生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 173-184.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-1499
范昕琦1(), 王海燕2, 陈静1, 张晓娟1, 郭琦1, 梁笃1, 周福平1, 聂萌恩1, 张一中1, 柳青山2(
柳青山,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:高粱遗传育种;E-mail: 673673@163.com作者简介:
范昕琦,女,博士,研究方向:高粱遗传育种;E-mail: fanxq86@126.com
FAN Xin-qi1(), WANG Hai-yan2, CHEN Jing1, ZHANG Xiao-juan1, GUO Qi1, LIANG Du1, ZHOU Fu-ping1, NIE Meng-en1, ZHANG Yi-zhong1, LIU Qing-shan2(
探究不同浓度的EMS处理对高粱成苗及M1代主要农艺性状的影响,确定不同高粱诱变的最佳EMS处理浓度,为高粱突变体库构建、种质资源的创新以及培育高产、优质的高粱新材料提供基础材料和理论指导。以6个高粱恢复系为材料,用不同浓度EMS(0、0.20%、0.25%、0.30%和0.35%)浸种处理高粱种子12 h,大田播种后调查、统计植株相关农艺性状的诱变情况。结果表明,种子成苗率随着EMS处理浓度增加而逐渐降低,处理后代植株的株高、叶片、穗型、育性以及成熟期变异率随着EMS浓度的增加而增加。构建突变体库时,1121R、LgB7B大粒高、L早615·L17、28R·吉16的最佳EMS诱变浓度均为0.25%,L17最佳诱变浓度为0.35%,而低秆L17则需要高于0.35%的EMS。EMS诱变处理对高粱生长和主要农艺性状均产生较大影响,但对不同材料的影响程度不同。
范昕琦, 王海燕, 陈静, 张晓娟, 郭琦, 梁笃, 周福平, 聂萌恩, 张一中, 柳青山. EMS诱变对高粱成苗及M1主要农艺性状的影响[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(7): 173-184.
FAN Xin-qi, WANG Hai-yan, CHEN Jing, ZHANG Xiao-juan, GUO Qi, LIANG Du, ZHOU Fu-ping, NIE Meng-en, ZHANG Yi-zhong, LIU Qing-shan. Effects of EMS Mutagenesis on the Seeding Survival and Major Agronomic Traits of Sorghum in M1 Generation[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(7): 173-184.
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatment concentration/% | 相对成苗率 Relative seeding emergence rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 75.64±0.65Ba | 52.50±0.85Bc | 75.43±0.73Ba | 68.94±0.80Bb | 71.81±1.07Bb | 54.86±0.16Bc | |
0.25 | 74.36±0.41Ba | 51.39±0.24BCd | 65.43±0.54Cc | 68.3±0.50Bb | 63.61±0.55Cc | 50.00±0.36Cd | |
0.30 | 59.23±0.81Cb | 49.44±1.04Cd | 54.78±0.72Dc | 64.68±1.72BCa | 58.07±0.67Db | 45.71±0.36De | |
0.35 | 47.44±0.76Dd | 43.06±0.51De | 50.00±0.41Ec | 61.23±0.61Ca | 55.18±0.22Eb | 42.86±0.52Ee |
表1 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱成苗率的影响
Table 1 Effects of the EMS treatments with different concentrations on the seeding emergence rate of sorghum
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatment concentration/% | 相对成苗率 Relative seeding emergence rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | 100.00±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 75.64±0.65Ba | 52.50±0.85Bc | 75.43±0.73Ba | 68.94±0.80Bb | 71.81±1.07Bb | 54.86±0.16Bc | |
0.25 | 74.36±0.41Ba | 51.39±0.24BCd | 65.43±0.54Cc | 68.3±0.50Bb | 63.61±0.55Cc | 50.00±0.36Cd | |
0.30 | 59.23±0.81Cb | 49.44±1.04Cd | 54.78±0.72Dc | 64.68±1.72BCa | 58.07±0.67Db | 45.71±0.36De | |
0.35 | 47.44±0.76Dd | 43.06±0.51De | 50.00±0.41Ec | 61.23±0.61Ca | 55.18±0.22Eb | 42.86±0.52Ee |
EMS处理浓度 Treatments concentration/% | 影响程度 Effect degree |
0.00 | 1121R=L早615·L17>L17=低秆L17>LgB7B大粒高=28R·吉16 |
0.20 | 1121R>低秆L17>L早615·L17= L17>LgB7B大粒高=28R·吉16 |
0.25 | 低秆L17>1121R=L17>L早615·L17> LgB7B大粒高>28R·吉16 |
0.30 | 低秆L17>L17>L早615·L17> 1121R>LgB7B大粒高=28R·吉16 |
表2 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱成苗的影响程度比较
Table 2 Comparison of affecting degrees of different EMS treatments with different concentrations on the seeding emergence of sorghum
EMS处理浓度 Treatments concentration/% | 影响程度 Effect degree |
0.00 | 1121R=L早615·L17>L17=低秆L17>LgB7B大粒高=28R·吉16 |
0.20 | 1121R>低秆L17>L早615·L17= L17>LgB7B大粒高=28R·吉16 |
0.25 | 低秆L17>1121R=L17>L早615·L17> LgB7B大粒高>28R·吉16 |
0.30 | 低秆L17>L17>L早615·L17> 1121R>LgB7B大粒高=28R·吉16 |
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatment concentration/% | 株高变异率 Plant height mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aaa | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 17.59±0.79Bab | 21.29±0.28Ca | 7.83±0.20Cb | 23.68±0.32Ca | 21.64±4.86Ba | 11.25±0.49Bb | |
0.25 | 33.12±0.49Cb | 34.13±0.85Db | 23.92±0.13De | 27.16±0.21Dd | 39.21±0.22Ca | 30.86±0.54Cc | |
0.30 | 57.57±0.64Da | 39.61±0.36Ecd | 30.42±0.63Ee | 36.31±0.37Ed | 41.92±0.68Cc | 48.00±1.45Db |
表3 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱株高变异率的影响
Table 3 Effects of EMS treatments with different concentrations on the plant heights of sorghum
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatment concentration/% | 株高变异率 Plant height mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aaa | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aa | 100.0±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 17.59±0.79Bab | 21.29±0.28Ca | 7.83±0.20Cb | 23.68±0.32Ca | 21.64±4.86Ba | 11.25±0.49Bb | |
0.25 | 33.12±0.49Cb | 34.13±0.85Db | 23.92±0.13De | 27.16±0.21Dd | 39.21±0.22Ca | 30.86±0.54Cc | |
0.30 | 57.57±0.64Da | 39.61±0.36Ecd | 30.42±0.63Ee | 36.31±0.37Ed | 41.92±0.68Cc | 48.00±1.45Db |
材料 Materials | EMS处理浓度 EMS treatment concentration/% | 育性变异率Fertility mutation rate/% | ||||
育性=0% Fertility=0% | 育性≤10% Fertility≤10% | 10%<育性≤50% 10%<Fertility≤50% | 育性>50% Fertility>50% | |||
1121R | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 13.79±0.39 | 25.91±0.44 | 80.40±0.97 | 89.27±1.64 | ||
0.25 | 14.85±0.37 | 25.58±0.39 | 11.60±0.29 | 5.75±0.17 | ||
0.30 | 12.47±0.37 | 21.59±0.65 | 4.40±0.10 | 3.07±0.12 | ||
0.35 | 58.89±0.33 | 26.91±0.42 | 3.60±0.08 | 1.92±0.22 | ||
LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 28.74±0.34 | 45.00±0.76 | 49.59±0.72 | 66.67±1.28 | ||
0.25 | 32.93±0.42 | 7.14±0.26 | 4.88±0.21 | 4.44±0.12 | ||
0.30 | 25.75±0.46 | 30.71±0.41 | 38.21±0.54 | 24.44±1.19 | ||
0.35 | 12.57±0.42 | 17.14±0.94 | 7.32±0.20 | 4.44±0.18 | ||
L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 16.88±0.53 | 41.94±0.7 | 68.94±0.47 | 84.11±1.14 | ||
0.25 | 8.75±0.09 | 28.39±0.57 | 9.09±0.16 | 4.67±0.20 | ||
0.30 | 5.63±0.55 | 9.68±0.25 | 6.82±0.33 | 5.61±0.21 | ||
0.35 | 68.75±0.39 | 20.00±0.59 | 15.15±0.43 | 5.61±0.45 | ||
低秆L17 Digan L17 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 9.01±0.21 | 13.47±0.28 | 17.22±0.37 | 17.24±0.56 | ||
0.25 | 20.12±0.22 | 27.35±0.24 | 14.90±0.45 | 23.79±0.81 | ||
0.30 | 22.82±0.33 | 33.47±0.22 | 19.87±0.49 | 28.28±0.42 | ||
0.35 | 48.05±0.42 | 25.71±0.34 | 48.01±0.41 | 30.69±0.79 | ||
L17 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 11.70±0.32 | 17.80±0.72 | 35.58±0.52 | 43.65±0.99 | ||
0.25 | 9.43±0.34 | 15.53±0.80 | 32.69±0.73 | 26.52±0.95 | ||
0.30 | 16.23±0.32 | 21.59±0.93 | 17.31±0.45 | 15.47±0.72 | ||
0.35 | 62.64±0.51 | 45.08±0.86 | 14.42±0.57 | 14.36±0.88 | ||
28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 34.93±1.25 | 46.63±0.65 | 50.36±0.65 | 93.55±1.51 | ||
0.25 | 32.88±0.40 | 23.03±0.47 | 22.30±0.54 | 6.45±0.14 | ||
0.30 | 23.29±1.09 | 12.92±0.51 | 17.27±0.52 | 0.00±0.00 | ||
0.35 | 8.90±0.18 | 17.42±0.61 | 10.07±0.16 | 0.00±0.00 |
表4 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱育性的影响
Table 4 Effects of different EMS treatments with different concentrations on the plant fertility of sorghum
材料 Materials | EMS处理浓度 EMS treatment concentration/% | 育性变异率Fertility mutation rate/% | ||||
育性=0% Fertility=0% | 育性≤10% Fertility≤10% | 10%<育性≤50% 10%<Fertility≤50% | 育性>50% Fertility>50% | |||
1121R | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 13.79±0.39 | 25.91±0.44 | 80.40±0.97 | 89.27±1.64 | ||
0.25 | 14.85±0.37 | 25.58±0.39 | 11.60±0.29 | 5.75±0.17 | ||
0.30 | 12.47±0.37 | 21.59±0.65 | 4.40±0.10 | 3.07±0.12 | ||
0.35 | 58.89±0.33 | 26.91±0.42 | 3.60±0.08 | 1.92±0.22 | ||
LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 28.74±0.34 | 45.00±0.76 | 49.59±0.72 | 66.67±1.28 | ||
0.25 | 32.93±0.42 | 7.14±0.26 | 4.88±0.21 | 4.44±0.12 | ||
0.30 | 25.75±0.46 | 30.71±0.41 | 38.21±0.54 | 24.44±1.19 | ||
0.35 | 12.57±0.42 | 17.14±0.94 | 7.32±0.20 | 4.44±0.18 | ||
L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 16.88±0.53 | 41.94±0.7 | 68.94±0.47 | 84.11±1.14 | ||
0.25 | 8.75±0.09 | 28.39±0.57 | 9.09±0.16 | 4.67±0.20 | ||
0.30 | 5.63±0.55 | 9.68±0.25 | 6.82±0.33 | 5.61±0.21 | ||
0.35 | 68.75±0.39 | 20.00±0.59 | 15.15±0.43 | 5.61±0.45 | ||
低秆L17 Digan L17 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 9.01±0.21 | 13.47±0.28 | 17.22±0.37 | 17.24±0.56 | ||
0.25 | 20.12±0.22 | 27.35±0.24 | 14.90±0.45 | 23.79±0.81 | ||
0.30 | 22.82±0.33 | 33.47±0.22 | 19.87±0.49 | 28.28±0.42 | ||
0.35 | 48.05±0.42 | 25.71±0.34 | 48.01±0.41 | 30.69±0.79 | ||
L17 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 11.70±0.32 | 17.80±0.72 | 35.58±0.52 | 43.65±0.99 | ||
0.25 | 9.43±0.34 | 15.53±0.80 | 32.69±0.73 | 26.52±0.95 | ||
0.30 | 16.23±0.32 | 21.59±0.93 | 17.31±0.45 | 15.47±0.72 | ||
0.35 | 62.64±0.51 | 45.08±0.86 | 14.42±0.57 | 14.36±0.88 | ||
28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | 0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 | 100.00±0.00 | |
0.20 | 34.93±1.25 | 46.63±0.65 | 50.36±0.65 | 93.55±1.51 | ||
0.25 | 32.88±0.40 | 23.03±0.47 | 22.30±0.54 | 6.45±0.14 | ||
0.30 | 23.29±1.09 | 12.92±0.51 | 17.27±0.52 | 0.00±0.00 | ||
0.35 | 8.90±0.18 | 17.42±0.61 | 10.07±0.16 | 0.00±0.00 |
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatments concentration/% | 叶片变异率 Leaf mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 11.69±0.34Ba | 7.74±0.17Bc | 3.89±0.07Bd | 4.17±0.06Bd | 3.52±0.09Bd | 9.38±0.17Bb | |
0.25 | 22.76±0.32Ca | 7.94±0.32Bd | 12.92±0.64Cb | 4.98±0.34Cf | 6.02±0.13Ce | 9.38±0.16Bc | |
0.30 | 29.22±0.91Da | 19.19±0.50Cc | 16.96±0.60Dd | 7.89±0.34De | 7.86±0.35De | 21.00±0.51Cb | |
0.35 | 34.86±0.74Ea | 26.12±0.83Db | 19.05±0.28Ed | 9.5±0.28Ee | 11.36±0.27Ee | 24.00±0.78Dc |
表5 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱叶片变异的影响
Table 5 Effects of EMS treatments with different concentrations on the plant leaf mutation rates of sorghum
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatments concentration/% | 叶片变异率 Leaf mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 11.69±0.34Ba | 7.74±0.17Bc | 3.89±0.07Bd | 4.17±0.06Bd | 3.52±0.09Bd | 9.38±0.17Bb | |
0.25 | 22.76±0.32Ca | 7.94±0.32Bd | 12.92±0.64Cb | 4.98±0.34Cf | 6.02±0.13Ce | 9.38±0.16Bc | |
0.30 | 29.22±0.91Da | 19.19±0.50Cc | 16.96±0.60Dd | 7.89±0.34De | 7.86±0.35De | 21.00±0.51Cb | |
0.35 | 34.86±0.74Ea | 26.12±0.83Db | 19.05±0.28Ed | 9.5±0.28Ee | 11.36±0.27Ee | 24.00±0.78Dc |
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatments concentration/% | 穗型变异率 Panicle type mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 0.00±0.00A a | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00A | 0.00±0.00A | |
0.20 | 2.03±0.02 Bb | 1.05±0.02Bc | 2.59±0.20Ba | 2.62±0.15Ba | 0.00±0.00Ad | 1.00±0.04Bc | |
0.25 | 2.60±0.23BCc | 3.87±0.22Cb | 3.57±0.31Dd | 3.13±0.05Bc | 1.51±0.04Bd | 4.29±0.12Cb | |
0.30 | 3.1±0.16CBe | 7.58±0.06Da | 4.98±0.31Ca | 5.64±0.15Cb | 2.8±0.044Ce | 4.69±0.19Cc | |
0.35 | 8.38±0.21Da | 8.51±0.22Ea | 8.81±0.20Ea | 5.85±0.31Cb | 3.91±0.36Dc | 5.75±0.27Db |
表6 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱穗型的影响
Table 6 Effects of EMS treatments with different concentrations on the plant panicle types of sorghum
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatments concentration/% | 穗型变异率 Panicle type mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 0.00±0.00A a | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00A | 0.00±0.00A | |
0.20 | 2.03±0.02 Bb | 1.05±0.02Bc | 2.59±0.20Ba | 2.62±0.15Ba | 0.00±0.00Ad | 1.00±0.04Bc | |
0.25 | 2.60±0.23BCc | 3.87±0.22Cb | 3.57±0.31Dd | 3.13±0.05Bc | 1.51±0.04Bd | 4.29±0.12Cb | |
0.30 | 3.1±0.16CBe | 7.58±0.06Da | 4.98±0.31Ca | 5.64±0.15Cb | 2.8±0.044Ce | 4.69±0.19Cc | |
0.35 | 8.38±0.21Da | 8.51±0.22Ea | 8.81±0.20Ea | 5.85±0.31Cb | 3.91±0.36Dc | 5.75±0.27Db |
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatments concentration/% | 成熟期变异率 Maturity stage mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 1.03±0.06Bd | 1.58±0.07Bc | 2.59±0.24Bb | 1.00±0.00Bd | 3.93±0.04Ba | 1.67±0.03Bc | |
0.25 | 2.58±0.14Cd | 3.87±0.12Cb | 2.96±0.21Bc | 2.08±0.05Be | 6.25±0.14Ca | 4.17±0.05Cb | |
0.30 | 2.60±0.19Cc | 7.30±0.18Da | 5.95±0.21Cb | 2.47±0.03Bc | 7.05±0.13Da | 5.63±0.09Db | |
0.35 | 11.35±0.20Db | 14.33±0.28Ea | 7.89±0.44Cde | 7.17±0.28De | 9.06±0.10Ec | 8.57±0.30Ecd |
表7 不同浓度EMS处理对高粱成熟期的影响
Table 7 Effect of different EMS treatments with different concentrations on the plant maturity stage of sorghum
EMS处理浓度 EMS treatments concentration/% | 成熟期变异率 Maturity stage mutation rate/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
0.00 | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | 0.00±0.00Aa | |
0.20 | 1.03±0.06Bd | 1.58±0.07Bc | 2.59±0.24Bb | 1.00±0.00Bd | 3.93±0.04Ba | 1.67±0.03Bc | |
0.25 | 2.58±0.14Cd | 3.87±0.12Cb | 2.96±0.21Bc | 2.08±0.05Be | 6.25±0.14Ca | 4.17±0.05Cb | |
0.30 | 2.60±0.19Cc | 7.30±0.18Da | 5.95±0.21Cb | 2.47±0.03Bc | 7.05±0.13Da | 5.63±0.09Db | |
0.35 | 11.35±0.20Db | 14.33±0.28Ea | 7.89±0.44Cde | 7.17±0.28De | 9.06±0.10Ec | 8.57±0.30Ecd |
性状 Traits | EMS处理浓度Treatments concentration/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
成苗率Seeding survival rate | 0.30 | 0.25 | 0.35 | >0.35 | 0.35 | 0.25 | |
育性 Fertility | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.25 | >0.35 | 0.35 | 0.25 | |
综合Comprehensiveness | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 | >0.35 | 0.35 | 0.25 |
表8 高粱EMS诱变处理最佳浓度
Table 8 Optimal concentrations of sorghum treated with EMS
性状 Traits | EMS处理浓度Treatments concentration/% | ||||||
1121R | LgB7B大粒高 LgB7B Daligao | L早615·L17 L Zao 615·L17 | 低秆L17 Digan L17 | L17 | 28R·吉16 28R·Ji16 | ||
成苗率Seeding survival rate | 0.30 | 0.25 | 0.35 | >0.35 | 0.35 | 0.25 | |
育性 Fertility | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.25 | >0.35 | 0.35 | 0.25 | |
综合Comprehensiveness | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 | >0.35 | 0.35 | 0.25 |
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