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    22 April 2015, Volume 31 Issue 4
    GM Crop Breeding : Current Status and Prospects
    Huang Dafang
    2015, 31(4):  3-6.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.008
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    The current statusof GM crop(genetically modified crop)breeding and commercialization at home and abroad were reviewed. It was illustrated that the trend of GM crops development can not be halted. Speeding up will help to seize market opportunities and technical commanding heights while delaying will only miss the boat and pay a greater cost. The problems and challenges of GM crop development were discussed,in addition,three suggestions of promoting commercialization of GM phytase corn and Bt corn were made,i.e. adjusting and revising GMO regulation,drawing up a plan to speed up commercialization of GM corn as well as enhancing science communication and public opinion guidance.
    Analysis of Fitness Effect and Its Application in Assessing Environmental Risk Caused by Transgene Flow
    Lu Baorong
    2015, 31(4):  7-16.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.007
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    The extensive commercial cultivation of genetically engineered(GE)crops with novel genes and natural selection-advantageous traits has aroused tremendous concerns and even debate over the biosafety issues worldwide. Among these, environmental risk caused by transgene escape from GE crops to their wild and weedy relatives is a long-standing biosafety issue. In many countries including China, the assessment of transgene escape and its potential environmental risks is required before the GE crops are released for commercial cultivation. Following the biosafety assessment framework, the assessment of environmental risks caused by transgene escape commonly includes three consecutive steps. That is to assess the frequency of transgene flow from a GE crop to its wild relatives;the expression of transgenes in wild relatives;and the ecological impact of the transgenes. A large number of studies for(trans)gene flow in many crops has been conclude, which indicated that transgene escape from GE crops to their wild relatives in the vicinity through pollen-mediated gene flow is not inevitable. Transgenes can also normally express in wild relatives. It is therefore essential to assess the fitness effect of a transgene in populations of wild relatives, which is a critical determinant for the environmental impact caused by transgene escape. In this review, the author will introduce the concept and evolutionary significance of fitness, and how to analyze the fitness effect of a transgene for assessing the environmental risks caused by transgene escape from a GE crop to its wild relatives. The knowledge will facilitate our understanding in relation to how environmental biosafety of a GE crop is assessed.
    The Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Agro-Products
    Xing Fuguo, Hua Huijuan, Liu Yang
    2015, 31(4):  17-24.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.010
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    Transgenic biotechnology has become the main solution to food shortage, agricultural environmental pollution, improving of food nutrition and processing properties, with the rapid development of transgenic biotechnology. With the commercialization of transgenic crops is continuously promoted, the species and amounts of genetically modified(GM)agro-products have rapidly increased. However, there have been public concerns about the safety of GM agro-products. In this paper, the necessity of safety assessment of GM agro-products, and the research progresses of food safety assessment, food processing safety assessment and feed safety assessment are reviewed. Also, the key issues of transgenic food safety evaluation, including food safety assessment of new types of transgenic agro-products and safety standardization of GM agro-products, are discussed from different perspectives. It would make the public scientifically understand safety of GM agro-products, and provide scientific basis and support for the foundation of criterion system for safety assessment of GM agro-products.
    Genome Editing:the Opportunities and Challenges for Plant Biotechnology
    Cheng Xi, Wang Wenyi, Qiu Jinlong
    2015, 31(4):  25-33.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.016
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    Genome editing based on sequence-specific nucleases could introduce targeted genome modifications, such as site-directed gene disruption, gene replacement or insertion in various species. As a preciseand efficient tool for genome engineering, genome editing has been extensively studied and widely applied during pastseveral years, and it would eventually change the current status of biotechnology. Genome editing system has now been established in plants, especially crops and already displayed its great potential in the field of plant biotechnology.In this review, we first briefly explain the working principles of different genome editing systems, and then list some examples of different applications of genome editing in plant research and breeding. Finally, we discuss the opportunities and challenges brought by genome editing to plant biotechnology.
    New Crop Breeding Technique from Source-path-sink Theory
    Han Xiao
    2015, 31(4):  34-39.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.019
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    Crop production is a process of photosynthates transportation from source to sink. The movement of photosynthates in plant vascular bundle could drive the movement of plant signaling molecules, such as hormone, transcription factor, peptides and RNAi. In reverse-breeding programs, two key steps including inhibition of chromosome recombination and selective elimination of chromosome could be manipulates by these signal. Recent advances in identifying these long-distance signals targeting flower tissues can be applied to reverse-breeding technique.
    Advances on Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms of Rice Heat Tolerance at the Reproductive Stage
    Pan Xiaowu, Li Xiaoxiang, Li Yongchao, Yao Yi, Liu Wenqiang, Sheng Xinnian
    2015, 31(4):  40-46.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.001
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    Heat stress has become one of the most devastating factors limiting the rice production, especially at the reproductive stage. Elucidating the molecular and genetic mechanism is therefore significant for improving the heat tolerance of rice varieties by genetic engineering or maker assisted selection. In this paper, we review the research advances on heat-tolerance QTL, transcript and protein response to heat stress, and genetic engineering for heat tolerance in rice.
    Advances in Melatonin and Its Roles in Abiotic Stress Resistance in Plants
    Jiang Chaoqiang, Zu Chaolong
    2015, 31(4):  47-55.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.013
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    Evidence has confirmed that the presence of melatonin in plants is universal. Melatonin has importance roles in many aspects of plant growth and development. The most frequently mentioned functions of melatonin are related to abiotic stresses such as drought, salt stress, extreme temperature, and oxidative stresses. Nowadays, with understanding deepening of melatonin, studies about the effect of melatonin on abiotic stresses resistance in plants have made plentiful and substantial achievements. This review mainly focuses on the biosynthesis pathway of melatonin, exogenously applied melatonin affects stress tolerance and melatonin levels in plants under stress conditions, and also proposes the potential subjects of melatonin in plant. The findings are as follows, although it has been suggested that plant melatonin is synthesized via similar biosynthetic pathways to those in animals, the exact biosynthetic pathway and the specific sites remain unclear. Evidence indicates that exogenously applied melatonin can also improve abiotic stress resistance in plants. Environmental stress can enhance the level of endogenous melatonin in plants, and overexpression of the melatonin biosynthetic genes can also increase melatonin levels.
    History, Current Status and the Prospects of Taxol Biosynthesis Research
    Qiu Deyou, Zhang Bin, Yang Yanfang, Shao Fenjuan, Teng Wenjing,
    2015, 31(4):  56-64.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.004
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    Taxol is a diterpene isolated from Taxus. It is one of the most widely used compounds in the treatment of lung, ovarian and breast cancer. In this paper, the history of taxol biosynthesis research, its current status and the present research progress are reviewed. The future directions as well as the prospects of taxol biosynthesis research are also discussed.
    Trends and Prospect of Basic Research on Root and Tuber Crops #br#in China
    Zhang Peng
    2015, 31(4):  65-71.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.002
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    China is the world's biggest producer of root and tuber crops. Potato, sweet potato and cassava play important roles in promoting agriculture industrialization and food security, but their basic research, as compared to ‘major crops’ such as rice and maize, is much retarded due to difficulty in molecular study and breeding. Therefore, germplasm enhancement and new cultivar breeding are essential to promote utilization of root and tuber crops, in which molecular breeding is the trends and driving force. This review aims at briefly highlighting the advances of research on root and tuber crops in China through deepening their germplasm exploration and functional genomics as well as the joint efforts towards the common and special scientific questions they faced, which provides the reference for improved breeding technology in these crops.
    The Progress of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Research in China
    Xu Kai, Chen Xia, Gao Shaorong
    2015, 31(4):  72-81.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.006
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    The research on somatic cell reprogramming can trace back to 1930s when Hans Spemann firstly proposed the concept of embryos induction. 30 years later, John Gurdon successfully obtained cloned Xenopus laevis through somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT). Finally in 1996, the first cloned sheep Dolly was created through SCNT. This achievement clearly demonstrated that the mammalian somatic cell fates can be reprogrammed to totipotent state by SCNT. However, SCNT technology faced with both ethics issues and therapeutic application challenges. It is until the year of 2006 when Yamanaka group built up the iPS(induced pluripotent stem cells, iPS cells)technology which can bypass the ethical problems. Subsequently, the iPS technology has become the most popular research topic in stem cell field. In this particular research field, the scientists in China has made great contributions especially in the optimization iPS technology, mechanism studies and the application of iPS technology in translational medical research. In this review, the major progresses made by our countries’ scientists in iPS field are summarized.
    Porcine Pluripotent Stem Cells:Facts, Challenges and Hopes
    Xue Binghua, Liu Zhonghua
    2015, 31(4):  82-91.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.009
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    Pluripotent stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, embryonic germ cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, have the ability to differentiate into a variety of specific cell lines. Swine is considered as a kind of ideal model for pre-clinical development of human xenotransplantation, therapeutic approaches and regenerative medicine due to its morphological and functional affinity with man. However, a number of open questions need to be addressed since we know little about the sorting, derivation, characterization and mechanisms of porcine pluripotent stem cells. In this review, we elaborated the latest progresses on the derivation of porcine pluripotent stem cells, the evaluation criteria of stemness, scientific and technique questions encountere, and we also provide our perspectives on the future study ofporcine pluripotentstem cells research, in the hope of sharing experimence of exploring this field with other researchers.
    Advances on Honeybee Proteome Study
    Feng Mao, Li Jianke
    2015, 31(4):  92-98.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.012
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    Proteomics is one of the most important biotechnologies in post-genomic era. The advances of proteomics are driven by the fast development of technologies related to chromatography with ultrahigh pressure and mass spectrometry with high resolution and high sensitivity. It now becomes a public research platform to delineate mechanism of the important biological characteristics of the honeybees, and to identify previously unknown protein components in bee-products. This new technology has made great contribution to scientific innovation for beekeeping industry of China. We review the latest advances in honeybee proteomics research around the global in order to promote development of honeybee biology and beekeeping industry of China.
    Progress in Methodology of Bacterial Noncoding RNA Research Based on High-throughput Sequencing
    Guo Mingzhang, Xu Wentao
    2015, 31(4):  99-104.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.015
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    Bacterial noncoding RNA refers to the nucleic acid molecules that do not encode proteins, but play roles in the regulation in the form of RNA in bacteria. Application of high-throughput sequencing technology has greatly advanced the discovery of non-coding RNA in a variety of bacterial species. However, due to the lack of enough knowledge on the characteristics of non-coding RNA in bacteria, the bioinformatics analysis of the sequencing data are still defective. This article describes two main techniquesthat applied high-throughput sequencing to be used in the researches on bacterial non-coding RNA:RNA-seq and dRNA-seq. The existing bioinformatics methods for screening of non-coding RNA are reviewed, and the recommendations for improving the bioinformatics strategy in this field are proposed.
    The Developments of Epigenetics and Epigenetics-based Modern Biomedicine and Pharmaceutics
    Jiang Nan, Pan Xuefeng
    2015, 31(4):  105-119.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.005
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    Epigenetics and epigenetic mechanism-based biomedical technologies have emerged as important research fields in post-genomic area. In-depth investigation on epigenetic alterations of DNA methylation, histone modifications, non-coding RNAs, etc. in tumorigenesis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases associated with the elderly population is not only beneficial to the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of the diseases, but also useful in exploring effective treatments based upon epigenetic mechanisms. This review first briefly introduces epigenetic modification mechanisms, then summarizes current research progress on abnormal epigenetic modifications in the disease conditions, and also discusses the relevant biomedical technology.
    Advances on Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures
    Yu Yang, Li Jiang, Zhang Zhao, Fan Chunhai
    2015, 31(4):  120-133.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.011
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    Studies on self-assembled DNA nanostructures have achieved great progress in recent decades. In this article, we introduced the general principles of DNA nanostructures and the history of their development. Their features and advantages are also summarized. Their applications in biosensing, nanoreactors, nanoscale spatial arrangement, nanorobots, and drug delivery have been reviewed. The future of DNA nanotechnology has also been prospected.
    Advances in Synthetic Biology
    Lü Yongkun, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian, Zhou Jingwen
    2015, 31(4):  134-148.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.017
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    Synthetic biology is an applied discipline that introduces engineering into biology. The aim of synthetic biology is to standardize and modularize biological parts. It can also be applied in the basic researches,such as the research of life origin. This review gives a detailed introduction to the synthetic biology,especially the new methods and applications.
    Diverse Synthetases and Fungi Degradation Enzymes for the Polysaccharides of Plant Cell Walls
    Gong Weili, Wang Lushan, Zhang Huaiqiang
    2015, 31(4):  149-165.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.014
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    Efficient degradation and conversion of the polysaccharides in the plant cell wall of straw is of great significance for green and sustainable development of agriculture economy in China. But the enzymatic hydrolysis process of the polysaccharides was restricted by the complex structures of plant cell wallsformed in the long-term evolution process. In this paper, the diversity of plant cell wall polysaccharides synthetases, the complexity of cell wall polysaccharides, and the heterogeneity of supramolecular structures are reviewed from the perspective of the reasons causing plant cell wall recalcitrance;in addition, the variety of plant cell wall degradation enzymes of fungi, and the discrepancy among different strains in degrading different biomass were also summarized, which provide theoretical support for reasonable recompounding of fungi degradation enzymes in industrial to improve the utilization efficiency of straw biomass.
    The Research Progress of Protein Acetylation
    Lü Binna, Liang Wenxing
    2015, 31(4):  166-174.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.003
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    Protein acetylation is a ubiquitous, reversible and highly regulated protein post-translational modification. It mainly occurs in ?-NH2 of protein lysine residues. Protein acetylation was firstly reported about 50 years ago, and now has been the international research hotspot in the field of protein. Acetylation is catalyzed by lysine acetyltransferases and lysine deacetylases, It was involved in almost every aspects of biological processes, including transcription, stress response, central metabolism and protein synthesis and degradation, etc. In recent years, the detection technology of acetylation, which includes mass spectrometry(MS)and protein chip and so on, has developed rapidly and provides a powerful tool for advanced study of acetylation. Protein acetylation is widely used and mainly plays an important role in metabolic diseases. In addition, histone deacetylase inhibitor(HDACIs)has become the potential agent to treat a variety of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. This review probes and summarizes the study process, function, detecting techniques and applications of the acetylation, and also discusses the future directions as well as the prospects of protein acetylation research.
    Advances in Production of N-acetyl-D-neuraminic Acid by #br#Whole-cell Biocatalysis 
    Zhang Congcong, Chen Caixia, Chen Xiao, Wen Ya, Yan Liming, Tao Yong
    2015, 31(4):  175-183.  doi:10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2015.03.020
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    N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid and its derivatives have versatile biological functions and considerable contribution in the therapeutics field. But the production and wide applications of Neu5Ac are limited by the low yield and high cost. With the development of Molecular Biology and the research of Glycomics, the production Neu5Ac by whole-cell biocatalysis, a novel type of biocatalysis, has attracted researchers’ attention. In this paper, we report that the advances in production of Neu5Ac by whole-cell biocatalysis, and also propose some guidelines for future studies.