生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 23-32.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-1084
董合忠,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:植物逆境生理;E-mail: donghezhong@163.com作者简介:
花子晴,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:植物逆境生理;E-mail: huazq@163.com
HUA Zi-qing1,2(), ZHOU Jing-yuan2,3, DONG He-zhong1,2(
花子晴, 周静远, 董合忠. 双子叶植物下胚轴和顶端弯钩发育及其对出苗的调控机制[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(4): 23-32.
HUA Zi-qing, ZHOU Jing-yuan, DONG He-zhong. Development of Hypocotyls and Apical Hooks in Dicotyledons and Their Regulatory Mechanisms for Seedling Emergence[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(4): 23-32.
图1 双子叶植物(以棉花为例)萌发出苗过程 幼苗萌发早期,下胚轴顶端两侧细胞差异生长,顶端弯钩形成。在土壤的机械压力下,弯钩内外侧细胞差异生长加剧,下胚横向增粗,弯钩进入维持阶段。随着幼苗的向上生长,土壤的机械压力不断减小,下胚轴快速伸长,弯钩内侧细胞生长速率增大,最终弯钩和子叶的展开,幼苗顺利出苗
Fig. 1 Process of seed germination and seedling emergence in dicotyledonous plants(cotton as an example) During the early stage of seedling emergence, cells on both sides of the apical hypocotyl grow differentially to form the apical hook. Under the mechanical pressure of the soil, the differential growth of cells on the inner and outer sides of the apical hook is intensified to entere the maintenance stage, while the hypocotyl thickened laterally. With the upward growth of the seedling, the mechanical pressure of the soil decreases, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly, the growth rate of the inner cells of the apical hook increases, and finally the apical hook and the cotyledons get unfolded to complete the successful emergence
图2 影响弯钩和下胚轴发育的因素及其调控出苗成苗的机制 光照、温度等环境信号与乙烯、赤霉素等植物激素相互作用,共同调控弯钩和下胚轴发育相关的基因表达,促进植物的出苗和成苗。正常箭头表示正调控作用, T 型箭头表示负调控作用。NPR1:水杨酸受体蛋白:MYC2:茉莉酸信号通路转录因子;DELLAs:DELLA家族蛋白;BZR1:油菜素内酯受体蛋白;EBF1/2:F-box家族成员;CBF:AP2/EREBP转录因子家族成员;PIFs:光敏色素作用因子;EIN3/EIL1:EIN3/EIL1转录因子;Hookless1,Genes related to auxin:Hookless1和其他生长素合成、响应、分布相关的基因
Fig. 2 Factors influencing the development of apical hook and hypocotyl and their mechanisms in regulating seedling emergence and stand establishment Environmental signals, such as light and temperature, interact with phytohormones like ethylene and gibberellin, to jointly regulate the expressions of genes related to the development of hypocotyls and apical hooks, and to promote seedling emergence and stand establishment. Normal arrows indicate positive regulatory effects, while T-arrows indicate negative regulatory effects. PHYs/CRYs: Phytochromes/Cryptochromes; SA: salicylic acid; JA: jasmonic acid; GA: gibberellic acid; ABA: abscisic acid; BR: brassinosteroids; ET: ethylene; SL: strigolactone; NPR1: salicylic acid receptor protein; MYC2: jasmonic acid signaling pathway transcription factors; DELLAs: DELLA family proteins; BZR1: brassinosteroids receptor protein; EBF1/2: ethylene insensitive 3 binding F-box protein 1/2; CBF: AP2/EREBP transcription factor family members
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