Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 56-66.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-0919
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QIU Xiao-yu1(), LIU Zuo-hua1,2, QI Ren-li1,3(
QI Ren-li;
QIU Xiao-yu, LIU Zuo-hua, QI Ren-li. Differences in Early Fat Development and Gene Transcription Expression in the Adipose Tissues of Piglets with and Without Gut Microbiota[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(5): 56-66.
Fig. 1 Difference of fat deposition between GF pigs and normal pigs A: He staining of fat tissue of GF pigs and normal pigs. B: Back-fat of GF pigs and Normal pigs. C: Diameter of fat cells in fat tissue of GF pigs and Normal pigs. *** P<0.001;**** P<0.0001
Fig.2 Differences in fat synthesis regulatory factors and adipocytokines between GF pigs and normal pigs A: The differential expression of FABP4, PPAR γ, ACC and FAS in adipose tissue of GF and Normal piglets. B: The differential secretion of adiponectin. C: The differential secretion of adiponectin leptin. * P<0.05;** P<0.01
样品名 Sample name | 总序列数 Raw reads | 干净序列数 Clean reads | 总对比到的序列数 Total mapped reads | 多重对比的序列数 Multiple mapped reads | 唯一对比的序列数 Uniquely mapped reads |
Normal A1 | 60 328 616 | 59 694 488 | 50 892 462(85.25%) | 4 145 489(6.94%) | 46 746 973(78.31%) |
Normal A2 | 53 878 956 | 53 400 340 | 45 855 826(85.87%) | 4 209 183(7.88%) | 41 646 643(77.99%) |
Normal A3 | 65 393 020 | 64 761 370 | 55 361 124(85.48%) | 5 082 167(7.85%) | 50 278 957(77.64%) |
GF A1 | 48 721 914 | 48 260 760 | 41 315 919(85.61%) | 2 945 880(6.10%) | 38 370 039(79.51%) |
GF A2 | 54 262 278 | 53 749 144 | 46 093 576(85.76%) | 3 467 323(6.45%) | 42 626 253(79.31%) |
GF A3 | 57 431 858 | 56 874 014 | 48 683 278(85.60%) | 3 484 909(6.13%) | 45 198 369(79.47%) |
Table 1 Statistical list of mapping to genome
样品名 Sample name | 总序列数 Raw reads | 干净序列数 Clean reads | 总对比到的序列数 Total mapped reads | 多重对比的序列数 Multiple mapped reads | 唯一对比的序列数 Uniquely mapped reads |
Normal A1 | 60 328 616 | 59 694 488 | 50 892 462(85.25%) | 4 145 489(6.94%) | 46 746 973(78.31%) |
Normal A2 | 53 878 956 | 53 400 340 | 45 855 826(85.87%) | 4 209 183(7.88%) | 41 646 643(77.99%) |
Normal A3 | 65 393 020 | 64 761 370 | 55 361 124(85.48%) | 5 082 167(7.85%) | 50 278 957(77.64%) |
GF A1 | 48 721 914 | 48 260 760 | 41 315 919(85.61%) | 2 945 880(6.10%) | 38 370 039(79.51%) |
GF A2 | 54 262 278 | 53 749 144 | 46 093 576(85.76%) | 3 467 323(6.45%) | 42 626 253(79.31%) |
GF A3 | 57 431 858 | 56 874 014 | 48 683 278(85.60%) | 3 484 909(6.13%) | 45 198 369(79.47%) |
Fig.5 Differentially expressed genes A:The Veen map of differentially expressed gene. B:The volcano map of differentially expressed gene. C:The clustering map of differentially expressed gene
基因名称Gene Name | log2FC | 变化Change | 功能Function |
TNS4 | 4.756 | Up | Function unknown |
TMP | 4.587 | Up | Function unknown |
NRIP3 | 4.305 | Up | Proteolysis,aspartic-type endopeptidase activity |
MAPKAPK | 4.088 | Up | ATP binding,protein kinase activity |
PRG4 | 4.076 | Up | Receptor-mediated endocytosis |
IRF5 | 4.051 | Up | Function unknown |
IRF6 | 4.007 | Up | Keratinocyte proliferation |
ITIH3 | 3.668 | Up | Hyaluronan metabolic process |
3,5,3’,5’- tetraiodothyronine | 3.566 | Up | Hormone biosynthetic process |
Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase | 3.55 | Up | Amino acid transport and metabolism,oxidoreductase activity |
C4BPA | -7.537 | Down | Positive regulation of protein catabolic |
SQRDL | -6.269 | Down | Oxidoreductase activity |
PIK3C2G | -4.847 | Down | Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)complex |
KCNIP2 | -4.293 | Down | Cell cycle control,myosin light chain |
LIPG | -4.149 | Down | Lipid metabolic,high-density lipoprotein particle remodeling |
MAP6 | -3.894 | Down | Lysosome localization |
CES1 | -3.625 | Down | Lipid transport and metabolism,Carboxylesterase |
CYP1A1 | -3.588 | Down | Steroid metabolic,Steroid hormone biosynthesis |
SucCβ | -3.498 | Down | Fatty acid biosynthetic process,acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process |
LRFN2 | -3.452 | Down | Function unknown |
Table 2 Top 10 up or down expressed genes
基因名称Gene Name | log2FC | 变化Change | 功能Function |
TNS4 | 4.756 | Up | Function unknown |
TMP | 4.587 | Up | Function unknown |
NRIP3 | 4.305 | Up | Proteolysis,aspartic-type endopeptidase activity |
MAPKAPK | 4.088 | Up | ATP binding,protein kinase activity |
PRG4 | 4.076 | Up | Receptor-mediated endocytosis |
IRF5 | 4.051 | Up | Function unknown |
IRF6 | 4.007 | Up | Keratinocyte proliferation |
ITIH3 | 3.668 | Up | Hyaluronan metabolic process |
3,5,3’,5’- tetraiodothyronine | 3.566 | Up | Hormone biosynthetic process |
Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase | 3.55 | Up | Amino acid transport and metabolism,oxidoreductase activity |
C4BPA | -7.537 | Down | Positive regulation of protein catabolic |
SQRDL | -6.269 | Down | Oxidoreductase activity |
PIK3C2G | -4.847 | Down | Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)complex |
KCNIP2 | -4.293 | Down | Cell cycle control,myosin light chain |
LIPG | -4.149 | Down | Lipid metabolic,high-density lipoprotein particle remodeling |
MAP6 | -3.894 | Down | Lysosome localization |
CES1 | -3.625 | Down | Lipid transport and metabolism,Carboxylesterase |
CYP1A1 | -3.588 | Down | Steroid metabolic,Steroid hormone biosynthesis |
SucCβ | -3.498 | Down | Fatty acid biosynthetic process,acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process |
LRFN2 | -3.452 | Down | Function unknown |
Fig.7 KEGG enrichment analysis of the differentially expressed genes A: KEGG analysis of the down-regulated genes. B:KEGG analysis of the up-regulated genes
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