Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 13-26.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-1286
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LIU Zi-ran1(), ZHEN Zhen1, CHEN Qiang2, LI Yue-ying1, WANG Ze1, PANG Hong-bo1(
PANG Hong-bo;
LIU Zi-ran, ZHEN Zhen, CHEN Qiang, LI Yue-ying, WANG Ze, PANG Hong-bo. Research Progress in Plant Response to Cd Stress[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(6): 13-26.
Fig.1 Physiological and molecular mechanisms of plant response to Cd stress A:Rhizosphere exudates are the first line of defense for plants to prevent Cd from entering the protoplasm. It mainly includes high molecular weight plant chelating agents and metallothionein,as well as low molecular weight H+,HCO3-,malic acid and citric acid,etc. B:The second defense line for plants to prevent Cd from entering protoplasts is to fix Cd with cell wall structural materials cellulose,pectin and lignin. C:Cd2+ must compete with other essential divalent metal ions,such as Fe2+/Ca2+/Mn2+ for transporters(ZNT1,IRT1/2,NRAMP1/4 and HMA4)to enter the protoplast because there is no Cd-specific transporter in plant cells;Cd may bind to chelating agents such as PCs(phytochelatins),MTs(metallothioneins)and NA(nicotinamide)after it enters the cell. Transport proteins can transport Cd and its chelates to the vacuole by MTP1,YSL1,ABCC,YCF1,CAX1/2/4 and HMA1/2/3,to chloroplasts by ATM3 and YSL6,and to Golgi by MTP11 temporarily stored,or Cd is excreted from cells by PDF8 and is transported from the xylem to the ground for storage using root pressure and transpiration. D:Antioxidant systems(such as enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidants)are crucial for the detoxification of the ROS under stress conditions. It is responsible for preventing it from disturbing the homeostasis of cells. Enzymatic systems in plants include SOD(superoxide dismutase),CAT(catalase from micrococcus lysodeiktic),POD(peroxidase),APX(ascorbate peroxidase)and GR(glutathione reductase). The non-enzymatic antioxidant system includes low-mass metabolites like GSH(glutathione glutathione),AsA(ascorbic acid),and proline
Fig.2 Structures of 7 common heavy metal transporters Straight line:Membrane systems such as plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane. Rectangle:Transmembrane domain. Curve:Transmembrane interval. A:Zinc and iron transporter proteins(ZIP). B:Natural resistance-associated macrophage proteins(NRAMP). C:Heavy metal ATPase(HMA). D:Metal tolerance protein(MTP). E:Cation exchanger(CAX). F:ATP-binding cassette transporter(ABCC);F1:ABCC semit ransporter;F2:ABCC full transporter. G:Yellow stripe-like transporter(YSL)
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