生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 160-172.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-1253
李映志,男,博士,教授,研究方向:热带园艺植物栽培与育种;E-mail: liyz@gdou.edu.cn作者简介:
魏茜雅,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:热带园艺作物栽培生理;E-mail: 1534536534@qq.com
WEI Xi-ya(), QIN Zhong-wei, LIANG La-mei, LIN Xin-qi, LI Ying-zhi(
褪黑素具有增强植株耐盐性的作用,但其通过种子引发处理提高朝天椒植株耐盐性的效果和作用机制还鲜见报道。为探讨种子引发剂褪黑素(melatonin, MT)对盐胁迫下辣椒幼苗生长及生理特性的影响机制,以‘茂蔬360’为材料,研究褪黑素引发种子对盐胁迫下辣椒幼苗生长、光合特性、抗氧化代谢及渗透调节等的影响。结果表明,褪黑素种子引发处理显著缓解了盐胁迫对朝天椒植株生长的不利影响,与未引发处理相比,经不同浓度褪黑素引发种子后,显著提高了盐胁迫下辣椒幼苗生长,具体表现为植株根长、地上高度、茎鲜重、叶片鲜重、根鲜重、Fv'/Fm'、Qp、NPQ、Fo、Fv/Fm值和叶绿素含量提高。生理分析表明,经不同浓度褪黑素引发处理后,显著降低了盐胁迫下朝天椒植株叶片的丙二醛、过氧化氢和超氧阴离子含量;叶片可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸、AsA和DHA含量显著提高;叶片POD、SOD、APX和GR活性显著增强。此外,经褪黑素引发处理后,显著提高了盐胁迫下叶、茎、根中K+含量,降低了Na+含量和Na+/ K+值。以上结果表明,100 μmol/L褪黑素种子引发处理效果最好,明显提高了朝天椒对土壤盐分的耐性,减少了植株对Na+的吸收,缓解了盐胁迫对朝天椒植株的伤害。
魏茜雅, 秦中维, 梁腊梅, 林欣琪, 李映志. 褪黑素种子引发处理提高朝天椒耐盐性的作用机制[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(7): 160-172.
WEI Xi-ya, QIN Zhong-wei, LIANG La-mei, LIN Xin-qi, LI Ying-zhi. Mechanism of Melatonin Seed Priming in Improving Salt Tolerance of Capsicum annuum[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(7): 160-172.
图1 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒根长(A)、地上高度(B)和根冠比(C)的影响 上述数据为平均值±标准差(n=3);不同字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同
Fig. 1 Effects of seed priming with melatonin(MT)at different concentration on the root length(A), above ground height(B)and root shoot ratio(C)of C. annuum under salt stress The above data are mean ± standard deviation(n=3). Different letters represent significant differences(P<0.05). The same below
图2 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒鲜重(A)、叶片鲜重(B)、茎鲜重(C)和根鲜重(D)的影响
Fig. 2 Effects of melatonin at different concentration on the plant fresh weight(A), leaf fresh weight(B), stem fresh weight(C)and root fresh weight(D)of C. annuum under salt stress
图3 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒干重(A)、叶片干重(B)、茎干重(C)和根干重(D)的影响
Fig. 3 Effects of melatonin at different concentration on the plant dry weight(A), leaf dry weight(B), stem dry weight(C)and root dry weight(D)of C. annuum under salt stress
图4 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶片叶绿素荧光参数Fv'/Fm'(A)、Qp(B)、NPQ(C)、Fo(D)、Fv/F0(E)、Fv/Fm(F)和SPAD值(G)影响
Fig. 4 Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv'/Fm'(A), Qp(B), NPQ(C), Fo(D), Fv/F0(E), Fv/Fm(F)and SPAD value(G)in the leaves of C. annuum affected by melatonin at different concentration
图5 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶片MDA(A)、过氧化氢(B)和超氧阴离子含量(C)的影响
Fig. 5 Effects of melatonin at different concentration on the contents of MDA(A), hydrogen peroxide(B)and superoxide anion(C)in the leaves ofC. annuum under salt stress
图6 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶片可溶性糖(A)、可溶性蛋白(B)和脯氨酸含量(C)的影响
Fig. 6 Effects of melatonin at different concentrations on the contents of soluble sugar(A), soluble protein(B)and proline(C)in the leaves of C. annuum under salt stress
图7 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶片POD(A)、CAT(B)和SOD(C)活性的影响
Fig. 7 Effects of melatonin at different concentrations on the POD(A), CAT(B)and SOD(C)activities in the leaves of C. annuum under salt stress
图8 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶片APX(A)和GR(B)活性的影响
Fig. 8 Effects of melatonin at different concentration on the APX(A)and GR(B)activities in the leaves of C. annuum under salt stress
图9 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶片AsA(A)、DHA(B)和AsA/DHA含量(C)的影响
Fig. 9 Effects of melatonin different concentrations on the AsA(A), DHA(B)and AsA/DHA contents(C)in the leaves of C. annuum under salt stress
图10 不同浓度褪黑素引发对盐胁迫下朝天椒叶、茎和根系的Na+(A)、K+(B)和Na +/K+(C)含量和比例的影响
Fig. 10 Melatonin at different concentrations affecting the contents and proportions of Na+(A), K+(B)and Na+/K+(C)in the leaves, stems and roots of C. annuum under salt stress
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