生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 123-130.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2024-0511
• 薯类作物生物技术专题(专题主编:徐建飞,尚轶) • 上一篇 下一篇
夏士轩1,2(), 耿泽栋1, 祝光涛3, 张春芝2, 李大伟2(
李大伟,男,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:马铃薯分子育种;E-mail: lidawei@caas.cn作者简介:
夏士轩,男,硕士,研究方向:马铃薯育性分子机制;E-mail: xiaxuan172@163.com
XIA Shi-xuan1,2(), GENG Ze-dong1, ZHU Guang-tao3, ZHANG Chun-zhi2, LI Da-wei2(
【目的】传统马铃薯花粉活力检测方法依靠肉眼计数,存在效率低、准确性差等问题。本研究基于PaddlePaddle深度学习框架,通过比较不同模型,提出一种快速检测花粉活力的方法。【方法】首先收集花粉,使用2,3,5-氯化三苯基四氮唑(2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride,TTC)染色,通过显微镜拍照获取图像;利用Photoshop(PS)进行数据标注,分别标注有活力花粉和所有花粉,并将标签图转为单通道图像;选用SegFormer、U-Net和DeepLabV3模型进行训练,分割有活力花粉和所有花粉;最后使用Python OpenCV程序计数,计算花粉活力。【结果】与其他模型相比,SegFormer在两类数据集中的各项评估指标均为最优。相比于人工识别,OpenCV程序可以实现快速、批量计数,且误差小。【结论】通过图像处理技术可以快速、准确检测马铃薯花粉活力,进一步利用该方法快速鉴定了200份F2株系的花粉活力,为马铃薯花粉活力表型采集奠定了基础。
夏士轩, 耿泽栋, 祝光涛, 张春芝, 李大伟. 基于深度学习的马铃薯花粉活力快速检测[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(9): 123-130.
XIA Shi-xuan, GENG Ze-dong, ZHU Guang-tao, ZHANG Chun-zhi, LI Da-wei. Quick Detection of Potato Pollen Viability Based on Deep Learning[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(9): 123-130.
数据集 Dataset | 模型 Model | 交并比 IoU | 精确率 Precision | 召回率 Recall | F1分数 F1 score |
有活力花粉 | SegFormer | 35.25 | 85.95 | 38.26 | 51.11 |
U-Net | 34.34 | 78.62 | 38.28 | 49.92 | |
DeepLabV3 | 31.34 | 78.19 | 35.04 | 47.35 | |
所有花粉 | SegFormer | 75.65 | 82.67 | 88.64 | 84.78 |
U-Net | 58.50 | 74.56 | 72.58 | 73.08 | |
DeepLabV3 | 59.08 | 78.26 | 69.97 | 73.70 |
表1 不同模型对比实验的结果
Table 1 Comparative results of different algorithms
数据集 Dataset | 模型 Model | 交并比 IoU | 精确率 Precision | 召回率 Recall | F1分数 F1 score |
有活力花粉 | SegFormer | 35.25 | 85.95 | 38.26 | 51.11 |
U-Net | 34.34 | 78.62 | 38.28 | 49.92 | |
DeepLabV3 | 31.34 | 78.19 | 35.04 | 47.35 | |
所有花粉 | SegFormer | 75.65 | 82.67 | 88.64 | 84.78 |
U-Net | 58.50 | 74.56 | 72.58 | 73.08 | |
DeepLabV3 | 59.08 | 78.26 | 69.97 | 73.70 |
图2 不同尺度图片的分割效果 原图为花粉TTC染色图像;伪彩色图为模型输出的花粉分割图像;掩膜图是为方便观察分割效果,将伪彩色图与原图掩膜后的结果;200 μm(左图);400 μm(右图)
Fig. 2 Segmentation results of different-scale pictures The original image is the pollen stained by TTC; the pseudo-color image is the pollen segmentation image output by the model; the mask image is the result of masking the pseudo-color image and the original image for the convenience of observing the segmentation effect; 200 μm(left); 400 μm(right)
图3 OpenCV程序识别效果 原图为花粉TTC染色图像;掩膜图为模型输出的伪彩色图与原图掩膜的结果;识别图为OpenCV程序对识别到的花粉进行标记后输出的图像;比例尺200 μm
Fig. 3 Recognition effect by OpenCV program The original image is the pollen stained by TTC; the mask image is the result of masking the pseudo-color image output by the model with the original image; the recognition image is the output by the OpenCV program after labeling the recognized pollens; bar = 200 μm
编号 No. | 有活力花粉数The number of viable pollens | 总花粉数The number of total pollens | 花粉活力Pollen viability | |||||||||
程序计算值Calculated value by program | 人工计算值Manually calculated value | 误差 Error | 程序计算值Calculated value by program | 人工计算值Manually calculated value | 误差 Error | 程序计算值Calculated value by program/% | 人工计算值Manually calculated value/% | 误差 Error/% | ||||
2×-1 | 569 | 535 | -34 | 1 074 | 1 021 | -53 | 53 | 52 | -1 | |||
2×-2 | 241 | 240 | -1 | 442 | 457 | 15 | 55 | 53 | -2 | |||
2×-3 | 297 | 296 | -1 | 390 | 403 | 13 | 76 | 73 | -3 | |||
2×-4 | 447 | 445 | -2 | 528 | 553 | 25 | 84 | 80 | -4 | |||
2×-5 | 355 | 357 | 2 | 483 | 511 | 28 | 73 | 70 | -3 | |||
2×-6 | 158 | 154 | -4 | 315 | 303 | -12 | 50 | 51 | 1 | |||
2×-7 | 99 | 103 | 4 | 138 | 153 | 15 | 72 | 68 | -4 | |||
2×-8 | 167 | 161 | -6 | 235 | 238 | 3 | 71 | 68 | -3 | |||
2×-9 | 142 | 139 | -3 | 177 | 183 | 6 | 80 | 76 | -4 | |||
2×-10 | 314 | 314 | 0 | 553 | 537 | -16 | 57 | 58 | 1 | |||
4×-1 | 117 | 125 | 8 | 249 | 270 | 21 | 47 | 46 | -1 | |||
4×-2 | 118 | 124 | 6 | 244 | 263 | 19 | 48 | 47 | -1 | |||
4×-3 | 80 | 82 | 2 | 174 | 180 | 6 | 46 | 46 | 0 | |||
4×-4 | 71 | 70 | -1 | 187 | 199 | 12 | 38 | 35 | -3 | |||
4×-5 | 72 | 79 | 7 | 240 | 246 | 6 | 30 | 32 | 2 | |||
4×-6 | 73 | 81 | 8 | 245 | 257 | 12 | 30 | 32 | 2 | |||
4×-7 | 70 | 74 | 4 | 204 | 218 | 14 | 34 | 34 | 0 | |||
4×-8 | 75 | 73 | -2 | 188 | 206 | 18 | 40 | 35 | -4 | |||
4×-9 | 69 | 75 | 6 | 232 | 251 | 19 | 30 | 30 | 0 | |||
4×-10 | 56 | 60 | 4 | 186 | 198 | 12 | 30 | 30 | 0 |
表2 不同识别方法的结果对比
Table 2 Comparison of different identification methods
编号 No. | 有活力花粉数The number of viable pollens | 总花粉数The number of total pollens | 花粉活力Pollen viability | |||||||||
程序计算值Calculated value by program | 人工计算值Manually calculated value | 误差 Error | 程序计算值Calculated value by program | 人工计算值Manually calculated value | 误差 Error | 程序计算值Calculated value by program/% | 人工计算值Manually calculated value/% | 误差 Error/% | ||||
2×-1 | 569 | 535 | -34 | 1 074 | 1 021 | -53 | 53 | 52 | -1 | |||
2×-2 | 241 | 240 | -1 | 442 | 457 | 15 | 55 | 53 | -2 | |||
2×-3 | 297 | 296 | -1 | 390 | 403 | 13 | 76 | 73 | -3 | |||
2×-4 | 447 | 445 | -2 | 528 | 553 | 25 | 84 | 80 | -4 | |||
2×-5 | 355 | 357 | 2 | 483 | 511 | 28 | 73 | 70 | -3 | |||
2×-6 | 158 | 154 | -4 | 315 | 303 | -12 | 50 | 51 | 1 | |||
2×-7 | 99 | 103 | 4 | 138 | 153 | 15 | 72 | 68 | -4 | |||
2×-8 | 167 | 161 | -6 | 235 | 238 | 3 | 71 | 68 | -3 | |||
2×-9 | 142 | 139 | -3 | 177 | 183 | 6 | 80 | 76 | -4 | |||
2×-10 | 314 | 314 | 0 | 553 | 537 | -16 | 57 | 58 | 1 | |||
4×-1 | 117 | 125 | 8 | 249 | 270 | 21 | 47 | 46 | -1 | |||
4×-2 | 118 | 124 | 6 | 244 | 263 | 19 | 48 | 47 | -1 | |||
4×-3 | 80 | 82 | 2 | 174 | 180 | 6 | 46 | 46 | 0 | |||
4×-4 | 71 | 70 | -1 | 187 | 199 | 12 | 38 | 35 | -3 | |||
4×-5 | 72 | 79 | 7 | 240 | 246 | 6 | 30 | 32 | 2 | |||
4×-6 | 73 | 81 | 8 | 245 | 257 | 12 | 30 | 32 | 2 | |||
4×-7 | 70 | 74 | 4 | 204 | 218 | 14 | 34 | 34 | 0 | |||
4×-8 | 75 | 73 | -2 | 188 | 206 | 18 | 40 | 35 | -4 | |||
4×-9 | 69 | 75 | 6 | 232 | 251 | 19 | 30 | 30 | 0 | |||
4×-10 | 56 | 60 | 4 | 186 | 198 | 12 | 30 | 30 | 0 |
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