Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 185-193.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0003
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HAN Zhi-yang1,2,3(), JIA Zi-miao2, LIANG Qiu-ju4, WANG Ke2, TANG Hua-li2(
), YE Xing-guo2, ZHANG Shuang-xi3(
TANG Hua-li, ZHANG Shuang-xi;;
HAN Zhi-yang, JIA Zi-miao, LIANG Qiu-ju, WANG Ke, TANG Hua-li, YE Xing-guo, ZHANG Shuang-xi. Salt Tolerance at Seedling Stage and Analysis of Selenium and Folic Acid Content in Seeds in Two Sets of Wheat-Dasypyrum villosum Chromosom Additional Lines[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(8): 185-193.
材料 Materials | 接种胚数Total tested mature embryos | 发芽株数 Germinated plants | 萌发率 Germination rate/% | 材料 Materials | 接种胚数Total tested mature embryos | 发芽株数 Germinated plants | 萌发率 Germination rate/% | |
中国春 DA1V#2 DA2V#2 DA3V#2 DA4V#2 DA5V#2 DA6V#2 DA7V#2 | 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 | 2 5 8 9 6 13 10 9 | 6.66 16.67 26.67 30.00 20.00 43.33 33.33 30.00 | DA1V#3 DA2V#3 DA3V#3 DA4V#3 DA5V#3 DA6V#3 DA7V#3 | 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 | 13 16 21 10 8 14 17 | 43.33 53.33 70.00 33.33 26.67 46.67 56.67 |
Table 1 Germination situation of mature embryos of wheat- Dasypyrum villosum additional lines under salt stress conditions
材料 Materials | 接种胚数Total tested mature embryos | 发芽株数 Germinated plants | 萌发率 Germination rate/% | 材料 Materials | 接种胚数Total tested mature embryos | 发芽株数 Germinated plants | 萌发率 Germination rate/% | |
中国春 DA1V#2 DA2V#2 DA3V#2 DA4V#2 DA5V#2 DA6V#2 DA7V#2 | 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 | 2 5 8 9 6 13 10 9 | 6.66 16.67 26.67 30.00 20.00 43.33 33.33 30.00 | DA1V#3 DA2V#3 DA3V#3 DA4V#3 DA5V#3 DA6V#3 DA7V#3 | 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 | 13 16 21 10 8 14 17 | 43.33 53.33 70.00 33.33 26.67 46.67 56.67 |
材料 Materials | 存活株数 Survival plants | 平均株高 Average plant height/cm | 平均根长 Average root length/cm | 材料 Materials | 存活株数 Survival plants | 平均株高 Average plant height/cm | 平均根长 Average root length/cm | |
中国春 DA1V#2 DA2V#2 DA3V#2 DA4V#2 DA5V#2 DA6V#2 DA7V#2 | 2 5 8 9 6 13 10 9 | 9.4±0.26 d 10.9±0.26 c 12.0±0.36 bc 12.8±0.36 b 15.2±0.79 a 15.0±0.20 d 8.1±0.26 a 14.6±1.12 a | 2.8±0.20 ab 2.4±0.17 b 2.7±0.26 ab 2.9±0.10 a 3.0±0.20 a 2.9±0.30 a 2.7±0.10 ab 3.0±0.17 a | DA1V#3 DA2V#3 DA3V#3 DA4V#3 DA5V#3 DA6V#3 DA7V#3 | 13 16 21 10 8 14 17 | 14.0±0.20 bc 16.1±0.17 a 14.4±0.62 bc 14.1±0.62 bc 9.9±0.10 cd 13.7±0.26 bc 13.4±0.17 c | 3.2±0.17 a 3.4±0.10 a 2.8±0.26 bc 2.2±0.26 d 2.7±0.10 c 3.1±0.17 ab 2.8±0.10 bc |
Table 2 Growth status of mature embryos of wheat- Dasypyrum villosum additional lines under salt stress conditions
材料 Materials | 存活株数 Survival plants | 平均株高 Average plant height/cm | 平均根长 Average root length/cm | 材料 Materials | 存活株数 Survival plants | 平均株高 Average plant height/cm | 平均根长 Average root length/cm | |
中国春 DA1V#2 DA2V#2 DA3V#2 DA4V#2 DA5V#2 DA6V#2 DA7V#2 | 2 5 8 9 6 13 10 9 | 9.4±0.26 d 10.9±0.26 c 12.0±0.36 bc 12.8±0.36 b 15.2±0.79 a 15.0±0.20 d 8.1±0.26 a 14.6±1.12 a | 2.8±0.20 ab 2.4±0.17 b 2.7±0.26 ab 2.9±0.10 a 3.0±0.20 a 2.9±0.30 a 2.7±0.10 ab 3.0±0.17 a | DA1V#3 DA2V#3 DA3V#3 DA4V#3 DA5V#3 DA6V#3 DA7V#3 | 13 16 21 10 8 14 17 | 14.0±0.20 bc 16.1±0.17 a 14.4±0.62 bc 14.1±0.62 bc 9.9±0.10 cd 13.7±0.26 bc 13.4±0.17 c | 3.2±0.17 a 3.4±0.10 a 2.8±0.26 bc 2.2±0.26 d 2.7±0.10 c 3.1±0.17 ab 2.8±0.10 bc |
Fig. 1 Growing status of wheat-Dasypyrum villosum additional lines under salt stress conditions a: Wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines 1V-7V#2(1: CS; 2-8: DA1V#2-DA7V#2). b: Wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines 1V-7V#3(1: CS; 2-8: DA1V#3-DA7V#3). The same below
Fig. 2 Selenium content analysis in the grains of wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines a: Wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines 1V-7V#2. b: Wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines 1V-7V#3. * indicates significant differences at 0.05 level, and ** indicates significant differences at 0.01 level. The same below
Fig. 3 Folic acid content results in the grains of wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines a: Wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines 1V-7V#2. b: Wheat-Dasypyrum villosun addition lines 1V-7V#3
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