Biotechnology Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 152-159.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-1301
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LIANG Cheng-gang1,2(), WANG Yan1, LI Tian3, OHSUGI Ryu2, AOKI Naohiro2(
LIANG Cheng-gang, AOKI Naohiro;
LIANG Cheng-gang, WANG Yan, LI Tian, OHSUGI Ryu, AOKI Naohiro. Effect of SP1 on Panicle Architecture by Regulating Carbohydrate Remobilization[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(5): 152-159.
基因Gene | 正向引物 Forward primer(5'-3') | 反向引物 Reverse primer(5'-3') |
Table 1 The primers of genes for RT-qPCR analysis
基因Gene | 正向引物 Forward primer(5'-3') | 反向引物 Reverse primer(5'-3') |
Fig. 1 Plant phenotype at 10 d after nitrogen treatment (A), and the relative growth rate from 10 d to 20 d after nitrogen treatment(B) HN: High nitrogen treatment; MN: middle nitrogen treatment; LN: low nitrogen treatment. * and ** indicate significant(P<0.05)or extremely significant(P<0.01)difference. The same below. Scale bar=10 cm
材料 Material | 氮处理 Nitrogen treatment | 根重 Root weight/mg | 叶鞘重 Leaf sheath weight/mg | 叶重 Leaf weight/mg | 植株干重 Plant dry weight/mg |
WT | HN-10 d | 33.94±0.54 | 38.66±1.44 | 43.56±0.76 | 116.16±2.12 |
sp1 | HN-10 d | 35.66±1.17 | 43.96±0.83* | 44.90±0.82 | 124.52±1.08** |
WT | MN-10 d | 38.18±1.37 | 41.78±1.05 | 40.98±1.56 | 120.94±2.54 |
sp1 | MN-10 d | 38.14±0.78 | 45.52±0.91* | 40.32±1.55 | 123.98±2.05 |
WT | LN-10 d | 37.76±1.09 | 37.64±1.16 | 32.06±1.33 | 107.46±1.23 |
sp1 | LN-10 d | 42.84±1.22 | 39.74±0.61 | 34.58±0.54* | 117.16±1.33** |
WT | HN-24 d | 106.84±3.70 | 210.38±8.05 | 218.10±14.36 | 535.32±12.39 |
sp1 | HN-24 d | 145.24±11.94* | 294.80±27.57* | 241.12±19.97 | 681.16±31.42** |
WT | MN-24 d | 152.26±11.37 | 213.24±13.75 | 164.36±3.92 | 529.86±13.56 |
sp1 | MN-24 d | 194.00±19.20* | 297.76±33.23* | 212.24±18.34** | 737.86±37.61** |
WT | LN-24 d | 126.44±5.50 | 170.76±5.10 | 104.60±1.64 | 401.80±7.08 |
sp1 | LN-24 d | 144.42±2.64* | 193.42±4.76* | 99.26±7.14 | 437.10±5.15** |
Table 2 Agronomic traits of rice under different nitrogen conditions
材料 Material | 氮处理 Nitrogen treatment | 根重 Root weight/mg | 叶鞘重 Leaf sheath weight/mg | 叶重 Leaf weight/mg | 植株干重 Plant dry weight/mg |
WT | HN-10 d | 33.94±0.54 | 38.66±1.44 | 43.56±0.76 | 116.16±2.12 |
sp1 | HN-10 d | 35.66±1.17 | 43.96±0.83* | 44.90±0.82 | 124.52±1.08** |
WT | MN-10 d | 38.18±1.37 | 41.78±1.05 | 40.98±1.56 | 120.94±2.54 |
sp1 | MN-10 d | 38.14±0.78 | 45.52±0.91* | 40.32±1.55 | 123.98±2.05 |
WT | LN-10 d | 37.76±1.09 | 37.64±1.16 | 32.06±1.33 | 107.46±1.23 |
sp1 | LN-10 d | 42.84±1.22 | 39.74±0.61 | 34.58±0.54* | 117.16±1.33** |
WT | HN-24 d | 106.84±3.70 | 210.38±8.05 | 218.10±14.36 | 535.32±12.39 |
sp1 | HN-24 d | 145.24±11.94* | 294.80±27.57* | 241.12±19.97 | 681.16±31.42** |
WT | MN-24 d | 152.26±11.37 | 213.24±13.75 | 164.36±3.92 | 529.86±13.56 |
sp1 | MN-24 d | 194.00±19.20* | 297.76±33.23* | 212.24±18.34** | 737.86±37.61** |
WT | LN-24 d | 126.44±5.50 | 170.76±5.10 | 104.60±1.64 | 401.80±7.08 |
sp1 | LN-24 d | 144.42±2.64* | 193.42±4.76* | 99.26±7.14 | 437.10±5.15** |
处理/材料 Treatment/ Material | 氮含量Nitrogen content/% | 碳含量Carbon content/% | 碳/氮比Carbon/Nitrogen ratio | ||||||
根 Root | 叶鞘 Leaf sheath | 叶片 Leaf blade | 根 Root | 叶鞘 Leaf sheath | 叶片 Leaf blade | 根 Root | 叶鞘 Leaf sheath | 叶片 Leaf blade | |
HN-WT | 1.68±0.05 | 2.07±0.01 | 3.79±0.04 | 45.26±1.00 | 40.99±0.20 | 43.54±0.39 | 27.10±1.24 | 19.77±0.20 | 11.48±0.10 |
HN-sp1 | 1.68±0.02 | 1.90±0.04* | 3.71±0.03 | 43.80±0.12 | 40.82±0.10 | 43.15±0.03 | 26.09±0.35 | 21.54±0.42* | 11.63±0.10 |
MN-WT | 1.12±0.04 | 1.32±0.04 | 3.17±0.06 | 45.00±0.29 | 41.33±0.06 | 43.38±0.07 | 40.41±1.37 | 31.48±0.20 | 13.70±0.10 |
MN-sp1 | 1.07±0.02 | 1.28±0.02 | 2.97±0.07 | 43.59±0.35 | 40.86±0.10* | 42.89±0.12 | 40.65±0.87 | 31.87±0.42 | 14.48±0.10 |
LN-WT | 0.86±0.03 | 1.08±0.00 | 2.67±0.06 | 47.31±0.38 | 43.09±0.32 | 42.95±0.16 | 55.63±2.47 | 39.94±0.44 | 16.14±0.38 |
LN-sp1 | 0.79±0.04 | 0.89±0.01** | 2.46±0.06 | 48.32±0.46 | 44.20±0.21 | 43.51±0.33 | 61.76±2.88 | 49.52±0.63** | 17.75±0.36 |
Table 3 Carbon and nitrogen content in rice plant organs at 24 d under nitrogen treatment
处理/材料 Treatment/ Material | 氮含量Nitrogen content/% | 碳含量Carbon content/% | 碳/氮比Carbon/Nitrogen ratio | ||||||
根 Root | 叶鞘 Leaf sheath | 叶片 Leaf blade | 根 Root | 叶鞘 Leaf sheath | 叶片 Leaf blade | 根 Root | 叶鞘 Leaf sheath | 叶片 Leaf blade | |
HN-WT | 1.68±0.05 | 2.07±0.01 | 3.79±0.04 | 45.26±1.00 | 40.99±0.20 | 43.54±0.39 | 27.10±1.24 | 19.77±0.20 | 11.48±0.10 |
HN-sp1 | 1.68±0.02 | 1.90±0.04* | 3.71±0.03 | 43.80±0.12 | 40.82±0.10 | 43.15±0.03 | 26.09±0.35 | 21.54±0.42* | 11.63±0.10 |
MN-WT | 1.12±0.04 | 1.32±0.04 | 3.17±0.06 | 45.00±0.29 | 41.33±0.06 | 43.38±0.07 | 40.41±1.37 | 31.48±0.20 | 13.70±0.10 |
MN-sp1 | 1.07±0.02 | 1.28±0.02 | 2.97±0.07 | 43.59±0.35 | 40.86±0.10* | 42.89±0.12 | 40.65±0.87 | 31.87±0.42 | 14.48±0.10 |
LN-WT | 0.86±0.03 | 1.08±0.00 | 2.67±0.06 | 47.31±0.38 | 43.09±0.32 | 42.95±0.16 | 55.63±2.47 | 39.94±0.44 | 16.14±0.38 |
LN-sp1 | 0.79±0.04 | 0.89±0.01** | 2.46±0.06 | 48.32±0.46 | 44.20±0.21 | 43.51±0.33 | 61.76±2.88 | 49.52±0.63** | 17.75±0.36 |
Fig. 2 Phenotype of rice sp1 and RT-qRCR analysis of SP1 gene A: Plant of WT and sp1. Red arrows point to high-node tillerings of sp1. Blue arrow points to panicle of sp1. B: Cereals of WT and sp1. C: RT-qRCR analysis of SP1 gene. LB: Leaf blade. TLS: Top of leaf sheath. BLS: Base of leaf sheath
Fig. 4 Contents of starch(A), sucrose(B), glucose,(C)and fructose(D)in the upper tissues of sp1 collected at 70 d and 80 d after transplanting C2: The internode culm between 2nd and 3rd below panicle. C3: The internode culm between 3rd and 4th below panicle. LS2: The second top leaf sheath. LS3: The third top leaf sheath
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