生物技术通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 197-208.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0364
王兵1(), 赵会纳1, 余婧1, 陈杰1, 骆梅2, 雷波1(
雷波,女,博士,研究员,研究方向:烟草分子生物学;E-mail: leibo_1981@163.com作者简介:
王兵,男,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:烟草分子生物学;E-mail: vipwb1519599@163.com
WANG Bing1(), ZHAO Hui-na1, YU Jing1, CHEN Jie1, LUO Mei2, LEI Bo1(
王兵, 赵会纳, 余婧, 陈杰, 骆梅, 雷波. 利用CRISPR/Cas9系统研究REVOLUTA参与烟草叶芽发育的调控[J]. 生物技术通报, 2023, 39(10): 197-208.
WANG Bing, ZHAO Hui-na, YU Jing, CHEN Jie, LUO Mei, LEI Bo. Regulation of Leaf Bud by REVOLUTA in Tobacco Based on CRISPR/Cas9 System[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2023, 39(10): 197-208.
引物Primer | 序列Sequence(5'-3') | 作用Purpose |
C16NtREV-T1F | ATTGGCTCGATATTCGACAGAATAGGG | 靶点接头引物 NtREV target construction |
1300-gRNA-F | CCAGTCACGACGTTGTAAAAC | SgRNA表达盒检测 Detection of SgRNA expression kit |
Hyg-F | CGATTGCGTCGCATCGACC | 潮霉素抗性基因检测 Detection of hygromycin resistance gene |
C16NtREV-CRISPR test-F | TTTTGGTTTGGGATTTTGAGG | 检测转基因突变 Detection of transgenic mutations |
表1 本研究引物序列及用途
Table 1 Sequences and purpose of primers in this study
引物Primer | 序列Sequence(5'-3') | 作用Purpose |
C16NtREV-T1F | ATTGGCTCGATATTCGACAGAATAGGG | 靶点接头引物 NtREV target construction |
1300-gRNA-F | CCAGTCACGACGTTGTAAAAC | SgRNA表达盒检测 Detection of SgRNA expression kit |
Hyg-F | CGATTGCGTCGCATCGACC | 潮霉素抗性基因检测 Detection of hygromycin resistance gene |
C16NtREV-CRISPR test-F | TTTTGGTTTGGGATTTTGAGG | 检测转基因突变 Detection of transgenic mutations |
图2 烟草REV结构示意图及靶位点选择与载体构建 A:REV基因外显子和内含子示意图以及靶点编辑序列所在位置;B :REV基因靶点编辑序列的双酶切核酸电泳
Fig. 2 Schematic structure and target site selection of NtREV and vector construction A: Schematic diagram of REV gene exons and introns, as well as the locations of the target editing sequences. B: Nucleic acid electrophoresis of double enzyme digestion of REV gene the target editing sequences
图3 植物双元表达载体pCAMBIA1300-pYAO-Cas9-NtREV的构建 A:pCAMBIA1300-pYAO-Cas9-NtREV的PCR 扩增的核酸电泳; B :pCAMB-IA1300-pYAO-Cas9-NtREV双酶切的核酸电泳
Fig. 3 Construction of the plant binary expression vector pCAMBIA1300-pYAO-Cas9-NtREV A: Nucleic acid electrophoresis of PCR amplification of pCAMBIA1300-pYAO-Cas9-NtREV. B: Nucleic acid electrophoresis of double enzyme digestion of pCAMBIA1300-pYAO-Cas9-NtREV
图4 转基因植株检测的核酸电泳 A :REV基因靶点C15编辑植株检测的核酸电泳;B :REV基因靶点C16编辑植株检测的核酸电泳
Fig. 4 Nucleic acid electrophoresis for the detection of transgenic plants A: Nucleic acid electrophoresis for detecting plant editing of the REV gene at target C15. B: Nucleic acid electrophoresis for detecting plant editing of the REV gene at target C16
图5 CRISPR/Cas9编辑NtREV基因突变体形式分析 A :REV基因靶点C16序列的突变情况 ;B :REV基因靶点C15序列的突变情况。下划线表示PAM序列,蓝色字表示替换碱基,红色字表示插入碱基,-表示缺失的碱基
Fig. 5 Mutation form analysis of NtREV edited by the CRISPR/Cas9 A: Mutation of REV target C16 sequence; B: mutation of REV target C15 sequence. Underscores indicate PAM sequences, blue words indicate replacement bases, red words indicate insertion bases, and - indicates missing bases
图6 突变体材料和野生型材料的叶形态表型A-F:双拷贝同源突变体材料叶发育形态,包括漏斗形叶、荷叶形叶等形态;G-H:单拷贝同源突变体材料叶发育形态; I:对应时期野生型生长状态;标尺:1 cm
Fig. 6 Leaf morphological phenotypes of mutant and wild-type materials A-F: Leaf development morphology of the double-copy homologous mutants, including funnel-shaped leaves, lotus-shaped leaves and other morphologies; G-H: leaf development morphology of the single-copy homologous mutants; I: wild type growth state in the corresponding period; bar=1 cm
图7 烟草Ko-C15Ntrev和Ko-C16Ntrev突变体编辑形式Ko-C15Ntrev编辑形式为双拷贝同源突变体;Ko-C16Ntrev编辑形式为单拷贝同源突变体
Fig. 7 Editing forms of Ko-C15Ntrev and Ko-C16Ntrev mutants in tobacco The double-copy homologous mutants of Ko-C15NtREV; Ko-C16NtREV editing form is the single-copy homologous mutants
图8 突变体材料和野生型材料的顶芽观测 A,B,C分别为体式显微镜下烟草苗期野生型WT、Ko-C16Ntrev和Ko-C15Ntrev突变体顶芽表型;D,E,F分别为扫描电子显微镜下烟草苗期WT、Ko-C16Ntrev和Ko-C15Ntrev突变体顶端分生组织;G,H,I分别为上述表型对应的烟草苗期WT、Ko-C16Ntrev和Ko-C15Ntrev突变体材料
Fig. 8 Observations of apical buds of mutant and wild-type ones A, B, C: Apical bud phenotypes of tobacco seedling wild-type, Ko-C16Ntrev and Ko-C15Ntrev mutant under stereomicroscope, respectively; D, E, F: apical meristem phenotypes of tobacco seedling wild-type,Ko-C16Ntrev and Ko-C15Ntrev mutant under scanning electron microscopy, respectively; G, H, I: tobacco seedling wild-type, Ko-C16Ntrev and Ko-C15Ntrev mutant corresponding to the above phenotypes, respectively
图9 Ko-C16Ntrev突变体的自然株高、叶数、腋芽鲜重表型 A,B,C分别为WT和Ko-C16Ntrev突变体的自然株高、叶数、腋芽鲜重的统计;D,E分别为WT和Ko-C16Ntrev突变体侧芽表型图。数据表示平均值 ± SD,其中 n ≥ 10 ;**表示显著性 P<0.01;标尺:5 cm
Fig. 9 Phenotypes of plant height, leaf numbers and fresh weight of C16Ntrev mutants A, B, C: Statistical analysis of plant height, leaf numbers and fresh weight content of axillary buds of WT and Ko-C16Ntrev mutants. D and E: The phenotype of lateral buds of WT and Ko-C16Ntrev mutants, respectively. Bar= 5 cm. The data represent mean ± SD, n ≥ 10; ** indicates significance P<0.01
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