生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 59-70.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-0971
伍国强,男,博士,教授,研究方向:植物逆境生理与基因工程;E-mail: gqwu@lut.edu.cn作者简介:
魏明,男,博士,讲师,研究方向:植物逆境生理与基因工程;E-mail: weim@lut.edu.cn王欣玉同为本文第一作者
WEI Ming WANG Xin-yu WU Guo-qiang ZHAO Meng()
SRT(sirtuin)是一类与酵母沉默信息调节蛋白2(yeast silent information regulator 2, Sir2)高度同源的烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD)依赖型蛋白质去乙酰化酶。真核生物中,SRT通过催化特异组蛋白或非组蛋白赖氨酸(Lys)残基的去乙酰化反应,调控染色体稳定、基因转录及相关蛋白的活性状态。研究表明,SRT介导的去乙酰化在植物代谢、生长发育和逆境胁迫响应等过程中起重要作用。本文对植物SRT的鉴定、结构与分类、生物进化、表观遗传调控机制和生物学过程调控方面的研究加以综述,并对该蛋白未来研究方向进行展望,以期为今后SRT介导的表观遗传学生物过程的研究提供基础。
魏明, 王欣玉, 伍国强, 赵萌. NAD依赖型去乙酰化酶SRT在植物表观遗传调控中的作用[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(4): 59-70.
WEI Ming WANG Xin-yu WU Guo-qiang ZHAO Meng. The Role of NAD-dependent Deacetylase SRT in Plant Epigenetic Inheritance Regulation[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(4): 59-70.
物种 Species | 基因名称Gene name | 蛋白长度 Protein length/aa | 分子量 Mw/kD | 等电点 pI | 亚细胞定位 Subcellular localization | 参考文献 Reference |
拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana | AtSRT1 | 473 | 52.64 | 8.54 | Nucleus | [ |
AtSRT2 | 376 | 41.87 | 9.08 | Mitochondria | ||
水稻Oryza sativa | OsSRT1 | 483 | 53.90 | 9.38 | Nucleus | [ |
OsSRT2 | 393 | 43.47 | 8.79 | Mitochondria | ||
葡萄Vitis vinifera | VvSRT1 | 467 | 52.04 | 9.24 | / | [ |
VvSRT2 | 382 | 41.99 | 9.09 | / | ||
番茄Solanum lycopersicum | SlSRT1 | 472 | 52.50 | 9.10 | Nucleus | [ |
SlSRT2 | 389 | 43.06 | 8.97 | Mitochondria | ||
大豆Glycine max | GmSRT1 | 393 | 43.46 | 9.40 | Mitochondria chloroplast | [ |
GmSRT2 | 392 | 43.21 | 9.32 | Mitochondria chloroplast | ||
GmSRT3 | 434 | 48.21 | 9.11 | Nucleus chloroplast | ||
GmSRT4 | 479 | 53.20 | 9.15 | Nucleus cytoplasm | ||
地钱Marchantia polymorpha | MpSIRT4 | 377 | 41.22 | 8.36 | Mitochondria | [ |
MpSIRT5 | 285 | 30.75 | 7.02 | / | ||
MpSIRT6 | 379 | 41.39 | 7.60 | Nucleus cytosol | ||
玉米Zea mays | ZmSRT1 | 437 | 49.05 | 9.31 | / | [ |
ZmSRT2 | 351 | 39.19 | 8.91 | / | ||
茶树Camellia sinensis | CsSRT1 | 566 | 63.46 | 9.29 | Nucleus | [ |
CsSRT2 | 460 | 51.36 | 8.82 | Chloroplast | ||
CsSRT3 | 479 | 53.39 | 9.11 | Chloroplast | ||
CsSRT4 | 177 | 19.77 | 9.58 | Nucleus | ||
石斛Dendrobium officinale | DoSRT1 | 409 | 45.50 | 8.19 | Nucleus | [ |
DoSRT2 | 279 | 30.82 | 7.04 | Nucleus | ||
白梨Pyrus bretschneideri | PbSRT1 | 484 | 54.13 | 9.27 | Nucleus cytoplasm | [ |
PbSRT2 | 394 | 43.46 | 8.80 | Chloroplast vacuole | ||
大麻Cannabis sativa | CsSRT1 | 484 | 53.61 | 9.04 | Nucleus chloroplast | [ |
CsSRT2 | 397 | 43.49 | 8.37 | Nucleus chloroplast | ||
高粱Sorghum bicolor | SbSRT1 | 476 | 53.24 | 8.88 | Chloroplast | [ |
SbSRT2 | 484 | 53.66 | 9.17 | Chloroplast | ||
甜菜Beta vulgaris | BvSRT1 | 496 | 55.64 | 9.22 | / | Unpublished data |
BvSRT2 | 389 | 43.37 | 8.89 | / |
表1 不同植物的SRT基因家族
Table 1 SRT gene families in different plant species
物种 Species | 基因名称Gene name | 蛋白长度 Protein length/aa | 分子量 Mw/kD | 等电点 pI | 亚细胞定位 Subcellular localization | 参考文献 Reference |
拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana | AtSRT1 | 473 | 52.64 | 8.54 | Nucleus | [ |
AtSRT2 | 376 | 41.87 | 9.08 | Mitochondria | ||
水稻Oryza sativa | OsSRT1 | 483 | 53.90 | 9.38 | Nucleus | [ |
OsSRT2 | 393 | 43.47 | 8.79 | Mitochondria | ||
葡萄Vitis vinifera | VvSRT1 | 467 | 52.04 | 9.24 | / | [ |
VvSRT2 | 382 | 41.99 | 9.09 | / | ||
番茄Solanum lycopersicum | SlSRT1 | 472 | 52.50 | 9.10 | Nucleus | [ |
SlSRT2 | 389 | 43.06 | 8.97 | Mitochondria | ||
大豆Glycine max | GmSRT1 | 393 | 43.46 | 9.40 | Mitochondria chloroplast | [ |
GmSRT2 | 392 | 43.21 | 9.32 | Mitochondria chloroplast | ||
GmSRT3 | 434 | 48.21 | 9.11 | Nucleus chloroplast | ||
GmSRT4 | 479 | 53.20 | 9.15 | Nucleus cytoplasm | ||
地钱Marchantia polymorpha | MpSIRT4 | 377 | 41.22 | 8.36 | Mitochondria | [ |
MpSIRT5 | 285 | 30.75 | 7.02 | / | ||
MpSIRT6 | 379 | 41.39 | 7.60 | Nucleus cytosol | ||
玉米Zea mays | ZmSRT1 | 437 | 49.05 | 9.31 | / | [ |
ZmSRT2 | 351 | 39.19 | 8.91 | / | ||
茶树Camellia sinensis | CsSRT1 | 566 | 63.46 | 9.29 | Nucleus | [ |
CsSRT2 | 460 | 51.36 | 8.82 | Chloroplast | ||
CsSRT3 | 479 | 53.39 | 9.11 | Chloroplast | ||
CsSRT4 | 177 | 19.77 | 9.58 | Nucleus | ||
石斛Dendrobium officinale | DoSRT1 | 409 | 45.50 | 8.19 | Nucleus | [ |
DoSRT2 | 279 | 30.82 | 7.04 | Nucleus | ||
白梨Pyrus bretschneideri | PbSRT1 | 484 | 54.13 | 9.27 | Nucleus cytoplasm | [ |
PbSRT2 | 394 | 43.46 | 8.80 | Chloroplast vacuole | ||
大麻Cannabis sativa | CsSRT1 | 484 | 53.61 | 9.04 | Nucleus chloroplast | [ |
CsSRT2 | 397 | 43.49 | 8.37 | Nucleus chloroplast | ||
高粱Sorghum bicolor | SbSRT1 | 476 | 53.24 | 8.88 | Chloroplast | [ |
SbSRT2 | 484 | 53.66 | 9.17 | Chloroplast | ||
甜菜Beta vulgaris | BvSRT1 | 496 | 55.64 | 9.22 | / | Unpublished data |
BvSRT2 | 389 | 43.37 | 8.89 | / |
图1 植物SRTs三维空间结构 利用SWISS-MODEL同源建模工具预测水稻SRT1(A)和SRT2(B)蛋白SIR2结构域三维结构[38]。将SRTs SIR2结构域蛋白序列在SWISS-MODEL模板库比对并基于GMQE和QMEANZ分析分别从智人(Homo sapiens, SRT1 SMTL ID:3k35.1)和非洲蟾蜍(Xenopus tropicalis, SRT2 SMTL ID: 5oj7.1)两个物种中获得两个高得分SRT1/2晶体模板[43⇓-45]。最后通过Swiss PDB和PyMOL软件对SRT1和SRT2蛋白的SIR2结构域进行可视化和比较[46]
Fig. 1 Three-dimensional structure of SRTs in plants The three-dimensional structure of SIR2 domain in SRT1(A)and SRT2(B)proteins from Oryza sativa was predicted by homology modeling using SWISS-MODEL workspace[38]. The protein sequences of SRTs SIR2 domain were applied to search for a suitable template in the SWISS-MODEL Template Library(SMTL)and two crystal structures of SIR2(SRT1/2)from Homo sapiens(SMTL ID: 3k35.1 for SRT1)and Xenopus tropicalis(SMTL ID: 5oj7.1 for SRT2)were selected as the templates by the Global Model Quality Estimation(GMQE)values and the QMEANZ-scores[43-45]. Visualization and comparison of the SIR2 domains from SRT1 and SRT2 protein were performed through the Swiss PDB viewer and PyMOL program[46]
图2 不同物种SRTs系统发育分析
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic analysis of SRTs in different species SRTs基因的来源、名称及蛋白登录号如下: 拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)AtSRT1(NP_200387.1), AtSRT2(NP_001078550.1);水稻(Oryza sativa)OsSRT1(XP_015636502.1), OsSRT2(XP_015618411.1);葡萄(Vitis riparia)VrSRT1(XP_034679101.1), VrSRT2(XP_010652926.1);番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)SlSRT1(XP_004244044.1), SlSRT2(XP_004236824.1);大豆(Glycine max)GmSRT1(XP_003522478.1), GmSRT1(XP_003528059.2), GmSRT3(KHN11152.1), GmSRT4(XP_003551434.1);地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)MpSIRT(PTQ32963.1), MpSIRT5(PTQ31328.1), MpSIRT6(PTQ40866.1);玉米(Zea mays)ZmSRT1(NP_001105577.1), ZmSRT2(XP_020400867.1);白梨(Pyrus bretschneideri)PbSRT1(XP_009375070.1), PbSRT2(XP_009375792.1);大麻(Cannabis sativa)CsSRT1(XP_030478610.1), CsSRT2(XP_030499415.1);高粱(Sorghum bicolor)SbSRT1(XP_021318881.1), SbSRT2(XP_002442918.2);甜菜(Beta vulgaris)BvSRT1(XP_019104724.1), BvSRT2(XP_010674411.1);菠菜(Spinacia oleracea)SoSRT1(XP_021842668.1), SoSRT2(XP_021835887.1);油菜(Brassica napus)BnSRT1(XP_022570011.1), BnSRT2(XP_013675778.1);芜菁(Brassica rapa)BrSRT1(XP_009132354.1), BrSRT2(XP_033140955.1);荠菜(Capsella rubella)CrSRT1(XP_023641545.1), CrSRT2(XP_023637530.1);烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)NtSRT1(XP_016490271.1), NtSRT2(XP_016482509.1);小麦(Triticum aestivum)TaSRT1(XP_044455034.1), TaSRT2(XP_044380222.1);谷子(Setaria italica)SiSRT1(XP_004975166.1), SiSRT2(XP_004977219.1);狗尾草(Setaria viridis)SvSRT1(XP_034603198.1), SvSRT2(XP_034606073.1);花生(Arachis hypogaea)AhSRT1(XP_025626741.1), AhSRT2(XP_025615786.1);木豆(Cajanus cajan)CcSRT1(XP_020232854.1), CcSRT2(XP_020234960.1);鹰嘴豆(Cicer arietinum)CaSRT1(XP_004516096.2), CaSRT2(XP_004502971.1);大叶栎(Quercus lobata)QlSRT1(XP_030931433.1), QlSRT2(XP_030940716.1);番木瓜(Carica papaya)CpSRT1(XP_021906115.1), CpSRT2(XP_021900464.1);南瓜(Cucurbita moschata)CmSRT1(XP_022936498.1), CmSRT2(XP_022948086.1);蒺藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)MtSRT1(XP_013460060.1), MtSRT2(XP_003602659.1);豇豆(Vigna unguiculata)VuSRT1(XP_027930984.1), VuSRT2(XP_027901777.1);冬瓜(Benincasa hispida)BhSRT1(XP_038900035.1), BhSRT1(XP_038902560.1);盐芥(Eutrema salsugineum)EsSRT1(XP_006401417.1), EsSRT2(XP_006399395.1)
图3 组蛋白(去)乙酰化与基因转录的动态调控
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