生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 103-113.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-1270
赵赛赛1(), 张小丹1, 贾晓妍1, 陶大炜1, 刘可玉1, 宁喜斌1,2,3(
宁喜斌,男,博士,教授,研究方向:食品安全、微生物学;E-mail: xbning@shou.edu.cn作者简介:
赵赛赛,男,硕士研究生,研究方向:食品微生物;E-mail: 1439388696@qq.com
ZHAO Sai-sai1(), ZHANG Xiao-dan1, JIA Xiao-yan1, TAO Da-wei1, LIU Ke-yu1, NING Xi-bin1,2,3(
硝酸盐还原酶可以将天然肉制品中的硝酸盐还原为亚硝酸盐,避免了直接添加亚硝酸盐导致其含量骤增,降低产生亚硝胺的概率,对天然肉制品的品质和安全非常重要。以腊肠中筛选出的模仿葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus simulans D14)为出发菌株,探究了单一诱变条件包括紫外、微波、氯化锂诱变,以及紫外-微波-氯化锂联合诱变的两种复合诱变方式对菌株的不同影响,以期获得硝酸盐还原酶高产菌株,并通过摇瓶发酵初步探究其酶学性质,以期为天然肉制品的发酵剂提供菌株选择。确定了紫外、微波和氯化锂诱变的最佳条件:紫外照射60 s,微波辐照80 s,氯化锂浓度1.5%。筛选出诱变菌株Staphylococcus simulans ZSJ6,菌株酶活力可达603.29 U/mg蛋白,是出发菌株酶活力的3.59倍,且突变菌株连续传代8次后,其酶活力并无显著变化(P>0.05),表明其遗传稳定性较好。酶学性质结果显示,其最适作用温度为30℃,最适作用pH为7.5,且稳定性良好,在pH 7.5下孵育2 h,酶活力仍保留90%以上。Mg2+、Ca2+、K+均能促进酶活力,其中Ca2+对酶活力的促进作用最大,相对于空白组酶活力提升了1.63倍。Cu2+、Fe2+、Hg2+、Mn2+均能抑制酶活,其中Cu2+和Hg2+对酶活力的抑制作用最大,酶活力均被抑制到30%以下。研究结果为天然肉制品中硝酸盐的转化,以及生产初期使用亚硝酸盐带来的亚硝酸盐浓度过高等问题提供了解决思路,具有研究价值和应用潜力。
赵赛赛, 张小丹, 贾晓妍, 陶大炜, 刘可玉, 宁喜斌. 高产硝酸盐还原酶Staphylococcus simulans ZSJ6的复合诱变选育及其酶学性质研究[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(4): 103-113.
ZHAO Sai-sai, ZHANG Xiao-dan, JIA Xiao-yan, TAO Da-wei, LIU Ke-yu, NING Xi-bin. Investigation on the Complex Mutagenesis Selection of High-yield Nitrate Reductase Strain Staphylococcus simulans ZSJ6 and Its Enzymatic Properties[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(4): 103-113.
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
UV1-3 | 201.33 |
UV1-5 | 191.73 |
UV1-6 | 175.64 |
UV1-15 | 366.42 |
UV1-21 | 275.12 |
UV2-7 | 288.01 |
UV2-11 | 264.37 |
UV2-14 | 305.47 |
UV2-15 | 318.25 |
UV2-18 | 187.72 |
表1 紫外诱变菌株的筛选结果
Table 1 Screening results of UV mutagenic strains
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
UV1-3 | 201.33 |
UV1-5 | 191.73 |
UV1-6 | 175.64 |
UV1-15 | 366.42 |
UV1-21 | 275.12 |
UV2-7 | 288.01 |
UV2-11 | 264.37 |
UV2-14 | 305.47 |
UV2-15 | 318.25 |
UV2-18 | 187.72 |
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
MW1-1 | 370.39 |
MW1-9 | 394.12 |
MW1-13 | 401.93 |
MW1-14 | 383.56 |
MW1-17 | 451.06 |
MW2-3 | 377.64 |
MW2-7 | 385.17 |
MW2-8 | 396.72 |
MW2-11 | 421.38 |
MW2-18 | 435.76 |
表2 微波诱变菌株的筛选结果
Table 2 Screening results of microwave mutagenic strains
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
MW1-1 | 370.39 |
MW1-9 | 394.12 |
MW1-13 | 401.93 |
MW1-14 | 383.56 |
MW1-17 | 451.06 |
MW2-3 | 377.64 |
MW2-7 | 385.17 |
MW2-8 | 396.72 |
MW2-11 | 421.38 |
MW2-18 | 435.76 |
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
LiCl2 | 483.52 |
LiCl4 | 505.21 |
LiCl5 | 476.32 |
LiCl7 | 490.18 |
LiCl11 | 511.97 |
LiCl12 | 489.15 |
LiCl16 | 521.75 |
LiCl17 | 518.72 |
LiCl20 | 463.74 |
LiCl21 | 470.19 |
表3 氯化锂诱变菌株的筛选结果
Table 3 Screening results of mutagenic strains induced by lithium chloride
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
LiCl2 | 483.52 |
LiCl4 | 505.21 |
LiCl5 | 476.32 |
LiCl7 | 490.18 |
LiCl11 | 511.97 |
LiCl12 | 489.15 |
LiCl16 | 521.75 |
LiCl17 | 518.72 |
LiCl20 | 463.74 |
LiCl21 | 470.19 |
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
ZSJ1 | 473.36 |
ZSJ4 | 485.12 |
ZSJ6 | 603.29 |
ZSJ17 | 501.12 |
ZSJ18 | 556.71 |
ZSJ19 | 578.83 |
ZSJ23 | 511.97 |
ZSJ26 | 529.31 |
ZSJ30 | 536.75 |
ZSJ35 | 562.33 |
表4 复合诱变菌株的筛选结果
Table 4 Screening results of compound mutagenic strains
菌株编号Strain No. | 酶活力Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1 protein) |
ZSJ1 | 473.36 |
ZSJ4 | 485.12 |
ZSJ6 | 603.29 |
ZSJ17 | 501.12 |
ZSJ18 | 556.71 |
ZSJ19 | 578.83 |
ZSJ23 | 511.97 |
ZSJ26 | 529.31 |
ZSJ30 | 536.75 |
ZSJ35 | 562.33 |
传代数 Passage number | 酶活力 Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1protein) | 显著性 Significant level |
1 | 603.29±0.01 | P>0.05 |
2 | 604.88±0.02 | |
3 | 602.19±0.03 | |
4 | 604.18±0.02 | |
5 | 599.56±0.02 | |
6 | 600.12±0.01 | |
7 | 603.73±0.02 | |
8 | 601.17±0.01 |
表5 突变株ZSJ6各代产硝酸盐还原酶活力
Table 5 The activity of nitrate reductase produced by mutant ZSJ6 in each generation
传代数 Passage number | 酶活力 Enzyme activity/(U·mg-1protein) | 显著性 Significant level |
1 | 603.29±0.01 | P>0.05 |
2 | 604.88±0.02 | |
3 | 602.19±0.03 | |
4 | 604.18±0.02 | |
5 | 599.56±0.02 | |
6 | 600.12±0.01 | |
7 | 603.73±0.02 | |
8 | 601.17±0.01 |
图9 金属离子对硝酸盐还原酶活力的影响 *表示与对照组有显著性差异P<0.05,未标注则无显著性差异
Fig. 9 Effects of metal ions on the nitrate reductase activity * indicates a significant difference from the control group (P<0.05), no significant difference if not marked
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