Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 123-135.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-1074
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GULJAMAL·Aisa 1(), XING Jun2, LI An1, ZHANG Rui1(
GULJAMAL·Aisa , XING Jun, LI An, ZHANG Rui. Non-targeted Metabolomics Analysis of Benzo(α)pyrene by Microorganisms in Kefir Grains[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(5): 123-135.
Fig. 1 Principal component analysis of the samples at diff-erent fermentation stages under benzo(α)pyrene stress A:Five green circles indicate five Kefir samples fermented for 0 h under benzo(α)pyrene stress. B:Five red circles indicate five Kefir samples fermented for 8 h under benzo(α)pyrene stress. C:Five orange circles indicate five Kefir samples fermented for 16 h under benzo(α)pyrene stress. D:Five red circles indicate five Kefir samples fermented for 24 h under benzo(α)pyrene stress. E:Yellow five circles indicate five Kefir samples fermented for 32 h under benzo(α)pyrene stress
Fig.6 Box plot of the differences in metabolites of the samples at different fermentation stages under benzo(α)pyrene stress *P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001
Fig.8 Metabolic pathways with significant enrichment of differential metabolites in the samples at different fermentation stages under benzo(α)pyrene stress(ORA enrichment analysis)
Fig.9 Topological analysis of metabolic pathways with significant enrichment of different metabolites in the samples at different fermentation stages under benzo(α)pyrene stress
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