生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 250-260.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0614
蒋慧慧1,2(), 王强2, 付维来2,3, 饶志明2, 张显2(
张显,男,博士,教授,研究方向:工业酶与微生物;E-mail: zx@jiangnan.edu.cn作者简介:
蒋慧慧,女,硕士,讲师,研究方向:微生物资源利用;E-mail: 053044@chu.edu.cn
JIANG Hui-hui1,2(), WANG Qiang2, FU Wei-lai2,3, RAO Zhi-ming2, ZHANG Xian2(
水产养殖过程中氮元素超标易造成水质恶化,威胁水产动物的生长繁殖,亟需安全、高效的脱氮方法。从福建某水产养殖池底的污泥中筛选出一株氨氮降解菌,菌种鉴定后进行适应性驯化,并研究不同条件对菌株生长和氨氮降解的影响,随后又以亚硝态氮为唯一氮源检测菌株的好氧反硝化特性。菌株经16S rRNA鉴定为阿氏芽孢杆菌Bacillus aryabhattai,命名为JN01;驯化后,菌株的生长、氨氮去除率均有不同程度提高,初始NH4+-N浓度为200 mg/L的氮去除率最高达87.29%;影响菌株脱氮的单因素实验结果表明,当NH4+-N浓度为200 mg/L、丁二酸钠为碳源、碳氮比为15∶1、pH 7.5、培养温度为30℃时,菌株的氨氮降解率可以达到92.78%。在亚硝态氮为唯一氮源的条件下,菌株JN01也能进行好氧反硝化转化,NO2--N降解率为82.30%。B. aryabhattai JN01具有良好的异养硝化和好氧反硝化特性,具备同时解决养殖废水中氨氮和亚硝酸盐超标的应用潜力。
蒋慧慧, 王强, 付维来, 饶志明, 张显. 一株异养硝化-好氧反硝化细菌的筛选及氮转化特性研究[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(12): 250-260.
JIANG Hui-hui, WANG Qiang, FU Wei-lai, RAO Zhi-ming, ZHANG Xian. Screening of a Heterotrophic Nitrifying-aerobic Denitrifying Bacterium and Its Nitrogen Transforming Characterization[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(12): 250-260.
图4 菌株JN01驯化前后的 OD600 nm(A)和 NH4+-N去除效率(B)的变化
Fig. 4 Variation of OD600 nm(A)and NH4+-N removal efficiency(B)before and after the domestication of B. aryabhattai JN01
图5 不同氮源浓度对菌株JN01的OD600 nm(A)和NH4+-N去除率(B)的影响
Fig. 5 Effects of N concentration on the growth characteristics OD600 nm(A)and NH4+-N removal efficiencies(B)of B. aryabhattai JN01
图6 不同碳源对菌株JN01的OD600 nm(A)和NH4+-N去除率(B)的影响
Fig. 6 Effects of different carbon sources on the growth characteristics OD600 nm(A)and NH4+-N removal efficiencies(B)of B. aryabhattai JN01
图7 C/N对菌株JN01的OD600 nm(A)和NH4+-N去除率(B)的影响
Fig. 7 Effects of C/N on the growth performance OD600 nm(A)and NH4+-N removal efficiencies(B)of B. aryabhattai JN01
图8 初始pH对菌株JN01的OD600 nm(A)和NH4+-N去除率(B)的影响
Fig. 8 Effects of pH on the growth performance OD600 nm(A)and NH4+-N removal efficiencies(B)of B. aryabhattai JN01
图9 温度对菌株JN01的OD600 nm(A)和NH4+-N去除率(B)的影响
Fig. 9 Effects of temperature on the growth performance OD600 nm(A)and NH4+-N removal efficiencies(B)of B. aryabhattai JN01
图10 菌株JN01在铵态氮(A)和亚硝态氮(B)为唯一氮源培养时的生长曲线及NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N和TN 变化趋势
Fig. 10 Growth characteristics of strain JN01 and trends of NH4+-N, NO3--N, NO2--N, TN with initial NH4+-N (A) or initial NO2--N (B) as sole nitrogen source
菌株名Strain | 来源Source | NH4+-N去除率NH4+-N removal efficiency/% | NO3--N去除率NO3--N removal efficiency/% | NO2--N去除率NO2--N removal efficiency/% | 总氮去除率Total nitrogen removal effciency/% | 参考文献Reference |
芽孢杆菌属Bacillus sp. | ||||||
B. aryabhattai JN01 | 水产养殖池底污泥 | 92.78 | / | 82.30 | 80.73 | 本文 |
B. Subtilis Ab03 | 鱼虾养殖池塘 | 91.67 | / | / | 89.01 | [ |
B. thuringiensis WXN-23 | 猪场猪皮饲料滤液 | 86.74 | 90.74 | 100.00 | 82.12 | [ |
B. cereus GS-5 | 生物膜 | 87.10-93.10 | 69.40-88.40 | / | / | [ |
B. litoralis N31 | 养殖水体 | 86.30 | 89.40 | 89.30 | / | [ |
B. simplex H-b | 土壤 | 82.16 | 67.29 | 78.69 | / | [ |
其他种属微生物 Other species of microorganisms | ||||||
H.venusta TJPU05 | 运城盐湖 | 86.12 | 95.68 | 100.00 | 84.57 | [ |
P. alcaliphila | 冬季水浸稻田土壤 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | / | [ |
Enterococcus sp. XH1 | 黄河三角洲海水 | 78.90 | 68.20 | / | 78.80 | [ |
Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. N26 | 羊粪堆肥 | 95.50 | 93.60 | / | / | [ |
Pseudomonas sp.GZWN4 | 养殖水体 | 98.62 | 82.54 | 99.72 | / | [ |
Barnettozyma californica K1 | 海洋表层沉积物 | 99.11 | 98.84 | 99.13 | 90.16 | [ |
Glutamicibacter sp. WS1 | 活性污泥 | 100.00 | 98.10 | 99.87 | / | [ |
表1 HNAD菌对NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N和TN的去除情况
Table 1 Removal efficiencies of NH4+-N, NO3--N, NO2--N and TN by HNAD microorganisms
菌株名Strain | 来源Source | NH4+-N去除率NH4+-N removal efficiency/% | NO3--N去除率NO3--N removal efficiency/% | NO2--N去除率NO2--N removal efficiency/% | 总氮去除率Total nitrogen removal effciency/% | 参考文献Reference |
芽孢杆菌属Bacillus sp. | ||||||
B. aryabhattai JN01 | 水产养殖池底污泥 | 92.78 | / | 82.30 | 80.73 | 本文 |
B. Subtilis Ab03 | 鱼虾养殖池塘 | 91.67 | / | / | 89.01 | [ |
B. thuringiensis WXN-23 | 猪场猪皮饲料滤液 | 86.74 | 90.74 | 100.00 | 82.12 | [ |
B. cereus GS-5 | 生物膜 | 87.10-93.10 | 69.40-88.40 | / | / | [ |
B. litoralis N31 | 养殖水体 | 86.30 | 89.40 | 89.30 | / | [ |
B. simplex H-b | 土壤 | 82.16 | 67.29 | 78.69 | / | [ |
其他种属微生物 Other species of microorganisms | ||||||
H.venusta TJPU05 | 运城盐湖 | 86.12 | 95.68 | 100.00 | 84.57 | [ |
P. alcaliphila | 冬季水浸稻田土壤 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | / | [ |
Enterococcus sp. XH1 | 黄河三角洲海水 | 78.90 | 68.20 | / | 78.80 | [ |
Acinetobacter johnsonii sp. N26 | 羊粪堆肥 | 95.50 | 93.60 | / | / | [ |
Pseudomonas sp.GZWN4 | 养殖水体 | 98.62 | 82.54 | 99.72 | / | [ |
Barnettozyma californica K1 | 海洋表层沉积物 | 99.11 | 98.84 | 99.13 | 90.16 | [ |
Glutamicibacter sp. WS1 | 活性污泥 | 100.00 | 98.10 | 99.87 | / | [ |
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