |
Tn7009 | Parashewanella spongiaeHJ039 | Escherichia coli | ~50% | [ | |
Tn7010 | Photobacterium ganghwense JCM 12487 | Escherichia coli | ~0.4% | [ | |
Tn7011 | Pseudoalteromonas sp.P1-25 | Escherichia coli | ~48% | [ | |
Tn7012 | Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica S3245 | Escherichia coli | ~5% | [ | |
Tn7013 | Vibrio cholerae OYP7G04 | Escherichia coli | ~0.1% | [ | |
Tn7014 | Vibnio diazotrophicus60.6F | Escherichia coli | ~30% | [ | |
Tn7015 | Shewanella sp.UCD-KL21 | Escherichia coli | ~6% | [ | |
Tn7016 | Pseudoalteromonassp.S983 | Escherichia coli | ~80% | [ | |
Tn7017 | Endozoicomonas ascidicolaAVMARTO5 | Escherichia coli | ~16% | [ | |
I-B | AvCAST | Anabaena variabilis | Escherichia coli | 2.50% | [ |
PmcCAST | Peltigera membranacea cyanobiont 210A | Escherichia coli | 0.85% | [ | |
RoCAST | Rippkaea orientalis | Escherichia coli | N.D.* | [ | |
V-K | ShCAST | Scytonema hofmanni | Escherichia coli | 80% | [ |
Sinorhizobium meliloti | ~100% | [ | |||
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 | 100% | [ | |||
Burkholderia thailandensis | ~100% ** | [ | |||
Pseudomonas putida | ~100% ** | [ | |||
Agrobacterium fabrum Anabaena | 40% ** N.D.* | [ [ | |||
ShoCAST | Scytonema hofmannii PCC 7110 | Escherichia coli | 40% | [ | |
AcCAST | Anabaena cylindrica | / | N.D.* | [ | |
ShHELIX | Scytonema hofmanni | Escherichia coli | ~80% | [ | |
ShoHELIX | Scytonema hofmannii PCC 7110 | Escherichia coli | ~50% | [ | |
AcHELIX | Anabaena cylindrica | Escherichia coli | ~90% | [ |
表1 不同亚型CASTs在细菌中的部署
Table 1 Implementation of different subtype CASTs in bacteria
亚型 Subtype | 缩写或转座子编号 Abbreviation or transposon No. | 来源 Source | 底盘 Chassis | 最高效率 Highest efficiency | 参考文献 Reference |
I-F | VchCAST | Vibrio cholerae Tn6677 | Escherichia coli | ~100% | [ |
Tatumella citrea | ~100% | [ | |||
Klebsiella oxytoca | N.D.* | [ | |||
Pseudomonas putida | N.D.* | [ | |||
Klebsiella michiganensis | ~0.010 | [ | |||
Pseudomonas simiae | ~0.003 | [ | |||
Ralstonia sp. UNC404CL21Col | ~0.001 | [ | |||
PtrCAST | Pseudoalteromonas translucida KMM520 | Escherichia coli | ~100% | [ | |
AsaCAST | Aeromonas salmonicidaS44 | Escherichia coli | 33.4% **&*** | [ | |
Tn7000 | Vibrio cholerae 4874 | Escherichia coli | ~1% | [ | |
Tn7001 | Photobactenium iliopiscarium NCIMB 13355 | Escherichia coli | ~1% | [ | |
Tn7002 | Vibrio sp.F12 | Escherichia coli | ~0.2% | [ | |
Tn7003 | Vibrnio parahaemolyticusFORC 071 | Escherichia coli | ~2% | [ | |
Tn7004 | Vibrio sp.16 | Escherichia coli | ~0.05% | [ | |
Tn7005 | Vibrio cholerae M1517 | Escherichia coli | ~45% | [ | |
Tn7006 | Vibrio splendidus UCD-SED10 | Escherichia coli | ~0.4% | [ | |
Tn7007 | Alivibrio wodanis06/09/160 | Escherichia coli | ~40% | [ | |
Tn7008 | Alivibrio sp.1S175 | Escherichia coli | ~0.13% | [ | |
Tn7009 | Parashewanella spongiaeHJ039 | Escherichia coli | ~50% | [ | |
Tn7010 | Photobacterium ganghwense JCM 12487 | Escherichia coli | ~0.4% | [ | |
Tn7011 | Pseudoalteromonas sp.P1-25 | Escherichia coli | ~48% | [ | |
Tn7012 | Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica S3245 | Escherichia coli | ~5% | [ | |
Tn7013 | Vibrio cholerae OYP7G04 | Escherichia coli | ~0.1% | [ | |
Tn7014 | Vibnio diazotrophicus60.6F | Escherichia coli | ~30% | [ | |
Tn7015 | Shewanella sp.UCD-KL21 | Escherichia coli | ~6% | [ | |
Tn7016 | Pseudoalteromonassp.S983 | Escherichia coli | ~80% | [ | |
Tn7017 | Endozoicomonas ascidicolaAVMARTO5 | Escherichia coli | ~16% | [ | |
I-B | AvCAST | Anabaena variabilis | Escherichia coli | 2.50% | [ |
PmcCAST | Peltigera membranacea cyanobiont 210A | Escherichia coli | 0.85% | [ | |
RoCAST | Rippkaea orientalis | Escherichia coli | N.D.* | [ | |
V-K | ShCAST | Scytonema hofmanni | Escherichia coli | 80% | [ |
Sinorhizobium meliloti | ~100% | [ | |||
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 | 100% | [ | |||
Burkholderia thailandensis | ~100% ** | [ | |||
Pseudomonas putida | ~100% ** | [ | |||
Agrobacterium fabrum Anabaena | 40% ** N.D.* | [ [ | |||
ShoCAST | Scytonema hofmannii PCC 7110 | Escherichia coli | 40% | [ | |
AcCAST | Anabaena cylindrica | / | N.D.* | [ | |
ShHELIX | Scytonema hofmanni | Escherichia coli | ~80% | [ | |
ShoHELIX | Scytonema hofmannii PCC 7110 | Escherichia coli | ~50% | [ | |
AcHELIX | Anabaena cylindrica | Escherichia coli | ~90% | [ |
图4 MUCICAT的原理(A)及其在酶剂量优化(B)和代谢工程菌株改造(C)上的应用
Fig. 4 Mechanism of MUCICAT(A)and its application of enzyme dosage optimization(B)and modification(C)of metabolically engineered strain
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