生物技术通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 207-221.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2023-0583
岳洁瑜,女,博士,副研究员,研究方向:植物逆境生物学;E-mail: skyyjy@tjnu.edu.cn作者简介:
焦进兰,女,硕士研究生,研究方向:植物逆境生物学;E-mail: 2330876687@qq.com
JIAO Jin-lan(), WANG Wen-wen, JIE Xin-rui, WANG Hua-zhong, YUE Jie-yu(
【目的】探究自噬参与调控外源钙维持盐胁迫下小麦幼苗稳态的机制,为进一步揭示植物盐胁迫应答机制提供分子证据。【方法】以小麦品种河农6425为材料,通过水培培养小麦幼苗,利用叶绿素荧光、组织原位染色、荧光定量PCR、激光共聚焦显微镜等生理及分子生物学技术开展研究。【结果】150 mmol/L NaCl胁迫显著抑制小麦幼苗生长,导致光系统II(photosystem II, PSII)受损,抗氧化能力减弱,细胞活力降低,自噬活性升高。随着NaCl处理时间的延长,小麦幼苗根和叶片中的自噬小体显著增多,细胞程序性死亡(programmed cell death, PCD)水平升高。正常条件下,外源施加Ca2+对小麦幼苗根和叶片中自噬小体数量没有明显影响。而在NaCl胁迫下,外源Ca2+处理能够在一定时间内维持NaCl胁迫诱导的自噬维持在促存活的水平,减少PCD。【结论】Ca2+通过调控小麦幼苗根和叶片的自噬水平限制PCD的规模,缓解NaCl胁迫对小麦幼苗的损伤。
焦进兰, 王文文, 介欣芮, 王华忠, 岳洁瑜. 外源钙缓解小麦幼苗盐胁迫的作用机制[J]. 生物技术通报, 2024, 40(1): 207-221.
JIAO Jin-lan, WANG Wen-wen, JIE Xin-rui, WANG Hua-zhong, YUE Jie-yu. Mechanism of Exogenous Calcium Alleviating Salt Stress Toxicity in Wheat Seedlings[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2024, 40(1): 207-221.
成分Content | 浓度Concentration/(mg·L-1) |
Ca(NO3)2·4H2O | 165 |
KNO3 | 51 |
NH4NO3 | 8 |
KH2PO4 | 27 |
MgSO4 | 49 |
微量元素 | 1 |
铁盐溶液 | 1 |
表1 营养液配置表
Table 1 Nutrient solution formula
成分Content | 浓度Concentration/(mg·L-1) |
Ca(NO3)2·4H2O | 165 |
KNO3 | 51 |
NH4NO3 | 8 |
KH2PO4 | 27 |
MgSO4 | 49 |
微量元素 | 1 |
铁盐溶液 | 1 |
基因Gene | 引物序列Primer's sequence(5'-3') |
表2 RT-qPCR引物
Table 2 Primers used for RT-qPCR
基因Gene | 引物序列Primer's sequence(5'-3') |
图1 不同浓度CaCl2对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗生长影响 A:不同浓度CaCl2对小麦幼苗生长的影响;B:不同浓度CaCl2对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗生长影响;C:NaCl胁迫下不同浓度CaCl2处理后小麦幼苗根长测量值; D:NaCl胁迫下不同浓度CaCl2处理后小麦幼苗叶宽测量值。不同字母表示各处理组数据差异显著(n=3,P<0.05)。CK表示对照;Ca表示外源添加CaCl2处理;Na表示外源添加NaCl处理。下同
Fig. 1 Effects of different concentrations of CaCl2 on wheat seedling growth under NaCl stress A: Effects of different concentrations of CaCl2 on wheat seedling growth. B: Effects of different concentrations of CaCl2 on wheat seedling growth under NaCl stress. C: Root length of wheat seedlings treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 under NaCl stress. D: Leaf width of wheat seedlings treated with different concentrations of CaCl2 under NaCl stress. Different letters indicate significant difference in data of each treatment group(n=3, P<0.05). CK in the figure indicates the control check. Ca indicates the treatment with exogenous addition of CaCl2. Na indicates the treatment with exogenous addition of NaCl. The same below
图2 NaCl胁迫对小麦幼苗叶片生长机理影响 A:DAB染色检测小麦幼苗叶片H2O2积累情况;B:NBT染色检测小麦幼苗叶片O2·-积累量;C:伊文思蓝染色检测小麦幼苗叶片细胞活力。Bar=1 000 µm
Fig. 2 Effects of NaCl stress on the growth mechanism of wheat seedling leaves A: DAB staining was used to detect H2O2 accumulation in wheat seedling leaves. B: NBT staining was used to detect O2·- accumulation in wheat seedling leaves. C: Evans Blue staining was used to detect cell viability in wheat seedling leaves. Bar=1 000 µm
不同处理组 Different treatment group | 根长Root length | 株高Plant height | 叶长Leaf Length | 叶宽Leaf width |
CK | 31.17±1.144a | 27.07±0.249a | 14.68±0.130a | 0.40±0.012a |
Ca | 31.83±0.450a | 27.33±0.170a | 14.80±0.294a | 0.41±0.005a |
La | 29.83±0.464b | 25.60±0.616b | 14.27±0.125b | 0.38±0.008b |
Na | 21.70±0.497d | 21.73±0.403d | 13.47±0.047d | 0.33±0.014d |
Ca+Na | 23.43±0.205c | 23.60±0.216c | 13.90±0.082c | 0.35±0.005c |
La+Na | 18.20±0.589e | 19.60±1.393e | 13.01±0.084e | 0.31±0.005e |
表3 外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根长、株高、叶长、叶宽的影响
Table 3 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the root length, plant height, leaf length and leaf width of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress
不同处理组 Different treatment group | 根长Root length | 株高Plant height | 叶长Leaf Length | 叶宽Leaf width |
CK | 31.17±1.144a | 27.07±0.249a | 14.68±0.130a | 0.40±0.012a |
Ca | 31.83±0.450a | 27.33±0.170a | 14.80±0.294a | 0.41±0.005a |
La | 29.83±0.464b | 25.60±0.616b | 14.27±0.125b | 0.38±0.008b |
Na | 21.70±0.497d | 21.73±0.403d | 13.47±0.047d | 0.33±0.014d |
Ca+Na | 23.43±0.205c | 23.60±0.216c | 13.90±0.082c | 0.35±0.005c |
La+Na | 18.20±0.589e | 19.60±1.393e | 13.01±0.084e | 0.31±0.005e |
图4 外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根和叶片中TaCDPK27表达情况的影响
Fig. 4 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on TaCDPK27 expression in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress
图6 MDC染色检测外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根自噬活性影响(标尺=100 µm) A:MDC染色检测外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫6 h小麦幼苗根自噬活性影响; B:MDC染色检测外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫144 h小麦幼苗根自噬活性影响
Fig. 6 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the autophagy activities of wheat seedling roots under NaCl stress by MDC staining(Bar=100 µm) A: MDC staining was used to detect the effects of exogenous Ca2+ on autophagy activity in the roots of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress for 6 h. B: MDC staining was used to detect the effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the autophagy activity in the roots of 144 h wheat seedlings under NaCl stress
图7 MDC染色检测外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫144 h小麦幼苗叶片自噬活性的影响(标尺=100 µm)
Fig. 7 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the autophagy activities of wheat seedling leaves under NaCl stress at 144 h by MDC staining(Bar=100 µm)
图8 RT-qPCR检测外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根和叶片中TaATGs表达的影响 A:外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根中TaATGs表达的影响;B:外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗叶片TaATGs表达的影响
Fig. 8 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on TaATGs expression in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress by RT-qPCR A: Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on TaATGs expression in wheat seedling roots under NaCl stress. B: Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on TaATGs expression in wheat seedling leaves under NaCl stress
图9 伊文思蓝染色检测外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根和叶片细胞活力的影响(标尺=1 000 µm) A:外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗叶片细胞活力的影响;B:外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根细胞活力的影响。图中箭头表示细胞死亡区域
Fig. 9 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on cell viability in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress by Evans Blue staining(Bar=1 000 µm) A: Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the cell viability of wheat seedling leaves under NaCl stress. B: Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the cell viability of wheat seedling roots under NaCl stress. The arrows in the figures indicatethe area of cell death
图10 TUNEL染色检测外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根和叶片PCD的影响
Fig. 10 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on PCD in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress by TUNEL staining
图11 DAB与NBT染色检测外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗H2O2与O2·-累积量的影响(标尺=1 000 µm) A和B分别为DAB染色检测小麦幼苗叶片和根中H2O2分布;C和D分别为NBT染色检测小麦幼苗叶片和根中O2·-分布
Fig. 11 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on H2O2 and O2·- accumulation in wheat seedlings under NaCl stress by DAB and NBT staining(Bar=1 000 µm) A and B showed the distribution of H2O2 in the leaves and roots of wheat seedlings detected by DAB staining. C and D showed the distribution of O2·- in the leaves and roots of wheat seedlings detected by NBT staining
图12 外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根和叶片H2O2与O2·-含量的影响 A:小麦幼苗根与叶片中H2O2含量;B:小麦幼苗根与叶片中O2·-含量
Fig. 12 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on H2O2 and O2·- contents in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress A: The contents of H2O2 in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings. B: The contents of O2·- in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings
图14 外源Ca2+ 对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗SOD、CAT活性的影响 A:外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根与叶片中SOD含量的影响;B:外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗根与叶片中CAT含量的影响
Fig. 14 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the SOD and CAT activities of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress A: The effects of exogenous Ca2+ on SOD content in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress. B: The effects of exogenous Ca2+ on CAT content in the roots and leaves of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress
处理天数 Treatment days/d | 处理组 Treatment group | Fv/Fm | Y(Ⅱ) | qP | F0 | NPQ | ETR |
5 | CK | 0.796±0.001a | 0.393±0.011a | 0.621±0.044a | 0.046±0.001a | 1.227±0.039e | 59.2±3.767a |
Ca | 0.797±0.004a | 0.392±0.004a | 0.624±0.007a | 0.046±0.002a | 1.229±0.107e | 58.6±2.546a | |
La | 0.792±0.004b | 0.386±0.048b | 0.608±0.054b | 0.044±0.003b | 1.363±0.151d | 55.9±1.543b | |
Na | 0.787±0.001d | 0.281±0.007d | 0.474±0.008d | 0.038±0.003d | 1.731±0.099b | 40.2±0.834d | |
Ca+Na | 0.789±0.007c | 0.309±0.037c | 0.497±0.045c | 0.041±0.001c | 1.566±0.036c | 43.2±3.982c | |
La+Na | 0.784±0.003e | 0.254±0.036e | 0.383±0.019e | 0.035±0.002e | 1.782±0.037a | 35.2±4.626e | |
10 | CK | 0.794±0.001a | 0.379±0.007a | 0.628±0.002a | 0.055±0.003a | 1.341±0.129e | 53.3±1.296a |
Ca | 0.792±0.001a | 0.383±0.025a | 0.633±0.016a | 0.053±0.007a | 1.339±0.024e | 54.6±1.964a | |
La | 0.779±0.001b | 0.342±0.025b | 0.55±0.011b | 0.047±0.003b | 1.404±0.099d | 46.9±1.438b | |
Na | 0.778±0.002d | 0.265±0.024d | 0.459±0.033d | 0.035±0.002d | 1.595±0.117b | 36.8±3.432d | |
Ca+Na | 0.782±0.002c | 0.321±0.033c | 0.546±0.045c | 0.039±0.002c | 1.541±0.043c | 44.3±4.613c | |
La+Na | 0.765±0.003e | 0.238±0.017e | 0.454±0.035e | 0.033±0.003e | 2.056±0.125a | 32.9±2.286e |
表4 外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫5 d和10 d小麦幼苗叶绿素荧光参数的影响
Table 4 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of wheat seedlings after 5 d and 10 d of NaCl stress
处理天数 Treatment days/d | 处理组 Treatment group | Fv/Fm | Y(Ⅱ) | qP | F0 | NPQ | ETR |
5 | CK | 0.796±0.001a | 0.393±0.011a | 0.621±0.044a | 0.046±0.001a | 1.227±0.039e | 59.2±3.767a |
Ca | 0.797±0.004a | 0.392±0.004a | 0.624±0.007a | 0.046±0.002a | 1.229±0.107e | 58.6±2.546a | |
La | 0.792±0.004b | 0.386±0.048b | 0.608±0.054b | 0.044±0.003b | 1.363±0.151d | 55.9±1.543b | |
Na | 0.787±0.001d | 0.281±0.007d | 0.474±0.008d | 0.038±0.003d | 1.731±0.099b | 40.2±0.834d | |
Ca+Na | 0.789±0.007c | 0.309±0.037c | 0.497±0.045c | 0.041±0.001c | 1.566±0.036c | 43.2±3.982c | |
La+Na | 0.784±0.003e | 0.254±0.036e | 0.383±0.019e | 0.035±0.002e | 1.782±0.037a | 35.2±4.626e | |
10 | CK | 0.794±0.001a | 0.379±0.007a | 0.628±0.002a | 0.055±0.003a | 1.341±0.129e | 53.3±1.296a |
Ca | 0.792±0.001a | 0.383±0.025a | 0.633±0.016a | 0.053±0.007a | 1.339±0.024e | 54.6±1.964a | |
La | 0.779±0.001b | 0.342±0.025b | 0.55±0.011b | 0.047±0.003b | 1.404±0.099d | 46.9±1.438b | |
Na | 0.778±0.002d | 0.265±0.024d | 0.459±0.033d | 0.035±0.002d | 1.595±0.117b | 36.8±3.432d | |
Ca+Na | 0.782±0.002c | 0.321±0.033c | 0.546±0.045c | 0.039±0.002c | 1.541±0.043c | 44.3±4.613c | |
La+Na | 0.765±0.003e | 0.238±0.017e | 0.454±0.035e | 0.033±0.003e | 2.056±0.125a | 32.9±2.286e |
处理组Treatment group | 5 d | 10 d |
CK | 0.785±0.021a | 0.966±0.027a |
Ca | 0.793±0.019a | 0.985±0.061a |
La | 0.686±0.009b | 0.872±0.048b |
Na | 0.531±0.037d | 0.640±0.012d |
Ca+Na | 0.620±0.008c | 0.746±0.032c |
La+Na | 0.336±0.048e | 0.538±0.014e |
表5 外源Ca2+对NaCl胁迫下小麦幼苗叶绿素含量的影响
Table 5 Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on the chlorophyll contents of wheat seedlings under NaCl stress
处理组Treatment group | 5 d | 10 d |
CK | 0.785±0.021a | 0.966±0.027a |
Ca | 0.793±0.019a | 0.985±0.061a |
La | 0.686±0.009b | 0.872±0.048b |
Na | 0.531±0.037d | 0.640±0.012d |
Ca+Na | 0.620±0.008c | 0.746±0.032c |
La+Na | 0.336±0.048e | 0.538±0.014e |
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