Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 204-213.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-0330
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SUN Yan1,2(), WANG Jin-gang1(
), ZANG Dan-dan2(
), ZHAO Heng-tian2, LIU Shu-hua2
WANG Jin-gang,ZANG Dan-dan;;
SUN Yan, WANG Jin-gang, ZANG Dan-dan, ZHAO Heng-tian, LIU Shu-hua. Transcriptome Analysis of Lonicera caerulea Fruits at Different Developmental Stages[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(12): 204-213.
基因Gene | 正向引物序列Forward primer sequence(5'-3') | 反向引物序列Reverse primer sequence(5'-3') |
Table 1 Primer sequences used in RT-qPCR validation of transcriptome data
基因Gene | 正向引物序列Forward primer sequence(5'-3') | 反向引物序列Reverse primer sequence(5'-3') |
Fig. 2 HPLC of ‘Zhongkelan No.1’ fruit at different developmental stages a:Green ripening stage of Lonicera caerulea fruit. b:Ripening stage of Lonicera caerulea fruit. A1:Cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside. A2:Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside. A3:Delphinidin-3-O-rutinosidchlorid. A4:Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. A5:Cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside. A6:Pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside. A7:Peonidin-3-O-glucoside. A8:Peonidin-3-O-rutinoside
Sample | Clean reads | Clean bases | GC Content/% | Q30/% |
B01 | 23 970 275 | 7 147 808 408 | 46.32 | 94.50 |
B02 | 21 515 272 | 6 404 727 658 | 47.02 | 94.18 |
B03 | 21 364 950 | 6 366 085 640 | 46.64 | 93.89 |
G01 | 20 399 412 | 6 074 481 494 | 49.24 | 94.10 |
G02 | 22 320 706 | 6 652 355 802 | 48.67 | 94.26 |
G03 | 25 781 714 | 7 672 240 582 | 49.38 | 93.90 |
Table 3 Statistics of sequencing data
Sample | Clean reads | Clean bases | GC Content/% | Q30/% |
B01 | 23 970 275 | 7 147 808 408 | 46.32 | 94.50 |
B02 | 21 515 272 | 6 404 727 658 | 47.02 | 94.18 |
B03 | 21 364 950 | 6 366 085 640 | 46.64 | 93.89 |
G01 | 20 399 412 | 6 074 481 494 | 49.24 | 94.10 |
G02 | 22 320 706 | 6 652 355 802 | 48.67 | 94.26 |
G03 | 25 781 714 | 7 672 240 582 | 49.38 | 93.90 |
不同长度区间 Length range/bp | 转录本序列数量 Transcripts | 单基因序列数量 Unigene |
200-300 | 37 818(16.02%) | 29 441(36.00%) |
300-500 | 34 253(14.51%) | 20 582(25.17%) |
500-1 000 | 44 975(19.05%) | 14 415(17.63%) |
1 000-2 000 | 60 698(25.72%) | 9 656(11.81%) |
2 000+ | 58 289(24.70%) | 7 683(9.40%) |
Total number | 236 033 | 81 777 |
Total Length | 323 833 751 | 62 424 481 |
N50 Length | 2 186 | 1 421 |
Mean Length | 1 371.99 | 763.35 |
Table 4 Assembly result statistics
不同长度区间 Length range/bp | 转录本序列数量 Transcripts | 单基因序列数量 Unigene |
200-300 | 37 818(16.02%) | 29 441(36.00%) |
300-500 | 34 253(14.51%) | 20 582(25.17%) |
500-1 000 | 44 975(19.05%) | 14 415(17.63%) |
1 000-2 000 | 60 698(25.72%) | 9 656(11.81%) |
2 000+ | 58 289(24.70%) | 7 683(9.40%) |
Total number | 236 033 | 81 777 |
Total Length | 323 833 751 | 62 424 481 |
N50 Length | 2 186 | 1 421 |
Mean Length | 1 371.99 | 763.35 |
数据库 Database | 注释的单基因数Number of annotated unigenes | 300 bp≤长度<1 000 bp 300 bp≤Length<1 000 bp | 长度≥1 000 bp Length≥1 000 bp |
COG | 8 056 | 1 670 | 5 646 |
GO | 17 733 | 5 300 | 9 680 |
KEGG | 9 814 | 2 805 | 5 673 |
KOG | 15 668 | 4 567 | 8 845 |
Pfam | 18 933 | 5 043 | 12 068 |
Swissprot | 19 579 | 5 863 | 11 158 |
eggNOG | 26 275 | 8 298 | 14 187 |
nr | 28 639 | 9 428 | 14 621 |
In all database | 28 992 | 9 544 | 14 648 |
Table 5 Single-gene function annotation statistics
数据库 Database | 注释的单基因数Number of annotated unigenes | 300 bp≤长度<1 000 bp 300 bp≤Length<1 000 bp | 长度≥1 000 bp Length≥1 000 bp |
COG | 8 056 | 1 670 | 5 646 |
GO | 17 733 | 5 300 | 9 680 |
KEGG | 9 814 | 2 805 | 5 673 |
KOG | 15 668 | 4 567 | 8 845 |
Pfam | 18 933 | 5 043 | 12 068 |
Swissprot | 19 579 | 5 863 | 11 158 |
eggNOG | 26 275 | 8 298 | 14 187 |
nr | 28 639 | 9 428 | 14 621 |
In all database | 28 992 | 9 544 | 14 648 |
Fig. 3 Volcano map of differentially expressed genes The green and red dots in the graph indicate genes with significant expression differences,green indicates genes with down-regulated expression,red indicates genes with up-regulated expression,and black dots indicate genes without significant expression differences
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