生物技术通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 149-158.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2021-1067
赵明明1(), 唐殷1, 郭磊周1, 韩佳慧1, 葛佳茗1, 孟勇2, 平淑珍1, 周正富1, 王劲1(
赵明明,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:微生物分子生物学与基因工程;E-mail: 基金资助:
ZHAO Ming-ming1(), TANG Yin1, GUO Lei-zhou1, HAN Jia-hui1, GE Jia-ming1, MENG Yong2, PING Shu-zhen1, ZHOU Zheng-fu1, WANG Jin1(
Lon是一类广泛存在于生物体内的蛋白水解酶,其通过水解受损及无用蛋白,防止蛋白聚集造成的细胞伤害,在胞内氨基酸周转再利用中发挥重要作用。极端微生物耐辐射异常球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans R1)的超强非生物胁迫耐受性与其拥有功能强大的胞内蛋白质稳态系统密切相关。而Lon作为蛋白水解系统的重要组成部分,在耐辐射异常球菌中的功能分析还未见具体报导。因此本研究以耐辐射异常球菌Lon1蛋白酶为研究对象,分析其逆境胁迫下的功能。结果显示 lon1基因的转录受高温诱导,48℃高温胁迫蛋白组学分析显示,lon1的缺失使多个分子伴侣蛋白、参与膜功能和转运蛋白以及与DNA修复、转录调控、能量代谢等相关的蛋白表达量发生显著上调;lon1的缺失使5个参与细胞形态建成的蛋白表达量显著下调,电镜结果证实lon1缺失使细菌分裂异常,形成巨型细胞,细胞膜发生严重的损伤;非生物胁迫冲击实验发现,lon1的缺失使耐辐射异常球菌对0.2 mol/L NaCl以及48℃高温敏感。研究表明Lon1蛋白酶主要参与耐辐射异常球菌的细胞形态建成,并在适应高温等胁迫中发挥功能。
赵明明, 唐殷, 郭磊周, 韩佳慧, 葛佳茗, 孟勇, 平淑珍, 周正富, 王劲. Lon1蛋白酶参与耐辐射异常球菌高温胁迫及细胞分裂的功能研究[J]. 生物技术通报, 2022, 38(5): 149-158.
ZHAO Ming-ming, TANG Yin, GUO Lei-zhou, HAN Jia-hui, GE Jia-ming, MENG Yong, PING Shu-zhen, ZHOU Zheng-fu, WANG Jin. Function Analysis of Lon1 Protease Involved in High Temperature Stress and Cell Division of Deinococcus radiodurans R1[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(5): 149-158.
菌株及质粒Strains and plasmids | 特性Relevant characteristic | 来源Source | |
菌株 | Deinococcus radioduransR1 | 耐辐射异常球菌野生型 | 中科院微生物所菌种保藏中心 |
△lon1 | 缺失lon1基因的突变株(Kanr) | 本研究构建 | |
comlon1 | lon1回补株(Kanr+ Cmr) | 本研究构建 | |
Z3-△lon1 | △lon1中导入质粒pRADZ3(Cmr) | 本研究构建 | |
质粒 | pRAD Z3 | 构建回补菌株所用质粒 | 本实验室保存 |
表1 菌株与质粒
Table 1 Strains and Plasmids
菌株及质粒Strains and plasmids | 特性Relevant characteristic | 来源Source | |
菌株 | Deinococcus radioduransR1 | 耐辐射异常球菌野生型 | 中科院微生物所菌种保藏中心 |
△lon1 | 缺失lon1基因的突变株(Kanr) | 本研究构建 | |
comlon1 | lon1回补株(Kanr+ Cmr) | 本研究构建 | |
Z3-△lon1 | △lon1中导入质粒pRADZ3(Cmr) | 本研究构建 | |
质粒 | pRAD Z3 | 构建回补菌株所用质粒 | 本实验室保存 |
扩增产物 Product for PCR amplification | 引物名称 Primer name | 序列Sequence(5'-3') | 片段长度Size/bp |
敲除的lon1序列 | YZ-lon1-F | ACCGTGGTTCGCAACTACAT | 400 |
表2 引物序列
Table 2 Sequences of Primers
扩增产物 Product for PCR amplification | 引物名称 Primer name | 序列Sequence(5'-3') | 片段长度Size/bp |
敲除的lon1序列 | YZ-lon1-F | ACCGTGGTTCGCAACTACAT | 400 |
图1 Lon1结构域及系统发育分析 A:48℃高温处理;B:UV处理;C:80 mmol/L H2O2处理;D:0.2 mol/L NaCl处理
Fig. 1 Structural domain and phylogenetic analysis of Lon1 A:48℃ heat;B:UV;C:80 mmol/L H2O2;D:0.2 mol/L NaCl
图3 lon1突变株的构建与验证 A:构建lon1突变株示意图;B:验证lon1突变株电泳图(M:Trans 2K plus Ⅱ;1,4,7 野生型WT的PCR产物;2,5,8:突变株lon1的PCR产物;3,6,9:阴性对照);C:lon1缺失后对临近基因转录水平的影响
Fig. 3 Construction and identification of the lon1 mutant strain A:Schematic representation of the Δlon1mutant. B:Electrophoretogram of the lon1 mutant strain(M:Trans 2K PlusⅡ DNA marker. 1, 4, 7:PCR products amplified from wild type D. radiodurans. 2, 5, 8:PCR products amplified from the lon1mutant. 3, 6, 9:Negative control). C:Effects of lon1 deleted on adjacent genes in transcriptional level
UniProtKB | Locus | Predicted function | Protein name | FC |
Protein fate(heat shock responsive chaperones and protease) | ||||
Q9RV58 | DR_1172 | Chaperone-like protein | DosH | 13.37 |
Q9RWQ9 | DR_0607 | 60 kD chaperone | GroL | 7.08 |
Q9RVI3 | DR_1046 | Chaperone protein ClpB | ClpB | 4.70 |
Q9RXG4 | DR_0349 | Lon protease | Lon2 | 4.52 |
Q9RWR0 | DR_0606 | 10 kD chaperone | GroS | 4.46 |
Q9RY24 | DR_0128 | Chaperone protein GrpE | GrpE | 3.24 |
DNA metabolism(repair and recombination) | ||||
Q9RXI7 | DR_0326 | DNA damage response protein D | DdrD | 2.59 |
Q9RS64 | DR_2263 | DNA protection during starvation protein 1 | Dps1 | 2.88 |
Q9RY51 | DR_0099 | Single-stranded DNA-binding protein | Ssb | 3.25 |
Q9RSJ6 | DR_2128 | DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha | RpoA | 2.06 |
Q9RRE4 | DR_2548 | Transcriptional regulatory protein | 7.75 | |
Membrane functions and transport | ||||
Q9RWU0 | DR_0575 | Protein translocase subunit SecA | SecA | 2.18 |
P56867 | DR_2508 | Hexagonally packed intermediate-layer surface protein | Hpi | 3.48 |
Q9RWH3 | DR_0695 | V-type ATP synthase subunit | AtpI | 1.57 |
Translation | ||||
Q9RST0 | DR_2043 | 50S ribosomal protein L7/L12 | RplL | 0.14 |
Central intermediary metabolism(synthesis of nitrogen,sulfur,polyamine compounds) | ||||
Q9RR70 | DR_2627 | Fumarate hydratase class II | FumC | 7.59 |
Q9RWB2 | DR_0757 | Citrate synthase | GltA | 3.06 |
Q9RZ06 | DR_A0147 | Histidine ammonia-lyase | HutH | 2.66 |
Q9RTN7 | DR_1720 | Aconitate hydratase A | Acn | 2.10 |
P56861 | DR_A0014 | Adenylyl-sulfate kinase | CysC | 0.23 |
Amino acid biosynthesis and energy metabolism | ||||
Q9RRT0 | DR_2405 | Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase | MenG | 0.51 |
Q9RV69 | DR_1161 | 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase | 0.33 | |
Q9RV98 | DR_1131 | Ferrochelatase | HemH | 2.04 |
Q9RRC4 | DR_2568 | Arginine--tRNA ligase | ArgS | 0.54 |
Cell morphogenesis | ||||
Q9RRJ4 | DR_2496 | UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine--D-glutamate ligase | MurD | 0.65 |
Q9RWN8 | DR_0628 | UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase | MurB | 0.59 |
Q9RXF1 | DR_0362 | D-alanine--D-alanine ligase | Ddl | 0.46 |
Q9RWN9 | DR_0627 | UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase | MurC | 0.42 |
Q9RXL3 | DR_0297 | UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-tripeptide synthetase | MurE | 0.40 |
表3 与lon1有关的响应高温胁迫的差异表达蛋白
Table 3 Differentially expressed proteins associated with lon1 in response to high temperature stress
UniProtKB | Locus | Predicted function | Protein name | FC |
Protein fate(heat shock responsive chaperones and protease) | ||||
Q9RV58 | DR_1172 | Chaperone-like protein | DosH | 13.37 |
Q9RWQ9 | DR_0607 | 60 kD chaperone | GroL | 7.08 |
Q9RVI3 | DR_1046 | Chaperone protein ClpB | ClpB | 4.70 |
Q9RXG4 | DR_0349 | Lon protease | Lon2 | 4.52 |
Q9RWR0 | DR_0606 | 10 kD chaperone | GroS | 4.46 |
Q9RY24 | DR_0128 | Chaperone protein GrpE | GrpE | 3.24 |
DNA metabolism(repair and recombination) | ||||
Q9RXI7 | DR_0326 | DNA damage response protein D | DdrD | 2.59 |
Q9RS64 | DR_2263 | DNA protection during starvation protein 1 | Dps1 | 2.88 |
Q9RY51 | DR_0099 | Single-stranded DNA-binding protein | Ssb | 3.25 |
Q9RSJ6 | DR_2128 | DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha | RpoA | 2.06 |
Q9RRE4 | DR_2548 | Transcriptional regulatory protein | 7.75 | |
Membrane functions and transport | ||||
Q9RWU0 | DR_0575 | Protein translocase subunit SecA | SecA | 2.18 |
P56867 | DR_2508 | Hexagonally packed intermediate-layer surface protein | Hpi | 3.48 |
Q9RWH3 | DR_0695 | V-type ATP synthase subunit | AtpI | 1.57 |
Translation | ||||
Q9RST0 | DR_2043 | 50S ribosomal protein L7/L12 | RplL | 0.14 |
Central intermediary metabolism(synthesis of nitrogen,sulfur,polyamine compounds) | ||||
Q9RR70 | DR_2627 | Fumarate hydratase class II | FumC | 7.59 |
Q9RWB2 | DR_0757 | Citrate synthase | GltA | 3.06 |
Q9RZ06 | DR_A0147 | Histidine ammonia-lyase | HutH | 2.66 |
Q9RTN7 | DR_1720 | Aconitate hydratase A | Acn | 2.10 |
P56861 | DR_A0014 | Adenylyl-sulfate kinase | CysC | 0.23 |
Amino acid biosynthesis and energy metabolism | ||||
Q9RRT0 | DR_2405 | Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase | MenG | 0.51 |
Q9RV69 | DR_1161 | 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase | 0.33 | |
Q9RV98 | DR_1131 | Ferrochelatase | HemH | 2.04 |
Q9RRC4 | DR_2568 | Arginine--tRNA ligase | ArgS | 0.54 |
Cell morphogenesis | ||||
Q9RRJ4 | DR_2496 | UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine--D-glutamate ligase | MurD | 0.65 |
Q9RWN8 | DR_0628 | UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase | MurB | 0.59 |
Q9RXF1 | DR_0362 | D-alanine--D-alanine ligase | Ddl | 0.46 |
Q9RWN9 | DR_0627 | UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase | MurC | 0.42 |
Q9RXL3 | DR_0297 | UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-tripeptide synthetase | MurE | 0.40 |
图6 耐辐射异常球菌野生型DR、△lon1以及comlon1的电镜图 A:透射电镜结果;B:扫描电镜结果
Fig. 6 Electron microscopy images of WT D. radiodurans DR,△lon1 and comlon1 A:Transmission electron microscopy(TEM). B:Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)
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