生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 5-22.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-1186
伍国强,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:植物逆境生理与基因工程;E-mail: gqwu@lut.edu.cn作者简介:
胡雅丹,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:植物逆境生理与基因工程;E-mail: huyadan001003@163.com
HU Ya-dan1(), WU Guo-qiang1(
), LIU Chen2, WEI Ming1
MYB作为植物中最大的多功能转录因子(transcription factors, TFs)家族之一,在基因转录水平上广泛地参与调控植物生长发育、激素信号转导及逆境胁迫应答等过程。该类转录因子N端含有典型的MYB结构域,根据MYB结构域中R重复序列的数量分为不同的亚组;而C端结构域差异较大,因此功能上具有多样性。大量研究表明,在受到外界环境信号的激活后,MYB可单独或通过和其他蛋白互作后,与下游靶基因启动子区域的顺式作用元件MYBCORE和AC-box结合,参与调控下游胁迫应答相关基因的表达,从而调节植物对逆境胁迫的耐受性。另外,MYB也通过参与脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)、油菜素内酯(brassinolide, BR)、茉莉酸(jasmonic acid, JA)和活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)等信号通路的方式,对非生物胁迫以及生物胁迫做出应答反应。论文对植物MYB家族的结构与分类及其作用方式进行了归纳,重点对植物MYB参与调控响应盐、干旱、极端温度、营养亏缺、重金属以及病原菌等非生物和生物逆境胁迫的作用机制进行了综述,并对未来重点研究方向提出了展望,为今后农作物的抗逆性遗传改良和生物育种提供优异基因资源和理论支持。
胡雅丹, 伍国强, 刘晨, 魏明. MYB转录因子在调控植物响应逆境胁迫中的作用[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(6): 5-22.
HU Ya-dan, WU Guo-qiang, LIU Chen, WEI Ming. Roles of MYB Transcription Factor in Regulating the Responses of Plants to Stress[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(6): 5-22.
图1 MYB转录因子的结构域 R1、R2、R3表示MYB结构域,其中H1-H3表示α-螺旋,T表示β-转角。W:色氨酸;F:苯丙氨酸;I:异亮氨酸;X:氨基酸残基
Fig. 1 Domain structure of MYB transcription factors R1, R2, and R3 are the MYB domain, where H1-H3 indicate the α-helix and T indicate the β-turn. W: Trp; F: Phe; I: Ile; X: amino acid
物种 Species | 基因名称Gene name | 基因总数Number of total genes | 分类Classification | 参考文献Reference | |||
R2R3-MYB | R1R2R3-MYB | MYB-related | Atypical MYB | ||||
拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana | AtMYB | 198 | 126 | 5 | 64 | 3 | [ |
水稻Oryza sativa | OsMYB | 190 | 99 | 3 | 87 | 1 | [ |
大豆Glycine max | GmMYB | 254 | 244 | 6 | / | 4 | [ |
甜菜Beta vulgaris | BvMYB | 75 | 70 | 3 | / | 2 | [ |
番茄Solanum lycopersicum | SlMYB | 127 | 122 | 4 | / | 1 | [ |
矮牵牛Petunia hybrida | PaMYB | 155 | 106 | 7 | 40 | 2 | [ |
猕猴桃Actinidia chinensis | AcMYB | 181 | 91 | 3 | 87 | / | [ |
辣椒Capsicum annuum | CaMYB | 215 | 116 | 5 | 92 | 2 | [ |
小果野蕉Musa acuminata | MaMYB | 305 | 222 | 7 | 73 | 3 | [ |
野蕉Musa balbisiana | MbMYB | 251 | 184 | 5 | 59 | 3 | [ |
火龙果Hylocereus undatus | HuMYB | 185 | 105 | 4 | 75 | 1 | [ |
马铃薯Solanum tuberosum | StMYB | 217 | 124 | 3 | 90 | / | [ |
萝卜Raphanus sativus | RsMYB | 187 | 174 | 9 | 2 | 2 | [ |
铁皮石斛Dendrobium officinale | DoMYB | 164 | 117 | 4 | 42 | 1 | [ |
花生Arachis hypogaea | AhMYB | 443 | 209 | 12 | 219 | 3 | [ |
龙眼Dimocarpus longan | DlMYB | 219 | 119 | 3 | 95 | 2 | [ |
甘蓝型油菜Brassica napus | BnMYB | 680 | 429 | 22 | 227 | 2 | [ |
木麻黄Casuarina equisetifolia | CeqMYB | 182 | 107 | 4 | 69 | 2 | [ |
甜樱桃Prunus avium | PavMYB | 69 | 14 | 2 | 51 | 2 | [ |
表1 不同植物MYB基因
Table 1 MYB genes in different plant species
物种 Species | 基因名称Gene name | 基因总数Number of total genes | 分类Classification | 参考文献Reference | |||
R2R3-MYB | R1R2R3-MYB | MYB-related | Atypical MYB | ||||
拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana | AtMYB | 198 | 126 | 5 | 64 | 3 | [ |
水稻Oryza sativa | OsMYB | 190 | 99 | 3 | 87 | 1 | [ |
大豆Glycine max | GmMYB | 254 | 244 | 6 | / | 4 | [ |
甜菜Beta vulgaris | BvMYB | 75 | 70 | 3 | / | 2 | [ |
番茄Solanum lycopersicum | SlMYB | 127 | 122 | 4 | / | 1 | [ |
矮牵牛Petunia hybrida | PaMYB | 155 | 106 | 7 | 40 | 2 | [ |
猕猴桃Actinidia chinensis | AcMYB | 181 | 91 | 3 | 87 | / | [ |
辣椒Capsicum annuum | CaMYB | 215 | 116 | 5 | 92 | 2 | [ |
小果野蕉Musa acuminata | MaMYB | 305 | 222 | 7 | 73 | 3 | [ |
野蕉Musa balbisiana | MbMYB | 251 | 184 | 5 | 59 | 3 | [ |
火龙果Hylocereus undatus | HuMYB | 185 | 105 | 4 | 75 | 1 | [ |
马铃薯Solanum tuberosum | StMYB | 217 | 124 | 3 | 90 | / | [ |
萝卜Raphanus sativus | RsMYB | 187 | 174 | 9 | 2 | 2 | [ |
铁皮石斛Dendrobium officinale | DoMYB | 164 | 117 | 4 | 42 | 1 | [ |
花生Arachis hypogaea | AhMYB | 443 | 209 | 12 | 219 | 3 | [ |
龙眼Dimocarpus longan | DlMYB | 219 | 119 | 3 | 95 | 2 | [ |
甘蓝型油菜Brassica napus | BnMYB | 680 | 429 | 22 | 227 | 2 | [ |
木麻黄Casuarina equisetifolia | CeqMYB | 182 | 107 | 4 | 69 | 2 | [ |
甜樱桃Prunus avium | PavMYB | 69 | 14 | 2 | 51 | 2 | [ |
图2 高等植物MYB家族系统发育树 采用MEGA 11软件进行序列多重比较和系统进化树的构建。蓝色圆圈表示拟南芥,红色五角星表示甜菜。MYBs名称和来源见附表1
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree of MYB family in higher plants MEGA 11 software was used for sequence multiple comparisons and phylogenetic tree construction. Blue circles indicate A. thaliana; red stars indicate B. vulgaris. The source, name, and accession number of MYBs are shown in the supplementary Table 1
图3 MYB转录因子参与调控植物对多种逆境胁迫应答 实线箭头均表示直接的相互作用或激活作用,虚线和问号表示只在某些MYB调控途径中出现,不具有广泛性。红色和蓝色粗箭头分别表示上调和下调作用
Fig. 3 MYB transcription factors involved in regulating the responses to various stresses in plants Solid arrows indicate direct interactions or activations, while dotted lines and question marks indicate that they occur only in certain MYB regulatory pathways and are not widespread. Bold red and blue arrows indicate up-regulation and down-regulation respectively
物种 Species | 基因名称 Gene name | 基因亚家族 Gene subfamily | 靶基因及位点 Target genes and sites | 功能 Function | 胁迫响应 Stress responses | 参考文献 Reference |
拟南芥 Arabidopsis thaliana | AtMYB25 | R2R3-MYB | DREB2C, RD29a, SLAH1, JAZ10 | 激活下游胁迫应答基因 | 盐分、渗透性、脱落酸 | [ |
AtMYB37 | R2R3-MYB | ABF2/3, COR15A, RD29a, RD22, PSII/I | 提高PSII活性,调节能量耗散比例 | 盐分、脱落酸、干旱 | [ | |
AtMYBS1 | MYB-related | MAX1 | 负向调控独脚金素内酯途径 | 高温(-) | [ | |
AtMYB74 | R2R3-MYB | ERF53, NIG1, HSFA6a, MYB47, MYB90, MYB102 | 受生长素前体IAM激活后调控下游靶基因 | 渗透、高温 | [ | |
AtMYB12 | R2R3-MYB | Flavonoid biosynthesis genes, ZEP, NCED, ABA2, AAO, P5CS, P5CR, LEA, SOD, CAT, POD | 提高胁迫条件下植物中黄酮类化合物含量 | 盐分、干旱、高温、紫外线 | [ | |
AtMYB71 | R2R3-MYB | ABA response genes | 调节植物ABA应答 | 脱落酸 | [ | |
AtMYB94/96 | R2R3-MYB | KCS1/2/6, KCR1, CER1/3, WSD1 | 促进植物表皮蜡质生物合成 | 干旱、强光、紫外线 | [ | |
花生 Arachis hypogaea | AhMYB30 | MYB-related | KIN1, COR15a, RD29A, ABI2 | 上调参与DREB/CBF和ABA信号途径的下游胁迫相关基因表达 | 低温、盐分 | [ |
白菜型油菜 Brassica campestris | BcMYB111 | R2R3-MYB | F3H, FLS1 | 被CBF转录激活后增强黄酮类化合物生物合成 | 低温 | [ |
水稻 Oryza sativa | OsMYBR57 | MYB-related | OsbZIPs transcription is regulated after interaction with OsHB22 | 与HB22互作后激活转录因子bZIP | 干旱 | [ |
OsMYB-R1 | MYB-related | SOD, CAT, GPX, LEA, ABRE | 激活下游胁迫相关基因 | 干旱、铬元素、水杨酸、脱落酸、茉莉酸 | [ | |
OsFLP | R2R3-MYB | NAC1/6, DST, peroxidase 24 precursor | 激活下游相关转录因子 | 脱落酸、干旱、盐分 | [ | |
陆地棉 Gossypium hirsutum | GhMYB36 | R2R3-MYB | PR1 | 激活下游胁迫相关基因 | 干旱、黄萎病 | [ |
GhMYB102 | R2R3-MYB | NCED1, ZAT10 | 参与调控ABA生物合成及干旱应答基因表达 | 干旱 | [ | |
二色补血草 Limonium bicolor | LbMYB48 | MYB-related | CPC-like, DIS3, SOSs, RLKs, GSTs | 调控表皮发育相关及盐胁迫相关基因表达 | 盐分 | [ |
LbTRY | MYB-related | GL3, ZFP5, RHD6, RSL1, LRL2/3, SOS1/2/3, P5CS | 上调GL3/ZFP5表达后与表达产物竞争性结合,改变转基因植株表皮细胞分化方向,使得根毛的发育增强,吸收更多的Na+ | 盐分(-) | [ | |
山核桃 Carya cathayensis | CcMYB12 | R2R3-MYB | C4H, CHI, F3H, ANR, ANS, DFR | 参与花青素合成途径 | 盐分、干旱、酸 | [ |
橡胶树 Hevea brasiliensis | HbMYB44 | R2R3-MYB | Homologous genes and interacting protein-encoding genes | 激活下游相关基因 | 盐分、渗透、干旱、脱落酸、茉莉酸甲酯、赤霉素、水杨酸 | [ |
甘薯 Ipomoea batatas | IbMYB308 | R2R3-MYB | SOD, POD, APX, P5CS | 激活下游胁迫相关基因 | 盐分 | [ |
IbMYB73 | R2R3-MYB | NCED3, ABA2, AAO3, ABI2, SnRK2.3, DREB1D, RD22, RD26, GER5 | 激活ABA依赖型的不定根生长及胁迫耐受性的负调控因子转录表达 | 脱落酸(-)、盐分(-)、干旱(-) | [ | |
灰绿藜 Chenopodium glaucum | CgMYB1 | R2R3-MYB | NHX1, HAK5, SOS1, P5CS2, SOD, POD1, CBF1, COR15, COR47, bHLH001 | 提高转基因植物生理机能及胁迫相关基因表达 | 盐分、低温 | [ |
豌豆 Pisum sativum | PsFLP | R2R3-MYB | CYCA2;3, CDKA;1, AAO3, NCED3, SnRK2.3 | 调控气孔形成及ABA合成与信号转导基因 | 脱落酸、干旱 | [ |
84K杨 Populus alba × Populus glandulosa | PagMYB205 | R2R3-MYB | POD, SOD, CAT and root vitality related genes | 负调节抗氧化酶活性及根活力 | 盐分(-) | [ |
PagMYB151 | R2R3-MYB | Proline biosynthesis genes | 与共表达转录因子共同改变根结构,促进脯氨酸积累及减少MDA含量 | 盐分 | [ | |
葡萄 V. labrusca×V. riparia | VhMYB2 | R2R3-MYB | SOS1/2/3, NHX1, SnRK2.6, NCED3, P5CS1, CAT1 | 激活下游相关基因 | 高盐、干旱 | [ |
辣椒 Capsicum annuum | CaDIM1 | MYB-related | OSR1, RAB18, NCED3 and stress-responsive genes | 诱导胁迫/ABA相关基因表达 | 脱落酸、干旱 | [ |
荞麦 Fagopyrum tataricum | FtMYB11 | R2R3-MYB | CBF1, DREB2A, RD20, ABA3, NCED3, C4H, 4CL, F3H, ANS, DFR | 调节ABA信号途径、干旱及类黄酮生物合成相关基因表达水平 | 脱落酸、干旱(-)、盐分(-) | [ |
芹菜 Apium graveolens | AgMYB5 | R2R3-MYB | CRTISO, LCYB, ABA1/2, NCED6, AAO3, ERD1, RD22, P5CS1, RD29 | 增强了β-胡萝卜素生物合成,随后诱导ABA合成 | 氧化损伤、干旱 | [ |
梁 Setaria italica | SiMYB16 | MYB-related | CSE, FAR1, CYP87A3, 4CL1, PAL, F5H, COMT, NCED3 | 调控植物木质素、类黄酮及木栓质生物合成 | 盐分 | [ |
木薯 Manihot esculenta | MeMYB60 | R2R3-MYB | CAT1/2 | 参与保卫细胞中活性氧稳态并影响气孔运动 | 脱落酸、干旱 | [ |
葡萄 Vitis amurensis | VaMYB14 | R2R3-MYB | ABA signaling genes, CORs, LTPs, CAT, POD | 参与激活ABA信号组分和CBF-COR非依赖的LTP3表达 | 盐分、低温、干旱 | [ |
番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | SlMYB41 | R2R3-MYB | SlHSP90.3 | 维持热胁迫下的活性氧稳态 | 高温 | [ |
表2 MYB调控植物对非生物逆境胁迫响应中的功能
Table 2 Function of MYB in regulating the response of plants to abiotic stress
物种 Species | 基因名称 Gene name | 基因亚家族 Gene subfamily | 靶基因及位点 Target genes and sites | 功能 Function | 胁迫响应 Stress responses | 参考文献 Reference |
拟南芥 Arabidopsis thaliana | AtMYB25 | R2R3-MYB | DREB2C, RD29a, SLAH1, JAZ10 | 激活下游胁迫应答基因 | 盐分、渗透性、脱落酸 | [ |
AtMYB37 | R2R3-MYB | ABF2/3, COR15A, RD29a, RD22, PSII/I | 提高PSII活性,调节能量耗散比例 | 盐分、脱落酸、干旱 | [ | |
AtMYBS1 | MYB-related | MAX1 | 负向调控独脚金素内酯途径 | 高温(-) | [ | |
AtMYB74 | R2R3-MYB | ERF53, NIG1, HSFA6a, MYB47, MYB90, MYB102 | 受生长素前体IAM激活后调控下游靶基因 | 渗透、高温 | [ | |
AtMYB12 | R2R3-MYB | Flavonoid biosynthesis genes, ZEP, NCED, ABA2, AAO, P5CS, P5CR, LEA, SOD, CAT, POD | 提高胁迫条件下植物中黄酮类化合物含量 | 盐分、干旱、高温、紫外线 | [ | |
AtMYB71 | R2R3-MYB | ABA response genes | 调节植物ABA应答 | 脱落酸 | [ | |
AtMYB94/96 | R2R3-MYB | KCS1/2/6, KCR1, CER1/3, WSD1 | 促进植物表皮蜡质生物合成 | 干旱、强光、紫外线 | [ | |
花生 Arachis hypogaea | AhMYB30 | MYB-related | KIN1, COR15a, RD29A, ABI2 | 上调参与DREB/CBF和ABA信号途径的下游胁迫相关基因表达 | 低温、盐分 | [ |
白菜型油菜 Brassica campestris | BcMYB111 | R2R3-MYB | F3H, FLS1 | 被CBF转录激活后增强黄酮类化合物生物合成 | 低温 | [ |
水稻 Oryza sativa | OsMYBR57 | MYB-related | OsbZIPs transcription is regulated after interaction with OsHB22 | 与HB22互作后激活转录因子bZIP | 干旱 | [ |
OsMYB-R1 | MYB-related | SOD, CAT, GPX, LEA, ABRE | 激活下游胁迫相关基因 | 干旱、铬元素、水杨酸、脱落酸、茉莉酸 | [ | |
OsFLP | R2R3-MYB | NAC1/6, DST, peroxidase 24 precursor | 激活下游相关转录因子 | 脱落酸、干旱、盐分 | [ | |
陆地棉 Gossypium hirsutum | GhMYB36 | R2R3-MYB | PR1 | 激活下游胁迫相关基因 | 干旱、黄萎病 | [ |
GhMYB102 | R2R3-MYB | NCED1, ZAT10 | 参与调控ABA生物合成及干旱应答基因表达 | 干旱 | [ | |
二色补血草 Limonium bicolor | LbMYB48 | MYB-related | CPC-like, DIS3, SOSs, RLKs, GSTs | 调控表皮发育相关及盐胁迫相关基因表达 | 盐分 | [ |
LbTRY | MYB-related | GL3, ZFP5, RHD6, RSL1, LRL2/3, SOS1/2/3, P5CS | 上调GL3/ZFP5表达后与表达产物竞争性结合,改变转基因植株表皮细胞分化方向,使得根毛的发育增强,吸收更多的Na+ | 盐分(-) | [ | |
山核桃 Carya cathayensis | CcMYB12 | R2R3-MYB | C4H, CHI, F3H, ANR, ANS, DFR | 参与花青素合成途径 | 盐分、干旱、酸 | [ |
橡胶树 Hevea brasiliensis | HbMYB44 | R2R3-MYB | Homologous genes and interacting protein-encoding genes | 激活下游相关基因 | 盐分、渗透、干旱、脱落酸、茉莉酸甲酯、赤霉素、水杨酸 | [ |
甘薯 Ipomoea batatas | IbMYB308 | R2R3-MYB | SOD, POD, APX, P5CS | 激活下游胁迫相关基因 | 盐分 | [ |
IbMYB73 | R2R3-MYB | NCED3, ABA2, AAO3, ABI2, SnRK2.3, DREB1D, RD22, RD26, GER5 | 激活ABA依赖型的不定根生长及胁迫耐受性的负调控因子转录表达 | 脱落酸(-)、盐分(-)、干旱(-) | [ | |
灰绿藜 Chenopodium glaucum | CgMYB1 | R2R3-MYB | NHX1, HAK5, SOS1, P5CS2, SOD, POD1, CBF1, COR15, COR47, bHLH001 | 提高转基因植物生理机能及胁迫相关基因表达 | 盐分、低温 | [ |
豌豆 Pisum sativum | PsFLP | R2R3-MYB | CYCA2;3, CDKA;1, AAO3, NCED3, SnRK2.3 | 调控气孔形成及ABA合成与信号转导基因 | 脱落酸、干旱 | [ |
84K杨 Populus alba × Populus glandulosa | PagMYB205 | R2R3-MYB | POD, SOD, CAT and root vitality related genes | 负调节抗氧化酶活性及根活力 | 盐分(-) | [ |
PagMYB151 | R2R3-MYB | Proline biosynthesis genes | 与共表达转录因子共同改变根结构,促进脯氨酸积累及减少MDA含量 | 盐分 | [ | |
葡萄 V. labrusca×V. riparia | VhMYB2 | R2R3-MYB | SOS1/2/3, NHX1, SnRK2.6, NCED3, P5CS1, CAT1 | 激活下游相关基因 | 高盐、干旱 | [ |
辣椒 Capsicum annuum | CaDIM1 | MYB-related | OSR1, RAB18, NCED3 and stress-responsive genes | 诱导胁迫/ABA相关基因表达 | 脱落酸、干旱 | [ |
荞麦 Fagopyrum tataricum | FtMYB11 | R2R3-MYB | CBF1, DREB2A, RD20, ABA3, NCED3, C4H, 4CL, F3H, ANS, DFR | 调节ABA信号途径、干旱及类黄酮生物合成相关基因表达水平 | 脱落酸、干旱(-)、盐分(-) | [ |
芹菜 Apium graveolens | AgMYB5 | R2R3-MYB | CRTISO, LCYB, ABA1/2, NCED6, AAO3, ERD1, RD22, P5CS1, RD29 | 增强了β-胡萝卜素生物合成,随后诱导ABA合成 | 氧化损伤、干旱 | [ |
梁 Setaria italica | SiMYB16 | MYB-related | CSE, FAR1, CYP87A3, 4CL1, PAL, F5H, COMT, NCED3 | 调控植物木质素、类黄酮及木栓质生物合成 | 盐分 | [ |
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番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | SlMYB41 | R2R3-MYB | SlHSP90.3 | 维持热胁迫下的活性氧稳态 | 高温 | [ |
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