生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (11): 205-216.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0722
汪涯,男,博士,副教授,研究方向:微生物生态和代谢调控;E-mail: wangya@jxstnu.edu.cn作者简介:
唐瑞琪,女,博士,讲师,研究方向:微生物代谢工程和合成生物学;E-mail: rq_tang@jxstnu.edu.cn
TANG Rui-qi1(), ZHAO Xin-qing2, ZHU Du1, WANG Ya1(
唐瑞琪, 赵心清, 朱笃, 汪涯. 大肠杆菌对木质纤维素水解液抑制物的胁迫耐受性[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(11): 205-216.
TANG Rui-qi, ZHAO Xin-qing, ZHU Du, WANG Ya. Stress Tolerance of Escherichia coli to Inhibitors in Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(11): 205-216.
图1 木质纤维素水解液中常见的抑制物及其来源 HMF *表示5-羟甲基糠醛
Fig. 1 Common inhibitors in lignocellulosic hydrolysates and their sources HMF * stands for 5-hydroxylmethylfurfural
基因 Gene | 敲除/过表达 Deletion/Overexpression | 描述 Description | 抑制物 Inhibitor | 参考文献 Reference |
pgi, encoding glucose-6-phosphate isomerase | Deletion | Shunt glucose to pentose phosphate pathway to increase NADPH production | Furfural, HMF | [ |
pntAB, encoding pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase | Overexpression | Convert NADP+ to NADPH using PntAB to increase NADPH regeneration | Furfural, HMF | [ |
yqhD, encoding aldehyde reductase | Deletion | Delete NADPH-dependent YqhD to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural, HMF | [ |
yqhC, encoding transcriptional activator | Deletion | Delete YqhC to downregulate yqhDexpression, reducing NADPH consumption | Furfural | [ |
fucO, encoding propanediol oxidoreductase | Overexpression | Convert furfural using NADH-dependent FucO to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural | [ |
yghA, encoding oxidoreductase | Overexpression | Convert furfural using NADH-dependent YghA to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural, HMF | [ |
pncB and nadE, encoding NAD salvage pathway enzymes | Overexpression | Increase NAD(P)H level through the nicotine amide salvage pathway | Furfural | [ |
Heterologous xylBand BaBAD, encoding benzyl alcohol dehydrogenases | Overexpression | Convert furfural using NADH-dependent XylB and BaBAD to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural | [ |
thyA, encoding thymidylate synthase | Overexpression | Overexpress ThyA to increase dTMP level for DNA repair | Furfural | [ |
potE and puuP, encoding polyamine transporters | Overexpression | Increase cytoplasmic polyamine level to maintain DNA synthesis | Furfural | [ |
lpcA, encoding D-sedoheptulose-7-phosphate isomerase | Overexpression | Overexpress LpcA to increase formation of lipopolysaccharides and NADPH | Furfural | [ |
pssA, encoding phosphatidylserine synthase | Overexpression | Increase phosphatidylethanolamine content to increase membrane integrity | Furfural, HMF | [ |
mdtJI, encoding multidrug resistance efflux pump | Overexpression | Export furfural by efflux pump MdtJI | Furfural, HMF | [ |
groESL, encoding chaperonin | Overexpression | Maintain proper folding of proteins | Furfural | [ |
表1 提高大肠杆菌呋喃类抑制物耐受性的基因靶点
Table 1 Gene targets for improving the tolerance of E. coli to furan inhibitors
基因 Gene | 敲除/过表达 Deletion/Overexpression | 描述 Description | 抑制物 Inhibitor | 参考文献 Reference |
pgi, encoding glucose-6-phosphate isomerase | Deletion | Shunt glucose to pentose phosphate pathway to increase NADPH production | Furfural, HMF | [ |
pntAB, encoding pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase | Overexpression | Convert NADP+ to NADPH using PntAB to increase NADPH regeneration | Furfural, HMF | [ |
yqhD, encoding aldehyde reductase | Deletion | Delete NADPH-dependent YqhD to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural, HMF | [ |
yqhC, encoding transcriptional activator | Deletion | Delete YqhC to downregulate yqhDexpression, reducing NADPH consumption | Furfural | [ |
fucO, encoding propanediol oxidoreductase | Overexpression | Convert furfural using NADH-dependent FucO to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural | [ |
yghA, encoding oxidoreductase | Overexpression | Convert furfural using NADH-dependent YghA to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural, HMF | [ |
pncB and nadE, encoding NAD salvage pathway enzymes | Overexpression | Increase NAD(P)H level through the nicotine amide salvage pathway | Furfural | [ |
Heterologous xylBand BaBAD, encoding benzyl alcohol dehydrogenases | Overexpression | Convert furfural using NADH-dependent XylB and BaBAD to reduce NADPH consumption | Furfural | [ |
thyA, encoding thymidylate synthase | Overexpression | Overexpress ThyA to increase dTMP level for DNA repair | Furfural | [ |
potE and puuP, encoding polyamine transporters | Overexpression | Increase cytoplasmic polyamine level to maintain DNA synthesis | Furfural | [ |
lpcA, encoding D-sedoheptulose-7-phosphate isomerase | Overexpression | Overexpress LpcA to increase formation of lipopolysaccharides and NADPH | Furfural | [ |
pssA, encoding phosphatidylserine synthase | Overexpression | Increase phosphatidylethanolamine content to increase membrane integrity | Furfural, HMF | [ |
mdtJI, encoding multidrug resistance efflux pump | Overexpression | Export furfural by efflux pump MdtJI | Furfural, HMF | [ |
groESL, encoding chaperonin | Overexpression | Maintain proper folding of proteins | Furfural | [ |
基因 Gene | 描述 Description | 胁迫 Stress | 参考文献 Reference |
dsrA and hfq, encoding small noncoding RNA and chaperone | DsrA increases rpoS mRNA stability and activate RpoS translation, Hfq promotes DsrA annealing to the rpoS5' untranscribed region(UTR) | Low pH | [ |
Heterologous cfaS, encoding cyclopropane fatty acid synthase | Decrease membrane permeability and fluidity | Low pH | [ |
Heterologous cbpA, encoding chaperone | CbpA plays a role in protein and DNA repair | Acetate | [ |
gadE, encoding transcriptional activator | GadE activates acid resistance system | Low pH | [ |
hdeB, encoding periplasmic acid stress chaperone | HdeB prevents periplasmic proteins aggregation at low pH | Low pH | [ |
sodB and katE, encoding superoxide dismutase and catalase | SodB and KatE are ROS scavengers | Low pH | [ |
表2 提高大肠杆菌耐酸性的过表达靶点
Table 2 Overexpression targets for improving the tolerance of E. coli to acid
基因 Gene | 描述 Description | 胁迫 Stress | 参考文献 Reference |
dsrA and hfq, encoding small noncoding RNA and chaperone | DsrA increases rpoS mRNA stability and activate RpoS translation, Hfq promotes DsrA annealing to the rpoS5' untranscribed region(UTR) | Low pH | [ |
Heterologous cfaS, encoding cyclopropane fatty acid synthase | Decrease membrane permeability and fluidity | Low pH | [ |
Heterologous cbpA, encoding chaperone | CbpA plays a role in protein and DNA repair | Acetate | [ |
gadE, encoding transcriptional activator | GadE activates acid resistance system | Low pH | [ |
hdeB, encoding periplasmic acid stress chaperone | HdeB prevents periplasmic proteins aggregation at low pH | Low pH | [ |
sodB and katE, encoding superoxide dismutase and catalase | SodB and KatE are ROS scavengers | Low pH | [ |
图3 提高大肠杆菌对木质纤维素水解液中抑制物耐受性的示意图 HPLC/GC表示高效液相色谱或气相色谱,LC-/GC-MS表示液相或气相色谱与质谱联用,NMR表示核磁共振,ALE和ML分别表示实验室适应性进化和机器学习
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the tolerance improvement of E. coli to inhibitors in lignocellulosic hydrolysates HPLC/GC indicate high-performance liquid chromatography/gas chromatography, LC-/GC-MS indicate liquid chromatography-/gas chromatography-mass spectrometer, NMR indicates nuclear magnetic resonance, ALE indicates adaptive laboratory evolution, ML indicates machine learning
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