生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 298-307.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-1372
潘虎,男,博士,副研究员,研究方向:农药残留检测与污染防控;E-mail: ph2032007@126.com;
PAN Hu1,2,3(), ZHOU Zi-qiong4, TIAN Yun2
为筛选适宜青藏高原地区的异菌脲高效降解菌株资源,采用富集培养法从西藏自治区蔬菜大棚土壤中分离得到Y-20、Y-29和Y-32三株异菌脲高效降解菌株,通过形态特征、生理生化特性和16S rRNA基因序列分析对上述菌株进行初步鉴定,探讨NaCl浓度(m/V)、温度、pH值、接种量(V/V)和异菌脲初始浓度等因素对其异菌脲降解速率的影响,采用气相色谱法和PCR技术分析了上述菌株的异菌脲代谢途径及降解基因(ipaH)。结果表明,菌株Y-20、Y-29和Y-32为微杆菌属(Microbacterium)的3个不同种;在1.0% NaCl(m/V)、pH 7.0、25-30℃、5%的接种量(V/V)和100 mg/L初始异菌脲浓度的最佳条件下,上述菌株能够在8-12 h内完全降解100 mg/L的异菌脲;上述菌株能够将异菌脲降解为N-(3,5-二氯苯基)-2,4-二氧代咪唑烷和异丙基氨基甲酸,且含有高度相似的ipaH基因序列(99.14%-99.69%)。本研究为高原地区异菌脲污染环境的生物修复提供了菌株资源和理论依据。
潘虎, 周子琼, 田云. 三株异菌脲高效降解菌株的筛选、鉴定及其降解特性分析[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(6): 298-307.
PAN Hu, ZHOU Zi-qiong, TIAN Yun. Screening Identification and Degradation Characteristics of Three Iprodione-degrading Strains[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(6): 298-307.
测试项目Test item | Y-20 | Y-29 | Y-32 | 测试项目Test item | Y-20 | Y-29 | Y-32 | |
邻硝基苯-半乳糖苷2-Nitrophenyl-galactopyranoside | + | + | - | Kohn明胶Kohn gelatin | + | + | - | |
精氨酸Arginine | - | - | - | 葡萄糖Glucose | + | + | - | |
赖氨酸Lysine | - | - | - | 甘露醇Mannitol | + | + | - | |
鸟氨酸Ornithine | - | - | - | 肌醇Inositol | - | - | - | |
柠檬酸钠Sodium citrate | + | +w | + | 山梨醇Sorbitol | - | - | - | |
硫代硫酸钠Sodium thiosulfate | - | - | - | 鼠李糖Rhamnose monohydrate | + | - | - | |
尿素Urea | - | - | - | 蔗糖Sucrose | + | + | - | |
色氨酸Tryptophan(TDA) | + | +w | + | 密二糖Disaccharide | + | - | - | |
色氨酸Tryptophan(IND) | - | - | - | 苦杏仁苷Amygdalin | + | + | - | |
丙酮酸盐Pyruvate | + | + | - | 阿拉伯糖Arabinose | + | - | +w |
表1 菌株Y-20、Y-29和Y-32的部分生理生化鉴定结果
Table 1 Partial physiological and biochemical identification results of strain Y-20, Y-29 and Y-32
测试项目Test item | Y-20 | Y-29 | Y-32 | 测试项目Test item | Y-20 | Y-29 | Y-32 | |
邻硝基苯-半乳糖苷2-Nitrophenyl-galactopyranoside | + | + | - | Kohn明胶Kohn gelatin | + | + | - | |
精氨酸Arginine | - | - | - | 葡萄糖Glucose | + | + | - | |
赖氨酸Lysine | - | - | - | 甘露醇Mannitol | + | + | - | |
鸟氨酸Ornithine | - | - | - | 肌醇Inositol | - | - | - | |
柠檬酸钠Sodium citrate | + | +w | + | 山梨醇Sorbitol | - | - | - | |
硫代硫酸钠Sodium thiosulfate | - | - | - | 鼠李糖Rhamnose monohydrate | + | - | - | |
尿素Urea | - | - | - | 蔗糖Sucrose | + | + | - | |
色氨酸Tryptophan(TDA) | + | +w | + | 密二糖Disaccharide | + | - | - | |
色氨酸Tryptophan(IND) | - | - | - | 苦杏仁苷Amygdalin | + | + | - | |
丙酮酸盐Pyruvate | + | + | - | 阿拉伯糖Arabinose | + | - | +w |
图4 NaCl浓度、pH值、温度、接种量和异菌脲初始浓度对菌株Y-20、Y-29和Y-32异菌脲降解率的影响及其最佳降解曲线
Fig. 4 Effects of NaCl concentration, pH value, temperature, inoculation amount and initial iprodione concentration on the iprodione-degradation rates by strain Y-20, Y-29 and Y-32 and their optimal degradation curves
图5 发酵液中异菌脲与其代谢产物含量的变化及质谱分析结果 A:0 h发酵液;B:6 h发酵液;C:12 h发酵液;D:化合物1的一级质谱图谱;E:化合物2的一级质谱图谱
Fig. 5 Change of iprodione and its metabolites in the fermentation liquor and the mass spectrometry analysis results A: Fermentation broth of 0 h. B: Fermentation broth of 6 h. C: Fermentation broth of 12 h. D: Primary mass spectrometry result of compound 1. E: Primary mass spectrometry result of compound 2
样品来源 Source | 分离菌株种类 Species of isolates | 异菌脲初始浓度 Initial concentration of iprodione | 降解率 Degradation rate/% | 降解时间 Degradation time | 降解基因 Degradation genes |
土壤 Soil | Arthrobacter sp. MA6[ | 9.90 mg/L | 86.7 | 7 d | ND |
土壤 Soil | Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas paucimobilis[ | 8.25 mg/L | 100 | 20-24 h | ND |
土壤 Soil | Zygosaccharomyces rouxii DBVPG 6399[ | 1 mg/L | 100 | 9 d | ND |
农田土壤 Farmland soil | Arthrobacter sp.CQH[ | 100 mg/L | 100 | 112 h | ND |
土壤 Soil | Microbacterium sp. CHQ-1[ | 100 mg/L | 100 | 96 h | ND |
活性污泥 Activated sludge | Microbacterium sp.YJN-G[ | 100 mg/L | 100 | 24 h | ipaH |
酸性土壤 Acidic soil | Arthrobacter sp. C1, Achromobacter sp. C2[ | 60 mmol/L | 100 | 10 d | ND |
三七根际土壤 Root-zone soil of Panax notoginseng | Bacillus sp.KMS-1[ | 25 mg/L | 41.4 | 7 d | ND |
葡萄园种植土壤 Vineyards grow soil | Paenarthrobacter sp. YJN-5[ Paenarthrobacter sp. YJN-D | 1.5 mmol/L | 95 | 80 h | ipaH, ddaH, duaH |
大棚土壤 Greenhouse soil | Microbacterium sp. Y-20、Y-29、Y-32 | 100 mg/L | 100 | 8-12 h | ipaH |
表2 异菌脲降解菌株的基本特性
Table 2 Basic characteristics of iprodione-degrading strains
样品来源 Source | 分离菌株种类 Species of isolates | 异菌脲初始浓度 Initial concentration of iprodione | 降解率 Degradation rate/% | 降解时间 Degradation time | 降解基因 Degradation genes |
土壤 Soil | Arthrobacter sp. MA6[ | 9.90 mg/L | 86.7 | 7 d | ND |
土壤 Soil | Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas paucimobilis[ | 8.25 mg/L | 100 | 20-24 h | ND |
土壤 Soil | Zygosaccharomyces rouxii DBVPG 6399[ | 1 mg/L | 100 | 9 d | ND |
农田土壤 Farmland soil | Arthrobacter sp.CQH[ | 100 mg/L | 100 | 112 h | ND |
土壤 Soil | Microbacterium sp. CHQ-1[ | 100 mg/L | 100 | 96 h | ND |
活性污泥 Activated sludge | Microbacterium sp.YJN-G[ | 100 mg/L | 100 | 24 h | ipaH |
酸性土壤 Acidic soil | Arthrobacter sp. C1, Achromobacter sp. C2[ | 60 mmol/L | 100 | 10 d | ND |
三七根际土壤 Root-zone soil of Panax notoginseng | Bacillus sp.KMS-1[ | 25 mg/L | 41.4 | 7 d | ND |
葡萄园种植土壤 Vineyards grow soil | Paenarthrobacter sp. YJN-5[ Paenarthrobacter sp. YJN-D | 1.5 mmol/L | 95 | 80 h | ipaH, ddaH, duaH |
大棚土壤 Greenhouse soil | Microbacterium sp. Y-20、Y-29、Y-32 | 100 mg/L | 100 | 8-12 h | ipaH |
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