Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8): 186-194.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2020-1408
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TIAN Jia-hui1(), FENG Jia-li1, LU Jun-hua1, MAO Lin-jing1, HU Zhu-ran2, WANG Ying1(
), CHU Jie1(
WANG Ying,CHU Jie;;
TIAN Jia-hui, FENG Jia-li, LU Jun-hua, MAO Lin-jing, HU Zhu-ran, WANG Ying, CHU Jie. Isolation,Purification and Characterization of Laccase LacT-1 from Cerrena unicolor[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2021, 37(8): 186-194.
纯化步骤 Purification step | 总酶活 Total enzyme activity/U | 总蛋白 Total protein/mg | 比活力 Specific activity/(U·mg-1) | 纯化倍数 Purification fold | 回收率 Recovery rate/% |
粗酶液Crude enzyme | 8 395.66 | 4 451.7 | 1.89 | 1 | 100 |
硫酸铵沉淀(NH4)2SO4 precipitation | 3 904.04 | 1 112.93 | 3.51 | 1.86 | 46.50 |
疏水层析Phenyl sepharose | 2 520.62 | 445.17 | 5.66 | 2.99 | 30.02 |
DEAE离子层析DEAE sepharose | 1 401.68 | 66.78 | 20.99 | 11.13 | 16.70 |
凝胶层析TSK gel G2000SWxl | 551.68 | 13.36 | 41.31 | 21.86 | 6.57 |
Table 1 Purification efficiency of each purification step of laccase from C. unicolor
纯化步骤 Purification step | 总酶活 Total enzyme activity/U | 总蛋白 Total protein/mg | 比活力 Specific activity/(U·mg-1) | 纯化倍数 Purification fold | 回收率 Recovery rate/% |
粗酶液Crude enzyme | 8 395.66 | 4 451.7 | 1.89 | 1 | 100 |
硫酸铵沉淀(NH4)2SO4 precipitation | 3 904.04 | 1 112.93 | 3.51 | 1.86 | 46.50 |
疏水层析Phenyl sepharose | 2 520.62 | 445.17 | 5.66 | 2.99 | 30.02 |
DEAE离子层析DEAE sepharose | 1 401.68 | 66.78 | 20.99 | 11.13 | 16.70 |
凝胶层析TSK gel G2000SWxl | 551.68 | 13.36 | 41.31 | 21.86 | 6.57 |
化合物 Compound | 相对酶活Relative enzyme activity/% | ||
0 | 1 mmol·L-1 | 10 mmol·L-1 | |
SDS | 100±1.45 | 29.32±1.98 | 0 |
β-ME | 100±0.23 | 0 | 0 |
EDTA-2Na | 100±2.44 | 89.64±2.51 | 61.55±1.27 |
H2O2 | 100±2.01 | 123.66±2.47 | 59.78±1.57 |
草酸Oxalic acid | 100±0.32 | 90.83±4.31 | 103.80±3.72 |
抗坏血酸Ascorbic acid | 100±0.67 | 0 | 0 |
TCA | 100±1.22 | 111.41±6.58 | 145.95±3.14 |
Table 2 Effect of compounds on the activity of LacT-1
化合物 Compound | 相对酶活Relative enzyme activity/% | ||
0 | 1 mmol·L-1 | 10 mmol·L-1 | |
SDS | 100±1.45 | 29.32±1.98 | 0 |
β-ME | 100±0.23 | 0 | 0 |
EDTA-2Na | 100±2.44 | 89.64±2.51 | 61.55±1.27 |
H2O2 | 100±2.01 | 123.66±2.47 | 59.78±1.57 |
草酸Oxalic acid | 100±0.32 | 90.83±4.31 | 103.80±3.72 |
抗坏血酸Ascorbic acid | 100±0.67 | 0 | 0 |
TCA | 100±1.22 | 111.41±6.58 | 145.95±3.14 |
染料 Dye | 染料类型 Dye type | CAS | 分子式 Molecular formula | 结构式 Chemical formula | 最大吸收波长Maximum absorption wavelength | 12 h降解率12 h degradation rate/% |
甲基橙 Methyl orange | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 547-58-0 | C14H14N3SO3Na | ![]() | 465 | 75.71±1.34 |
酸性红1 Acid red 1 | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 3734-67-6 | C18H13N3NaO8S2 | ![]() | 505 | 76.79±2.78 |
刚果红 Congo red | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 573-58-0 | C32H22N6Na2O6S2 | ![]() | 350 | 48.59±2.32 |
活性黑5 Reactive black 5 | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 17095-24-8 | C26H21N5Na4O19S6 | ![]() | 590 | 79.60±1.23 |
考马斯亮蓝R250 Coomassie brilliant blue R250 | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 6104-59-2 | C45H44N3NaO7S2 | ![]() | 555 | 71.64±3.65 |
孔雀石绿 Malachite Green | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 569-64-2 | C23H25ClN2 | ![]() | 595 | 95.17±0.44 |
结晶紫 Crystal violet | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 548-62-9 | C25H30N3Cl | ![]() | 545 | 90.61±3.73 |
溴酚蓝 Bromophenol blue | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 115-39-9 | C19H10Br4O5S | ![]() | 595 | 74.28±3.56 |
Table 3 Degradation of dyes by LacT-1
染料 Dye | 染料类型 Dye type | CAS | 分子式 Molecular formula | 结构式 Chemical formula | 最大吸收波长Maximum absorption wavelength | 12 h降解率12 h degradation rate/% |
甲基橙 Methyl orange | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 547-58-0 | C14H14N3SO3Na | ![]() | 465 | 75.71±1.34 |
酸性红1 Acid red 1 | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 3734-67-6 | C18H13N3NaO8S2 | ![]() | 505 | 76.79±2.78 |
刚果红 Congo red | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 573-58-0 | C32H22N6Na2O6S2 | ![]() | 350 | 48.59±2.32 |
活性黑5 Reactive black 5 | 偶氮 Azo dyes | 17095-24-8 | C26H21N5Na4O19S6 | ![]() | 590 | 79.60±1.23 |
考马斯亮蓝R250 Coomassie brilliant blue R250 | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 6104-59-2 | C45H44N3NaO7S2 | ![]() | 555 | 71.64±3.65 |
孔雀石绿 Malachite Green | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 569-64-2 | C23H25ClN2 | ![]() | 595 | 95.17±0.44 |
结晶紫 Crystal violet | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 548-62-9 | C25H30N3Cl | ![]() | 545 | 90.61±3.73 |
溴酚蓝 Bromophenol blue | 苯甲烷 Phenylmethane dyes | 115-39-9 | C19H10Br4O5S | ![]() | 595 | 74.28±3.56 |
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