生物技术通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 194-203.doi: 10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2022-0665
甘诚燕(), 张心慧, 王沙, 樊瑶羽薇, 招雪晴, 苑兆和(
GAN Cheng-yan(), ZHANG Xin-hui, WANG Sha, FAN Yao-yu-wei, ZHAO Xue-qing, YUAN Zhao-he(
探究石榴SPL家族基因PgSPL2(XP_031375027.1)在石榴花发育中的作用,为进一步研究石榴花发育的机制奠定基础。以‘突尼斯’软籽石榴为试材,采用同源克隆技术克隆SPL家族基因PgSPL2,分析该基因的理化性质,以及在石榴不同组织中的表达差异,利用RT-qPCR分析生长调节剂处理时该基因的时空表达特性,转化拟南芥,验证该基因在花发育中的作用。结果表明,该基因包含一个长为591 bp开放阅读框,编码196个氨基酸,多重序列比对发现,该基因含有一个保守的SBP结构域和核定位信号,属于SBP转录因子基因家族;系统进化树分析表明,PgSPL2与拟南芥AtSPL3、AtSPL4和AtSPL5聚为一簇。RT-qPCR结果表明,PgSPL2在果实和花蕾中的表达量相对较高,且生长调节剂喷施处理后,该基因在完全花中表达显著下调,同时,石榴完全花比率同步显著提高,初花、盛花期延迟。过量表达PgSPL2拟南芥出现早花现象,花序下游调控基因表达量显著提高。PgSPL2在石榴花发育中起调控开花时间的功能。
甘诚燕, 张心慧, 王沙, 樊瑶羽薇, 招雪晴, 苑兆和. 石榴花发育相关基因PgSPL2的克隆及功能研究[J]. 生物技术通报, 2022, 38(12): 194-203.
GAN Cheng-yan, ZHANG Xin-hui, WANG Sha, FAN Yao-yu-wei, ZHAO Xue-qing, YUAN Zhao-he. Cloning and Functional Study of the PgSPL2 Gene Related to the Development of Pomegranate Flowers[J]. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2022, 38(12): 194-203.
图1 石榴不同发育阶段的不完全花(a)与完全花(b) P1:花蕾纵径3.0-5.0 mm;P2:花蕾纵径5.1-13.0 mm;P3:花蕾纵径13.1-25.0 mm
Fig. 1 Incomplete(a)and complete(b)flowers at different developmental stages of pomegranate(Punica granatum L.) P1:Longitudinal diameter 3.0-5.0 mm. P2:Longitudinal diameter 5.1-13.0 mm. P3:Longitudinal diameter 13.1-25.0 mm
引物Primer | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') | 试验用途Test purpose |
GUS-PgSPL2 | F:gagaacacgggggactctagaATGAATGCCAATGG R:gcccttgctcaccatggatccTTATCTTATCTGGAAGTGC | 功能验证 Functional verification |
qRT-PgSPL2 | F:GACTTCACCACCGAGCTGT R:CTCAGCCCAGCAACTATCACC | 荧光定量引物 Fluorescent quantitative PCR primer |
qRT-AtFUL | F:GAGAAGCGGGTCAGCAAG R:GCCATCTCTGGAGGAGGTTA | 荧光定量引物 Fluorescent quantitative PCR primer |
qRT-AtLFY | F:ATCGCTTGTCGTCATGGCTG R:GCAACCGCATTGTTCCGCTC | 荧光定量引物 Fluorescent quantitative PCR primer |
AtActin | F:ACTTGAACGAGTAGGAGTGAAG R:CAGCCGACTTTACAAGAAC | 拟南芥内参引物 Internal primer of Arabidopsis thaliana |
PgActin | F:AGTCCTCTTCCAGCCATCTC R:CACTGAGCACAATGTTTCCA | 石榴内参引物 Internal primer of pomegranate |
表1 基因克隆、功能验证以及特异性表达分析引物表
Table 1 Primers for the gene cloning,functional verification and specific expressions
引物Primer | 引物序列Primer sequence(5'-3') | 试验用途Test purpose |
GUS-PgSPL2 | F:gagaacacgggggactctagaATGAATGCCAATGG R:gcccttgctcaccatggatccTTATCTTATCTGGAAGTGC | 功能验证 Functional verification |
qRT-PgSPL2 | F:GACTTCACCACCGAGCTGT R:CTCAGCCCAGCAACTATCACC | 荧光定量引物 Fluorescent quantitative PCR primer |
qRT-AtFUL | F:GAGAAGCGGGTCAGCAAG R:GCCATCTCTGGAGGAGGTTA | 荧光定量引物 Fluorescent quantitative PCR primer |
qRT-AtLFY | F:ATCGCTTGTCGTCATGGCTG R:GCAACCGCATTGTTCCGCTC | 荧光定量引物 Fluorescent quantitative PCR primer |
AtActin | F:ACTTGAACGAGTAGGAGTGAAG R:CAGCCGACTTTACAAGAAC | 拟南芥内参引物 Internal primer of Arabidopsis thaliana |
PgActin | F:AGTCCTCTTCCAGCCATCTC R:CACTGAGCACAATGTTTCCA | 石榴内参引物 Internal primer of pomegranate |
图3 蛋白多重序列比对 VvSBP4:葡萄,GSVT01003836001;SlySBP4:番茄,Solyc07g053810;PgSPL14:石榴,XP_031389713.1;VvSBP11:葡萄,GSVIVT01020578001;AtSPL4:拟南芥,AT1G53160;AtSPL5:拟南芥,AT3G15270;VvSBP18:葡萄,GSVIVT01014302001;PgSPL13:石榴,XP_031394973.1;AtSPL3:拟南芥,AT2G33810;PgSPL2:石榴,XP_031375027.1;VvSBP9:葡萄,GSVIVT01021087001;CNR:番茄,Solyc02g077920;SlySBP3:番茄,Solyc10g009080
Fig. 3 Multiple sequence alignment of protein VvSBP4:Vitis vinifera,GSVIVT01003836001;SlySBP4:Solanum lycopersicun,Solyc07g053810;PgSPL14:Punica granatum,Pg029352.1;VvSBP11:Vitis vinifera,GSVIVT01020578001;AtSPL4:Arabidopsis thaliana,AT1G5316;AtSPL5:Arabidopsis thaliana,AT3G15270;VvSBP18:Vitis vinifera,GSVIVT01014302001;PgSPL13:Punica granatum,Pg029123.1;AtSPL3:Arabidopsis thaliana,AT2G33810;PgSPL2:Punica granatum,XP_031375027.1;VvSBP9:Vitis vinifera,GSVIVT01021087001;CNR:Solanum lycopersicun,Solyc02g077920;SlySBP3:Solanum lycopersicun,Solyc10g009080
处理种类 Types of processing | 初花期 First flowering period/d | 盛花期 Blooming period/d | 末花期 Final flowering period/d |
CK | 5-10 | 5-25 | 6-20 |
PP333 | 5-13 | 5-29 | 6-17 |
6-BA | 5-15 | 5-27 | 6-15 |
IBA | 5-15 | 5-29 | 6-17 |
表2 生长调节剂对石榴花期的影响
Table 2 Effects of growth regulators on pomegranate flo-wer stage
处理种类 Types of processing | 初花期 First flowering period/d | 盛花期 Blooming period/d | 末花期 Final flowering period/d |
CK | 5-10 | 5-25 | 6-20 |
PP333 | 5-13 | 5-29 | 6-17 |
6-BA | 5-15 | 5-27 | 6-15 |
IBA | 5-15 | 5-29 | 6-17 |
处理Treatment | 完全花比率Complete flower ratio/% |
CK | 28.64±2.13b |
PP333 | 36.17±2.75a |
6-BA | 33.43±1.86a |
IBA | 33.04±1.72a |
表3 生长调节剂对石榴完全花成花率的影响
Table 3 Effects of growth regulators on complete flowering rate of pomegranate
处理Treatment | 完全花比率Complete flower ratio/% |
CK | 28.64±2.13b |
PP333 | 36.17±2.75a |
6-BA | 33.43±1.86a |
IBA | 33.04±1.72a |
图6 PgSPL2在石榴不同组织及不同处理后不同发育阶段的相对表达量 A:PgSPL2在不同组织中的表达分析;B:PP333处理;C:6-BA处理;D:IBA处理。图例中(X)、(Y)分别代表不完全花与完全花。不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。下同
Fig. 6 Relative expressions of PgSPL2 gene in different tissues of pomegranate and at different developmental stages after different treatments A:Analysis of PgSPL2 expression in different tissues;B:PP333 treatment;C:6-BA treatment;D:IBA treatment. In the illustration (X) and (Y) represent incomplete flowers and complete flowers respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. The same below
图7 PgSPL2转基因植株的检测与表型 A:T0转基因植株筛选,红色箭头指示为Kana抗性筛选出来的转基因拟南芥植株;B:过量表达PgSPL2拟南芥植株的PCR鉴定;C:T2转基因植株筛选,红色箭头指示为Kana抗性筛选出来的转基因拟南芥植株;D:野生型与转基因拟南芥的表型;E:T2转基因植株幼苗的GUS染色;F:T3转基因植株花序的GUS染色
Fig. 7 Detection and performance observation of the PgSPL2 transgenic plants A:The T0 transgenic plants were screened,red arrows indicate the transgenic Arabidopsis plants screened for Kana resistance. B:PCR characterization of overexpressed PgSPL2 Arabidopsis plants. C:The T2 transgenic plants were screened;red arrows indicate the transgenic Arabidopsis plants screened for Kana resistance. D:Phenotype of wild-type versus transgenic Arabidopsis. E:GUS staining of seedlings of T2 transgenic plants. F:GUS staining of the inflorescence of T3 transgenic plants
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