生物技术通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 85-95.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-0550
魏畅1(), 戚秀秀1, 吴越2, 刘晓丹1, 王祎1, 姜瑛1(
), 柳海涛1(
WEI Chang1(), QI Xiu-xiu1, WU Yue2, LIU Xiao-dan1, WANG Yi1, JIANG Ying1(
), LIU Hai-tao1(
从砂质潮土中分离筛选出一株高效溶磷菌,并初探其对土壤磷素形态变化及小麦生长的影响,旨在为其在实际生产中的应用奠定理论基础。利用PKO培养基从砂质潮土中分离几株溶磷菌,对比其溶磷能力,筛选出一株高效溶磷菌,综合菌株形态、生理生化特性以及16S rDNA 分子学鉴定菌株种属,对其溶磷条件进行优化,并通过盆栽实验探索菌株在土壤中的溶磷过程,验证菌株促生效果。结果显示,筛选出一株高效溶磷菌W6,经鉴定为弯曲芽孢杆菌(Bacillus flexus);摇瓶实验结果表明:当培养时间为24 h、初始pH 6.0、装液量75 mL/250 mL、碳源为木糖、氮源为硝酸钾时,该菌株溶磷量达到最大;小麦盆栽实验结果表明:与对照相比,接种菌株W6的土壤H2O-P、NaHCO3-Po、NaHCO3-Pi、NaOH-Po、NaOH-Pi含量分别增加了127.3%、80.0%、54.5%、11.8%和20.0%,而难溶性HCl-P、浓HCl-Po、浓HCl-Pi、浓H2SO4-P含量分别降低了10.9%、23.0%、42.1%和33.3%,接种菌株W6的小麦根长、根表面积、根体积、根尖数、根直径分别显著增加了66.8%、57.0%、50.0%、13.6%和9.1%;小麦干重、氮、磷及钾含量分别显著增加了70.5%、32.1%、24.7%、94.2%和34.4%。菌株W6能够促进磷素形态由难溶性向有效性进行转化,对小麦根系的生长、发育具有明显的促进作用,提高植物对磷素的吸收及利用效率,在农业生产上有着较大的应用潜力。
魏畅, 戚秀秀, 吴越, 刘晓丹, 王祎, 姜瑛, 柳海涛. 砂质潮土高效溶磷菌的筛选鉴定、条件优化及应用[J]. 生物技术通报, 2021, 37(4): 85-95.
WEI Chang, QI Xiu-xiu, WU Yue, LIU Xiao-dan, WANG Yi, JIANG Ying, LIU Hai-tao. Screening,Identification,Condition Optimization and Application of Efficient Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Sandy Fluvo Aquic Soil[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(4): 85-95.
图1 菌株溶磷效果 图中误差线表示标准偏差。小写字母表示不同溶磷菌间差异达到 (P < 0.05) 显著水平,下同
Fig.1 Phosphate solubilizing efficiency of strains The error line in the figure refers to the standard deviation. The lowercase letters indicate that the difference among different phosphate-solubilizing bacteria reached a significant level (P < 0.05). The same below
项目Item | 结果Results | 项目Projects | 结果Results | |
革兰氏染色 Gram staining | + | 淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | |
好氧性实验 Aerobic test | 兼性厌氧 Facultative anaerobic | 柠檬酸盐利用 Citrate utilization | - | |
接触酶实验 Catalase test | + | 硝酸盐还原 Nitrate reduction | + | |
甲基红(M.R)反应Methyl red reaction | - | V-P实验 V-P test | + |
表1 W6菌株的生理生化特性
Table 1 Physiological characteristics of strain W6
项目Item | 结果Results | 项目Projects | 结果Results | |
革兰氏染色 Gram staining | + | 淀粉水解 Starch hydrolysis | + | |
好氧性实验 Aerobic test | 兼性厌氧 Facultative anaerobic | 柠檬酸盐利用 Citrate utilization | - | |
接触酶实验 Catalase test | + | 硝酸盐还原 Nitrate reduction | + | |
甲基红(M.R)反应Methyl red reaction | - | V-P实验 V-P test | + |
图3 基于菌株W6和相关菌株的16S rDNA 序列采用邻接法建立的系统发育树 标尺代表每1 000个核苷中有2个核苷替代
Fig. 3 Phylogenetic tree that based on 16S rDNA sequences of strain W6 and related strains Each scale refers to that there are two nucleoside substitutions per 1 000 nucleosides
处理Treatments | 不同提取态磷素含量Contents of phosphorus in different extraction states/(g·kg-1) | 回收率 Recovery rate | ||||||||
H2O-P | NaHCO3-Po | NaHCO3-Pi | NaOH-Po | NaOH-Pi | HCl-P | 浓HCl-Po Concentrated HCl-Po | 浓HCl-Pi Concentrated HCl-Pi | 浓H2SO4-P Concentrated H2SO4-P | ||
CK | 0.11±0.02 | 0.35±0.10 | 0.22±0.00 | 0.17±0.02 | 0.15±0.03 | 1.56±0.07 | 0.74±0.07* | 0.57±0.04* | 0.09±0.02 | 98% |
W6 | 0.25±0.00** | 0.63±0.10** | 0.34±0.02 | 0.19±0.01 | 0.18±0.02 | 1.39±0.16 | 0.57±0.12 | 0.33±0.09 | 0.06±0.01 | 96% |
表2 接种菌株W6对土壤磷素形态的影响
Table 2 Effects of innoculated strain W6 on the forms of phosphorus
处理Treatments | 不同提取态磷素含量Contents of phosphorus in different extraction states/(g·kg-1) | 回收率 Recovery rate | ||||||||
H2O-P | NaHCO3-Po | NaHCO3-Pi | NaOH-Po | NaOH-Pi | HCl-P | 浓HCl-Po Concentrated HCl-Po | 浓HCl-Pi Concentrated HCl-Pi | 浓H2SO4-P Concentrated H2SO4-P | ||
CK | 0.11±0.02 | 0.35±0.10 | 0.22±0.00 | 0.17±0.02 | 0.15±0.03 | 1.56±0.07 | 0.74±0.07* | 0.57±0.04* | 0.09±0.02 | 98% |
W6 | 0.25±0.00** | 0.63±0.10** | 0.34±0.02 | 0.19±0.01 | 0.18±0.02 | 1.39±0.16 | 0.57±0.12 | 0.33±0.09 | 0.06±0.01 | 96% |
处理Treatment | 根长Root length/cm | 根表面积Root surface area/cm2 | 根体积Root volume/cm3 | 根尖数Number of root shoots/个 | 根直径Root diameter/cm |
CK | 584.58±58.81 | 43.73±1.40 | 0.26±0.04 | 2578±71.91 | 0.22±0.15 |
W6 | 975.06±22.21** | 68.66±1.75** | 0.39±0.02** | 2929±32.19* | 0.24±0.02* |
表3 接种菌株W6对小麦根系的影响
Table 3 Effects of strain W6 on the root system of wheat
处理Treatment | 根长Root length/cm | 根表面积Root surface area/cm2 | 根体积Root volume/cm3 | 根尖数Number of root shoots/个 | 根直径Root diameter/cm |
CK | 584.58±58.81 | 43.73±1.40 | 0.26±0.04 | 2578±71.91 | 0.22±0.15 |
W6 | 975.06±22.21** | 68.66±1.75** | 0.39±0.02** | 2929±32.19* | 0.24±0.02* |
处理 Treatment | 干重 Dry weight/g | 株高 Plant height/cm | 全氮 Total nitrogen/(g·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus/(g·kg-1) | 全钾 Total potassium/(g·kg-1) |
CK | 1.46±0.07 | 16.52±1.68 | 1.86±0.17 | 1.71±0.56 | 6.68±0.58 |
W6 | 2.49±0.77** | 21.83±0.31* | 2.32±0.06* | 3.32±0.55** | 8.98±0.19** |
表4 接种菌株W6对小麦植株的影响
Table 4 Effects of strain W6 on wheat
处理 Treatment | 干重 Dry weight/g | 株高 Plant height/cm | 全氮 Total nitrogen/(g·kg-1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus/(g·kg-1) | 全钾 Total potassium/(g·kg-1) |
CK | 1.46±0.07 | 16.52±1.68 | 1.86±0.17 | 1.71±0.56 | 6.68±0.58 |
W6 | 2.49±0.77** | 21.83±0.31* | 2.32±0.06* | 3.32±0.55** | 8.98±0.19** |
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