Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 263-268.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-0635
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ZHOU Cheng-zhe1,2,3(), CHANG Xiao-jun1,3, ZHU Chen1,2,3, CHENG Chun-zhen1,3, CHEN Yu-kun1,3, LAI Zhong-xiong1,3, LIN Yu-ling1,3, GUO Yu-qiong1,2(
GUO Yu-qiong;
ZHOU Cheng-zhe, CHANG Xiao-jun, ZHU Chen, CHENG Chun-zhen, CHEN Yu-kun, LAI Zhong-xiong, LIN Yu-ling, GUO Yu-qiong. Establishment of an Efficient in planta Transformation Method for Camellia sinensis[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(2): 263-268.
引物名称Primer name | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') | 退火温度Annealing temperature/℃ | 引物用途Purpose |
GUS-F | ACGTCCTGAAGAAACCCCAACC | 55.0 | 阳性转基因植株筛选 Screening of positive transgenic plants |
Table 1 Primer sequenle information
引物名称Primer name | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') | 退火温度Annealing temperature/℃ | 引物用途Purpose |
GUS-F | ACGTCCTGAAGAAACCCCAACC | 55.0 | 阳性转基因植株筛选 Screening of positive transgenic plants |
Fig. 1 Process of obtaining transgenic tea plants A:Tea seedlings. B:Tea seedlings without apical and axillary buds. C:Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation through infection of wounds. D:Wound moisturized using sealing film. E-H:Resistant buds sprouted from axillary buds after HYG resistance screening. I and J:Cuttings of transgenic plants
Fig. 2 Detection of marker genes in the transgenic plants A:GUS marker gene(675 bp)detection in transgenic plants. B:HYG marker gene(675 bp)detection in transgenic plants. M;DNA marker. CK:Positive control. H2O:Negative control
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