生物技术通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 153-162.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-0915
郝林,男,教授,研究方向:植物逆境生物学;E-mail: haolinwj2001@163.com作者简介:
祖国蔷,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:植物与微生物相互作用;E-mail: 1875224329@qq.com
ZU Guo-qiang(), HU Zhe, WANG Qi, LI Guang-zhe, HAO Lin(
探究根内生菌Burkholderia sp. GD17在水稻对镉(cadmium,Cd)胁迫应答中的调节作用,为减少Cd的积累、提高植株的Cd耐受性奠定基础。以接种GD17和未接菌的幼苗为材料,在添加Cd条件下,分析其生理生化代谢和相关基因表达。接菌5 d后,根中GD17菌的数量达到3.6×106 CFU/g根鲜重,且在植株生长过程中内生菌数量维持在这一级别。Cd暴露(20和40 mg/kg土壤)20 d后,接种GD17植株的干(鲜)重显著高于未接菌植株。接种GD17和未接菌植株根中的Cd含量无显著差异,但前者地上部的Cd含量是后者的43%。Cd胁迫下,接种GD17根和叶片的丙二醛含量分别是未接菌植株的78%和64%。与未接菌植株相比,接种GD17叶片的超氧化物歧化酶活性降低,但过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性均升高。接种GD17有效阻止了光合作用的损伤,如减缓Cd引发的总叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度的下降,以及胞间CO2浓度的升高。叶绿素荧光成像进一步反映了GD17对光合作用的保护性影响。与未接菌植株相比,接种GD17植株根中所有分析的与Cd耐受相关基因的表达水平均显著升高。根部接种GD17可系统性地减轻Cd对水稻幼苗的伤害,其可能的机理包括:降低Cd的根-茎运输、减轻Cd引发的氧化伤害和对光合作用的损伤;上调Cd耐受相关基因在根中的表达。基于此,GD17菌株在低Cd水稻生产中具有潜在的应用价值。
祖国蔷, 胡哲, 王琪, 李光哲, 郝林. Burkholderia sp. GD17对水稻幼苗镉耐受的调节[J]. 生物技术通报, 2022, 38(4): 153-162.
ZU Guo-qiang, HU Zhe, WANG Qi, LI Guang-zhe, HAO Lin. Regulatory Role of Burkholderia sp. GD17 in Rice Seedling’s Responses to Cadmium Stress[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(4): 153-162.
基因 Gene | 基因ID Gene ID | 功能 Function | 引物序列 Primer sequence(5'-3') | 产物长度 Length/bp |
ABCG5 | Os03g0281900 | 介导Cd进入液泡 Transporter pumping Cd into vacuole | F:AGGAGGACCTTCTGTACCCG R:CAGCATGATCGGGTTGTGGA | 245 |
HMA1 | Os06g0690700 | 介导Cd进入液泡 Transporter pumping Cd into vacuole | F:CCGTAGCCTTCCCACTTGTC R:ACCGCCCTCCAATGAGTTTC | 140 |
HMA3 | Os07g0232900 | 介导Cd进入液泡 Transporter pumping Cd into vacuole | F:CTGGCTCTGGTGATGCTTGT R:CCCAACCAGATGGAACGAGT | 219 |
MT1a | Os11g0704500 | Cd络合和活性氧清除 Cd chelation and ROS scavenging | F:TGCGGAAAGAAGTACCCTGAC R:CCTCAAACTGCTGCGCCTTC | 100 |
MT1c | Os12g0571100 | Cd络合和活性氧清除 Cd chelation and ROS scavenging | F:ATGTCGTGCGGTGGAAGTT R:TTGCAGTAGTGGTGGTGGTG | 109 |
NRAMP5 | Os07g0257200 | 调节Cd的根-茎转运 Regulating Cd root-shoot transport | F:GGCCTCCAAAAATACGGGGT R:GCAAGAACAGATTGTGGGGC | 217 |
PCS1 | Os05g0415200 | 介导络合素-Cd复合物的形成 Mediating the formation of phytochelatin -Cd complex | F:TGGATGTCGCTCGCTTCAAA R:CATGAACCCCCTGAGAAGCC | 107 |
PCS2 | Os06g0102300 | 介导络合素-Cd复合物的形成 Mediating the formation of phytochelatin -Cd complex | F:GCAACTGGTCTACTCAGGGG R:GCTTTCATCTCTGCAACTCTGC | 101 |
表1 基因表达分析特异性引物
Table 1 Primer sequences used for the analysis of gene expression
基因 Gene | 基因ID Gene ID | 功能 Function | 引物序列 Primer sequence(5'-3') | 产物长度 Length/bp |
ABCG5 | Os03g0281900 | 介导Cd进入液泡 Transporter pumping Cd into vacuole | F:AGGAGGACCTTCTGTACCCG R:CAGCATGATCGGGTTGTGGA | 245 |
HMA1 | Os06g0690700 | 介导Cd进入液泡 Transporter pumping Cd into vacuole | F:CCGTAGCCTTCCCACTTGTC R:ACCGCCCTCCAATGAGTTTC | 140 |
HMA3 | Os07g0232900 | 介导Cd进入液泡 Transporter pumping Cd into vacuole | F:CTGGCTCTGGTGATGCTTGT R:CCCAACCAGATGGAACGAGT | 219 |
MT1a | Os11g0704500 | Cd络合和活性氧清除 Cd chelation and ROS scavenging | F:TGCGGAAAGAAGTACCCTGAC R:CCTCAAACTGCTGCGCCTTC | 100 |
MT1c | Os12g0571100 | Cd络合和活性氧清除 Cd chelation and ROS scavenging | F:ATGTCGTGCGGTGGAAGTT R:TTGCAGTAGTGGTGGTGGTG | 109 |
NRAMP5 | Os07g0257200 | 调节Cd的根-茎转运 Regulating Cd root-shoot transport | F:GGCCTCCAAAAATACGGGGT R:GCAAGAACAGATTGTGGGGC | 217 |
PCS1 | Os05g0415200 | 介导络合素-Cd复合物的形成 Mediating the formation of phytochelatin -Cd complex | F:TGGATGTCGCTCGCTTCAAA R:CATGAACCCCCTGAGAAGCC | 107 |
PCS2 | Os06g0102300 | 介导络合素-Cd复合物的形成 Mediating the formation of phytochelatin -Cd complex | F:GCAACTGGTCTACTCAGGGG R:GCTTTCATCTCTGCAACTCTGC | 101 |
图1 GD17菌在根中的定殖效率(以菌落形成单位表示) 在种子催芽时加入GD17菌悬液,对照以蒸馏水代替。图中数据以3次独立生物学试验的平均值±标准差表示(n=3);每次试验取材于5株植株的根。图中不同的小写字母表示在P<0.05具有显著性差异。下同
Fig. 1 Colonization efficiency of GD17 inside roots as indicated by colony-forming units(CFU) GD17 inoculation was performed during seed germination,CK was replaced with distilled water. The data were collected from three replicated experiments(n = 3)with 5 plants used in each batch of experiment,and represented as means ± SD. Bars with different lower-case letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05. The same below
图2 GD17和(或)Cd胁迫对植株生长和Cd含量的影响 图中数据以3次独立生物学试验的平均值±标准差表示(n=3);每次试验取材于20株20 d龄的植株。A和B:茎叶鲜重和干重;C和D:根鲜重和干重;E:地上部形态的代表性图片;F和G:根和地上部Cd含量
Fig. 2 Effects of GD17 and(or)Cd stress on plant grow-th and Cd contents Twenty-day-old plants were evaluated. The data were collected from three replicated experiments(n=3)with 20 plants used in each batch of experiment,and represented as means ± SD. A and B:Fresh and dry weight of shoots. C and D:Fresh and dry weight of roots. E:Representative pictures showing the morphology of aboveground part. F and G:Cd contents in roots and shoots
图3 GD17和(或)Cd胁迫对植株丙二醛含量和抗氧化酶活性的影响 A和B:根和地上部的丙二醛(MDA)含量;C和D:根和地上部超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性;E和F:根和地上部过氧化物酶(PRX)活性;G和H:根和地上部过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性
Fig. 3 Effects of GD17 and(or)Cd stress on malondialde-hyde(MDA)content of plants,and activities of antioxidation enzymes A and B:Malondialdehyde contents in roots and shoots. C and D:Superoxide dismutase activity in roots and shoots. E and F:Peroxidase activity in roots and shoots. G and H:Catalase activity in roots and shoots
图4 GD17和(或)Cd胁迫对光合作用相关参数的影响 A:总叶绿素含量;B:净光合速率;C:气孔导度;D:胞间CO2浓度
Fig. 4 Effects of GD17 and(or)Cd stress on photosynth-esis-related parameters A:Total chlorophyll content. B:Photosynthetic rate(Pn). C:Stomatal conductance(Gs). D:Intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci)
图5 GD17和(或)Cd胁迫对叶绿素荧光参数的影响 Fv/Fm:PSII最大光化学效率;ФPSII:PSII实际光化学效率;ETR:电子传递效率;NPQ:非光化学荧光猝灭系数
Fig. 5 Effects of GD17 and(or)Cd stress on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm:Maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII. ФPSII:Actual photochemical efficiency of PSII. ETR:Electron transport rate. NPQ:Non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence
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