Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 293-302.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-1015
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QIAN Hong-ping(), CHEN Bo, LIN Jin-xing, CUI Ya-ning(
CUI Ya-ning;
QIAN Hong-ping, CHEN Bo, LIN Jin-xing, CUI Ya-ning. Recent Advances on Dynamic Regulation and Imaging Techniques of RNA Polymerase II[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(4): 293-302.
参数Parameter | PALM | STORM | STED | LSFM | Bayesian nanoscopy |
分辨率Resolution/nm | <30 | <30 | 20-70 | 亚细胞分辨率 Subcellular resolution | 50 nm |
成像深度Imaging depth/μm | <10 | <10 | <100 | 通常<50 | 通常<50 |
成像速度Imaging speed | 慢Slow | 慢-低Slow to low | 中等Medium | 非常快Very fast | 非常快Very fast |
内源性Endogenous | 无No | 有Yes | 有Yes | 有Yes | 有Yes |
光毒性Phototoxicity | 中到高Medium to high | 中等Medium | 高High | 低Low | 低 Low |
蛇币价格Equipment price | 中等Medium | 中等Medium | 非常昂贵Very expensive | 非常昂贵Very expensive | 非常昂贵Very expensive |
Table 1 Major merits and demerits of different microscopic technique
参数Parameter | PALM | STORM | STED | LSFM | Bayesian nanoscopy |
分辨率Resolution/nm | <30 | <30 | 20-70 | 亚细胞分辨率 Subcellular resolution | 50 nm |
成像深度Imaging depth/μm | <10 | <10 | <100 | 通常<50 | 通常<50 |
成像速度Imaging speed | 慢Slow | 慢-低Slow to low | 中等Medium | 非常快Very fast | 非常快Very fast |
内源性Endogenous | 无No | 有Yes | 有Yes | 有Yes | 有Yes |
光毒性Phototoxicity | 中到高Medium to high | 中等Medium | 高High | 低Low | 低 Low |
蛇币价格Equipment price | 中等Medium | 中等Medium | 非常昂贵Very expensive | 非常昂贵Very expensive | 非常昂贵Very expensive |
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